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1. Forumer hanya dibenarkan membuka thread yang berkaitan dengan cinta dan emosi sahaja.

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Hide sticky threads DOCTOR LOVE ONLINE attachment  ...23
himun_hino    |   26-4-2019 09:01 AM    |   View:18262   |   Reply:51    |   Likes: 3
adila39 20-1-2025 03:06 PM This Forum
Hide sticky threads Tolong bagitaw aku apa maksud LE ??  ...23
ruffleen    |   4-2-2019 12:14 AM    |   View:20948   |   Reply:46    |   Likes: 0
iznanaziz 30-10-2023 03:03 PM This Forum
Hide sticky threads BILIK MEETING MOD - [Read permissions 255]attach_img  ...23456..9
admin6    |   6-9-2012 09:27 PM    |   View:430   |   Reply:184    |   Likes: 0
AceHand 3-8-2023 12:45 AM This Forum
tokmanting    |   5-1-2012 06:27 AM    |   View:34031   |   Reply:49    |   Likes: 0
sunburn 3-7-2023 02:20 PM This Forum
  Forum Thread   
[Cinta] Apa Perasaan Hari Ini Vol. 5 - [Read permissions 4]attachment agree  ...23456..33
misssakura    |   13-9-2020 05:23 PM    |   View:5029   |   Reply:657    |   Likes: 0
pelicano 13-2-2025 08:32 AM
[Persahabatan] Punca dan krisis dlm persahabatan
vanilacup    |   31-12-2024 06:02 PM    |   View:30859   |   Reply:8    |   Likes: 0
freesia71 10-2-2025 01:38 PM
[Persahabatan] DAILY WISDOM TO YOU - YOU CAN attach_img digest agree  ...23456..32
adila39    |   7-3-2019 11:19 PM    |   View:221205   |   Reply:634    |   Likes: 12
NorAddin 6-2-2025 10:54 AM
KORANG, MOOD DAN LAGU attachment agree  ...23456..36
larra89    |   12-4-2019 03:20 PM    |   View:132746   |   Reply:713    |   Likes: 7
NorAddin 6-2-2025 05:57 AM


Ada ke suami orang bercinta dgn isteri orang lepas tu berkahwin? Newbie Thread attach_img agree  ...23456
cluelessmommy86    |   16-7-2020 05:50 PM    |   View:36588   |   Reply:108    |   Likes: 4
adila39 20-1-2025 03:12 PM
[Cinta] MENCARI JODOH - Saya warga Bangladesh Newbie Thread attach_img
A-G    |   20-12-2024 12:23 PM    |   View:40477   |   Reply:10    |   Likes: 0
ifanonline 9-1-2025 04:29 PM
[Cinta] Melawan Perasaan yang Rumit Ini. Tolong aku .. Newbie Thread agree  ...23
HanyaUngu    |   10-10-2023 12:41 AM    |   View:8264   |   Reply:44    |   Likes: 0
HanyaUngu 31-12-2024 02:56 AM
girlfriday13    |   16-11-2023 02:45 PM    |   View:5418   |   Reply:7    |   Likes: 0
babysolaris 23-12-2024 03:16 PM
[Persahabatan] Normal ke bila da tua da hilang kawan agree  ...23
Matyam    |   20-10-2024 01:56 AM    |   View:62157   |   Reply:43    |   Likes: 0
chandrahusin 20-12-2024 06:05 PM
[Cinta] Thinking Minds attach_img agree  ...2
adila39    |   8-9-2024 10:45 PM    |   View:42070   |   Reply:30    |   Likes: 0
Yoonggi 19-12-2024 10:09 AM
Kelab Single and Friends CARI  ...23456..10
miss_bear    |   19-12-2014 06:52 PM    |   View:42384   |   Reply:187    |   Likes: 0
Intel_Flower 16-12-2024 11:30 PM
Kata Kata Mutiara Cinta Pacaran Jarak Jauh
tykarib    |   19-2-2016 05:13 PM    |   View:1723   |   Reply:2    |   Likes: 0
martadok 12-12-2024 06:09 AM
[Cinta] Lelaki memang suka ghosting ye? agree  ...2
chip92    |   14-6-2024 04:38 PM    |   View:5290   |   Reply:29    |   Likes: 0
chip92 10-12-2024 09:01 AM
[Cinta] hubungan tanpa cinta, yang ada hny kasih dan kasihan
subaez    |   21-11-2024 08:26 AM    |   View:13106   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 0
hayati_soraya 8-12-2024 09:29 PM
[Cinta] Coffee Date Newbie Thread agree  ...2
Butterfly38    |   16-2-2024 09:22 AM    |   View:15004   |   Reply:38    |   Likes: 0
ifanonline 5-12-2024 09:12 AM
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[Cinta] Storybook Games For Lonely Hearts ~ It Works! attachment agree
tumpanglalu74    |   11-2-2022 12:13 AM    |   View:2813   |   Reply:5    |   Likes: 0
^CUN_GILA~. 29-11-2024 08:53 PM
[Cinta] Apa Patut Aku Buat? Newbie Thread agree  ...23
omega_seamaster    |   23-4-2024 10:36 AM    |   View:9339   |   Reply:58    |   Likes: 0
Naatasha 27-11-2024 10:55 PM
Dating Agency
kianatpk    |   23-1-2008 05:09 PM    |   View:4401   |   Reply:16    |   Likes: 0
Petrik 23-11-2024 03:34 AM
[Cinta] Boyfriend mendiamkan diri setelah sekian lama... attach_img agree  ...23
zaza_babypink    |   13-5-2024 10:48 AM    |   View:7012   |   Reply:56    |   Likes: 0
lilacomot 13-11-2024 03:14 PM
[Cinta] Suami suka marah2 & kids too. agree  ...23
mamajawie    |   14-7-2023 02:57 PM    |   View:6687   |   Reply:57    |   Likes: 0
hayati_soraya 9-11-2024 03:52 PM
[Cinta] Move on
ciksaenara    |   5-5-2024 05:10 PM    |   View:3260   |   Reply:14    |   Likes: 0
fifie_olin 24-10-2024 02:23 PM
[Cinta] the new version of love talk agree  ...2
lkick2113    |   8-8-2023 10:47 PM    |   View:12280   |   Reply:26    |   Likes: 0
NorAddin 17-10-2024 03:06 AM
Dear Women, what makes you happy? agree  ...234
ifanonline    |   26-2-2021 10:13 PM    |   View:14065   |   Reply:74    |   Likes: 0
Naatasha 13-10-2024 07:10 PM
[Cinta] Ladies, are you willing to wait for your partner? agree
J4I    |   21-3-2024 03:15 AM    |   View:16528   |   Reply:12    |   Likes: 0
J4I 12-10-2024 07:16 PM Polls


