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Author: lealaurielle

Is black, a color?

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Post time 1-2-2009 07:28 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-2-2009 05:40 PM

just to add on something

sekarang ni i tatau sama ada depa dag setuju ker yg universe ni tengah expanding ? itu satu lagi benda yang dikaji jugak

Konsep expanding universe memang semua astronomers setuju , dan ia bertepatan dengan ayat Al Quran .

( Surah 51 verse 47)
"And it is We who have built the universe with ( Our creative ) power ; and, verily, it is We who are steadily expanding it ."

yang depa mushkilkan adalah adakah selamanya universe ni akan expand sehingga semuanya jadi terasing atau sampai at one point ia akan collapse balik .
Nak faham cuba tengok imej letupan bawah ni dan lihat arah pergerakan particles tu kan .

(Surah 21 verse 30)
" Are they then who are bent on denying the truth not aware that the heavens and the earth were (once) a single entity , which We then parted asunder ? "

Ketika letupan Big Bang dan beberapa period sesudah letupan berlaku , universe kita ni segalanya is in vapor or smoke la kan , then slowly over a long period of time semua galaxies dan stars terbentuk atau evolve .

(Surah 41 verse 11)
And He [it is who] applied His design to the skies, which were [yet but] smoke; [I.e., a gas - evidently hydrogen gas, which physicists regard as the primal element from which all material particles of the universe have evolved and still evolve. ]  and He [it is who] said to them and to the earth, “Come [into being], both of you, willingly or unwillingly!” - to which both responded, “We do come in obedience.”

Kalau kita merujuk kepada Big Bang , letupan berlaku maka memang lah segala particles akan meluncur keluar (expanding) selepas letupan , tapi akan tiba at one point di mana semua particles tu akan collapse on itself balik jugak akhirnya , mana ada selamanya particles sentiasa meluncur (expanding) keluar aja kan , jadi to me tak sukar nak faham bahwa universe ni tak akan expand selamanya nonstop, sebaliknya one day ia akan collapse balik jugak akhirnya ( kiamat) .

Ni Allah sebut akhirnya macam mana universe ni akan jadi in the end .

( Surah 35 verse 41 )
" Verily it is God (alone) who upholds the celestial bodies and the earth , lest they deviate ( from their orbits) - for if they ever should deviate , there is non that could uphold them after he willed have ceased to do so "  

( Surah 21 verse 104)
" On that Day We shall roll up the skies as written scrolls are rolled up ."

Maknanya apa saja daya yang memegang seluruh universe kita sekarang agar berjalan dengan baik dan teratur ( termasuk daya graviti , dark matter , dark energy etc ) akan akhirnya at one point hilang kuasanya dan seluruh universe yang sekarang sedang expanding ni akan mula bergulung jatuh balik on itself .

[ Last edited by  blastoff at 1-2-2009 07:48 PM ]

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Post time 1-2-2009 08:28 PM | Show all posts

Reply #161 blastoff's post true indeed....but then not too long ago kat board  Muslim dan Islam ( Muslimin & Muslimat) apa yg terjadi ialah masa tu dibahaskan topik ttg science and Al Quran kalau tak silap , and some opinion said kena be cautioned sebab kalau tak nenanti fakta sains salah  takkan nak kata Nauzubillah lah kan , Quran tu ...{ i dare not not wish to finish off the sentence] , tapi my hujah is that Allah  yg firman kan , Al Quran itu kalam -Nya so mmg DIa tu bijaksana sebab tu lah ada ayat ayat yg general maksudnya but somehow mukjizat makhnawi tu  tak kira zaman atau masa mmg akan tepat 100% ni ABSOLUTE TRUTH lah kan....

so yes...

tapi bila surah Hud ayat 7 tu mmg menarik sebab terbaca dalam buku yg bertajuk tu pun HIS THRONE WAS ON WATER....tapi ni dah dibincangkan dah dalam thread Muslimin & Muslimat ( kini Agama Islam & Muslim )
so in a way,  tu lah tu... tu tak masuk lagi lohong hitam ni Ussop ( another forumner ) boleh citer interesting....

by the way is your work related to astronomy? ( if i may ask?)

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Post time 1-2-2009 08:30 PM | Show all posts
so is black a colour ? or rather an entity? hmm? interesting kan? the simplest of question that is so inviting, welcoming sorts of answers ....sebab tu lah pada i there 's no silly question...[ are we hijacking the thread?] hehehh anyway ....yes anything else?

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Post time 1-2-2009 08:46 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-2-2009 01:47 PM
well, it is possible to achieve the things that  you want if you put your mind to it . Meaning the kind of mind required is that of highly focused one, attentive and thorough plus strong determination and that's the motivation part .However, another  thing to remember is, sometimes when we are stretched to the limit and this is at the extreme end of the human capacity , you must know the energy required  or  utilised are so  great and sometimes might get our system overworked so

i am unsure whether physiologically  this is bad or good...anything Quran says about this?
u happened to know...?

interesting postings...

itu la kan , sampai tahap mana kita boleh stretch jasad kita ( jasmani dan rohani ) .... what's the limit and how far the extent of human body's ability ? Ada pernah memana scientist terfikir nak kaji ke hapa bab ni kan    , atau adakah jasad kita ni macam universe gak yang apabila di expand dan sampai satu tahap ia akan collapse on itself balik , tak ke parah   jadi macam mana kita nak tau sampai takat mana point yang selamat untuk kita expand kebolehan jasad kita kan

kalau menurut Al Quran , orang yang beriman dan bertaqwa disebabkan perbuatan mereka tu yang sentiasa mentaati Allah , Allah akan beri berbagai pertolongan ketika berhadapan dengan berbagai keadaan dan situasi yang menyebabkan rohani mereka boleh survive dengan baik dalam keadaan apa pun , bila rohani boleh maka jasmani pun akan menurut gak la kan ..... itu menggambarkan tahap survival yang tinggi yang boleh di tanggung oleh orang beriman dan bertaqwa but to what extent ? To the extend of keimanan dan ketaqwaan depa memasing lah , maknanya manusia ni ada degree kemampuan rohani mereka , yang di link kan kepada degree keimanan dan ketaqwaan mereka ( perbuatan dan keikhlasan mereka)  .

[Surah 6 verse 132]
And all have degrees according to what they do; and your Lord is not heedless of what they do.

Tapi dari segi kemampuan jasad jasmaniah maka memang macam you kata la kan , tak kira beriman atau tak , bergantung pada strong determination , cara respon dia pada keadaan persekitaran etc still itu pun ada degree nya jugak kan pada setiap orang , ada yang tak dan apa-apa dah bunuh diri pe , tapi ada yang cekal tak terkira sampai boleh control otak macam tok-tok sami tu atau para pengamal seni pertahan diri macam kung fu . Minda mereka kuat tapi adakah rohani mereka juga kuat ? Tak lah kan .

[ Last edited by  blastoff at 1-2-2009 08:54 PM ]

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Post time 1-2-2009 09:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-2-2009 08:28 PM true indeed....but then not too long ago kat board  Muslim dan Islam ( Muslimin & Muslimat) apa yg terjadi ialah masa tu dibahaskan topik ttg science and Al Quran kalau tak silap , and some opinion said kena be cautioned sebab kalau tak nenanti fakta sains salah  takkan nak kata Nauzubillah lah kan , Quran tu ...{ i dare not not wish to finish off the sentence] , tapi my hujah is that Allah  yg firman kan , Al Quran itu kalam -Nya so mmg DIa tu bijaksana sebab tu lah ada ayat ayat yg general maksudnya but somehow mukjizat makhnawi tu  tak kira zaman atau masa mmg akan tepat 100% ni ABSOLUTE TRUTH lah kan....

Well , sebab tu I sering tegaskan yang fakta sains bertepatan dengan ayat Quran dan bukan ayat Quran bertepatan dengan fakta sains, besar bezanya tu , yang former tu bermakna fakta sains yang di rujuk pada Quran dan bukan sebaliknya, so kalau fakta sains berubah maka fakta sains tu yang tak tepat, Quran tetap menceritakan yang sebenarnya berlaku sebab ia adalah event yang di ceritakan oleh Pencipta event tu sendiri , sedangkan fakta sains banyaknya cuma teori manusia aje kan merupakan andaian yang boleh berubah anytime pun .

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Post time 1-2-2009 09:09 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-2-2009 08:28 PM
tapi bila surah Hud ayat 7 tu mmg menarik sebab terbaca dalam buku yg bertajuk tu pun HIS THRONE WAS ON WATER....tapi ni dah dibincangkan dah dalam thread Muslimin & Muslimat ( kini Agama Islam & Muslim )
so in a way,  tu lah tu... tu tak masuk lagi lohong hitam ni Ussop ( another forumner ) boleh citer interesting....

by the way is your work related to astronomy? ( if i may ask?)

I kerja beli dan jual property sebab cepat masuk duit cara tu ( tak la kaya raya pun kecik-kecik aje business , cukup makan dan segala keperluan la aje )  dan tak terikat dengan jadual kerja yang ketat serta banyak masa free yang boleh I guna untuk explore banyak perkara lain yang bermanfaat     tapi i interested nak tau semua benda tak kira lah scientific or not sebab I suka melihat tanda-tanda kekuasaan Allah aje  , bukan work ke hapa   , lohong hitam pun i interested gak

[ Last edited by  blastoff at 1-2-2009 09:26 PM ]

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Post time 1-2-2009 09:37 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-2-2009 05:40 PM

how about this

Surah Hud ayat  7 ....?

".... His throne was on water ..."  hmmm sounded interesting kan?

ayat tu refer pada permulaan evolution semua life yang datangnya dari air , secara tak langsung ia menggambarkan kekuasaan Allah la kan yang menjadikan apa yang kita lihat sekarang , dari yang paling kecik macam kuman sampai ke yang paling besar macam species dinasour . Jelas kecanggihan segala hidupan ciptaan Allah dalam kerajaan Nya di dunia ini terletak pada sesimple benda sebagai permulaannya yakni air !

[ Last edited by  blastoff at 2-2-2009 04:27 PM ]

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Post time 1-2-2009 10:05 PM | Show all posts

hmm...u know what

Originally posted by blastoff at 1-2-2009 09:37 PM

ayat tu refer pada permulaan evolution semua life yang datangnya dari air , secara tak langsung ia menggambarkan kekuasaan Allah la kan yang menjadikan apa yang kita lihat sekarang , segala r ...

oh i see...that's the tafsir is it?
coz  bukan if  you'd go by the author,  he clearly stated that it has may be something to do with quantum anyway so that's why i am rather fascinated about the topic.

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Post time 2-2-2009 12:21 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-2-2009 01:08 PM

eh? where  you are from , then? ( if i may ask?)

huarghhh baru sampai rumah dari kl... i duduk jb, bandaraya tak bersejarah...

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Post time 2-2-2009 12:22 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-2-2009 10:05 PM

oh i see...that's the tafsir is it?
coz  bukan if  you'd go by the author,  he clearly stated that it has may be something to do with quantum anyway so that's why i am rather fascinated abou ...

quantum? wah interesting ni...macamana dari throne on the water boleh sampai ke quantum pulak?

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Post time 2-2-2009 12:26 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blastoff at 1-2-2009 02:33 PM

article kat bawah ni senang sikit nak faham mengenai definition mass nih , mass dalam konteks apa yang berlaku pada berbagai galaxies in space adalah lebih mudah untuk di fahami , pada I l ...
Matter has mass, but mass is difficult todefine. One circular definition is that mass is how much matter thereis in an object. Since mass is a very fundamental property, likedistance and time, it can only be defined indirectly....

there you go, tu mat salleh dah cakap mass tu circular definition... sure betul tu

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Post time 2-2-2009 12:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by blastoff at 1-2-2009 09:03 PM
Well , sebab tu I sering tegaskan yang fakta sains bertepatan denganayat Quran dan bukan ayat Quran bertepatan dengan fakta sains, besarbezanya tu , yang former tu bermakna fakta sains yang di rujuk padaQuran dan bukan sebaliknya, so kalau fakta sains berubah maka faktasains tu yang tak tepat, Quran tetap menceritakan yang sebenarnyaberlaku sebab ia adalah event yang di ceritakan oleh Pencipta event tusendiri , sedangkan fakta sains banyaknya cuma teori manusia aje kanmerupakan andaian yang boleh berubah anytime pun .

yes bro...exactly right! tu pasal jugak kekadang i malas layan 'fakta'2 kesihatan pasal sunnah nabi... as if bila ada fakta2 tu maka ia legitimize sunnah tu. sedangkan sunnah tu berdiri dgn sendiri, tak perlu 'sains' to lend any credentials pun.

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Post time 2-2-2009 12:34 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-2-2009 02:08 PM

The mass of an amount of matter in a chemical substance is determinedin part by the number and type of atoms or molecules it contains, andin part by the energy involved in binding ittogether.  >>>> ni yg definition yg common  tapi ada gakelemen circular definition tu like " atoms and molecules it contains  the number thus we are talking about quantifying the mass"tapi then it links with energy = ya lah by Einstein punya equation kot, ? yg  E = mc2 ( Emek kekekekek) in a way dia boleh branching outjugak ler kirenya bila ASSOCIATION dibuat .....this is new, askalau  link dibuat maka you still need another entity to describeit  tapi quantity ni ialah ( kalau if you go by physics) kuantititerbitan , derivatives so fundamental quantities kita takboleh definisikan dgn words, tapi jika mass dikaitkan dgn kuantititerbitan boleh pulak , tapi  adakah ia menerangkan mass itu?

yesssss.... now you have understood! new disciple... muahahahaha... welcome to the dark side... i AM your father...

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Post time 2-2-2009 12:44 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-2-2009 01:33 PM

we both agree that that strange little boy is cute indeed,

ye la cute...anak angkat bosnia taknak ambik budak palestin gaza yg yatim piatu jadi anak angkat ke?
we  concur that relative comparison isthe key but eer you said thatis not really  valid kot , sebab diabukan absolute value but then again...Encik Heisenberg akan cakap ,nak buek cam ner ...?

pasal Herr Heisenberg ni nanti i komen ingat2kanla...
but again
did you notice tak ? sebab i barunotice yg  kalau macam jisim , amass of an object - we could easilyobtained the value by directmeasurement using the scale weighing scaleetc etc or three balance beamtu  tapi in some cases we just need todepend on relative comparison

cumayour using the term circular logic and circular definition are rathercognitively really appealing at least to my retina and occipital lobes,in a way ...
boleh elaborate further tak on which circumstances these logicswhatever it is ni could be applied , this is a new thing for me, please..puhlleasse....

ekchelly, circular logic ni comes under logical fallacy; kesilapan berfikir. tapi in this case, for fundamental properties, that's the best we can do.

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Post time 2-2-2009 12:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by mbhcsf at 1-2-2009 01:52 PM
kalau itu circular logic sebab it works in a loop kan so how's fuzzy logic works then ?

fuzzy logic ni untuk benda2 yg neither here nor there. banyak org confusekan fuzzy logic dgn probability, tapi dia tak sama. contohnya kalau saya baling kucing saya masuk dlm bilik, ada 50% chance dia landing dalam bilik atau 50% chance dia tak masuk pintu (kena kat dinding je). kira 50-50 chance la sama ada dia kat dalam atau luar bilik. Yang ni nama dia probability.

kalau dia landing betul2 kat pintu? dua kaki depan dia dalam bilik, tapi dua kaki blkg dia luar pintu...nak cakap camane tu? kucing tu kat dalam ke luar? ni nama dia fuzzy logic...

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Post time 2-2-2009 01:31 AM | Show all posts

Okay Encik Darth Vader

Originally posted by saden at 2-2-2009 12:34 AM

yesssss.... now you have understood! new disciple... muahahahaha... welcome to the dark side... i AM your father...

you know by the mentioning of the word dark and darth vader , somehow it does not sound so inviting...try asking Obi Wan...
wakakakaka...would i need to be carrying that green - coloured  laser sword or ....dragging the amygdala { wah...agressive ni }

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Post time 2-2-2009 01:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #169 saden's post

u must be tired i guess but thanks for allocating some time for this

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Post time 2-2-2009 01:52 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by saden at 2-2-2009 12:52 AM

fuzzy logic ni untuk benda2 yg neither here nor there. banyak org confusekan fuzzy logic dgn probability, tapi dia tak sama. contohnya kalau saya baling kucing saya masuk dlm bilik, ada 50% cha ...

is there any association between AI and this fuzzy thingy? what 's the difference?

and you know the RSPCA would not keen on you having this atrocious idea of baling the cute helpless little felines away..ambil lah katak ker millipede ker  nOT FELINES:@ ni sama gang dgn Mr Erwin Shroedinger all have eveil intention to cats ...u with the baling and he with poisoning those poor cute little felines...darth vader gang ...

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Post time 2-2-2009 07:23 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by saden at 2-2-2009 12:34 AM

yesssss.... now you have understood! new disciple... muahahahaha... welcome to the dark side... i AM your father...

eee perasan nya tok guru nih , tapi tok guru punya penerangan simple sangat mass nya   , sedangkan pengikut tok guru terlampau terlebih mass pulak cara berfikir nya , lain kali tok guru kena provide lebih banyak mass lagi ye penerangan tok guru tu agar compatible dengan cara berfikir pengikut tok guru   

[ Last edited by  blastoff at 2-2-2009 08:02 AM ]

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Post time 2-2-2009 07:38 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by saden at 2-2-2009 12:26 AM

there you go, tu mat salleh dah cakap mass tu circular definition... sure betul tu

kekadang mat salleh punya approach dalam memperjelaskan benda complex lebih baik dan lebih mudah untuk kita fahami , tapi tak semestinya teori mereka definitive dan di terima betul sepanjang masa , di masa akan datang who knows manusia mungkin akan boleh mengukur mass secara direct dan tak perlu kait mengait lagi dah  , sapa yang boleh kata ia tak akan sesekali berlaku kan di masa depan kerana kemampuan otak manusia sentiasa berkembang  . Kita tak boleh main copy aje segala teori mereka tanpa kita sendiri cuba untuk challenge teori mereka tu , but sadly that's what happen to most of our para pelajar kita di Univ. kan , main copy bulat-bulat tanpa mau berfikir outside the box langsung .

[ Last edited by  blastoff at 2-2-2009 07:47 AM ]

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