[Persahabatan] mana Fantasy Creation? attach_img
printercomel    |   6-3-2024 05:50 AM    |   View:20764   |   Reply:16    |   Likes: 0
melinda_kerr 10-10-2024 04:26 PM
[Cinta] Kena sidai ke ni? Newbie Thread agree  ...2
Butterfly41    |   28-8-2024 03:29 AM    |   View:30013   |   Reply:24    |   Likes: 0
sofi_sofia 17-9-2024 09:39 PM
Dah 37 jodoh belum kunjung tiba lagi nampaknya... Newbie Thread attachment  ...23456..20
nonamanis83    |   6-7-2020 05:13 PM    |   View:75586   |   Reply:384    |   Likes: 4
girlfriday13 17-9-2024 11:17 AM
[Cinta] CARI JODOH attach_img agree  ...23456..34
minguk    |   4-7-2017 01:41 PM    |   View:124019   |   Reply:663    |   Likes: 9
minguk 13-9-2024 08:10 PM
[Cinta] Lelaki anggap kawan, cepat reply chat
Intel_Flower    |   30-8-2024 02:15 PM    |   View:47505   |   Reply:15    |   Likes: 0
Intel_Flower 8-9-2024 01:19 PM
[Cinta] Kenapa ada lelaki mahukan calon isteri yang berpendapatan?
Butterfly41    |   28-8-2024 12:10 PM    |   View:22997   |   Reply:10    |   Likes: 0
Butterfly41 7-9-2024 10:54 PM
Crush, dengan siapa korang citer? agree  ...2345
J4I    |   6-8-2020 11:51 PM    |   View:36713   |   Reply:89    |   Likes: 1
yangsemb 29-7-2024 01:03 PM Polls
Antara friendship dan partnership????
danielamri    |   17-2-2011 11:26 PM    |   View:4895   |   Reply:8    |   Likes: 0
jackie7 15-7-2024 10:41 PM
24/09/2010_22:30 ..::aku putus cinta::.. attach_img heatlevel  ...23456..43
hantu_chot    |   1-10-2010 02:53 PM    |   View:184680   |   Reply:846    |   Likes: 1
cantik88 30-6-2024 01:53 AM
Kenapa lelaki tidak beterus terang dan menghilangkan diri setelah memberi harapa agree  ...23
chenta_dewi    |   7-10-2020 11:30 PM    |   View:16135   |   Reply:56    |   Likes: 0
Farnor 29-6-2024 01:30 AM Polls
[Cinta] Kisah Silam Seseorang, how does this effect your relations?
ifanonline    |   17-5-2024 09:15 AM    |   View:13938   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
AkuXpernahJauh 18-6-2024 10:06 PM
[Cinta] Jodoh Mek Klate di Turkiye
Raline    |   14-10-2023 07:40 AM    |   View:8065   |   Reply:3    |   Likes: 0
lilacomot 15-5-2024 10:59 AM
Boyfriend mat salleh celup agree  ...2
feroh    |   1-10-2019 10:01 AM    |   View:8950   |   Reply:32    |   Likes: 2
bellaa 13-5-2024 08:28 PM
Perlu ke aku mulakan langkah?Dia dah putus tunang Newbie Thread  ...23456..14
ChrillCrypton    |   28-1-2016 11:21 PM    |   View:35367   |   Reply:271    |   Likes: 0
GreySuede 2-5-2024 12:13 PM
Ahr89    |   8-8-2021 04:33 PM    |   View:12793   |   Reply:39    |   Likes: 0
GreySuede 2-5-2024 11:34 AM
[Cinta] Tersalah tepuk Newbie Thread
Cikmontel    |   25-3-2024 04:36 AM    |   View:12339   |   Reply:9    |   Likes: 0
GreySuede 2-5-2024 11:32 AM
[Cinta] Tolong bantu, page 2. I need support  ...2345
hart_attack    |   5-5-2023 10:05 PM    |   View:10810   |   Reply:83    |   Likes: 2
GreySuede 2-5-2024 08:20 AM
missalfri    |   14-7-2014 01:17 AM    |   View:22371   |   Reply:121    |   Likes: 0
MinahMalang 12-4-2024 10:42 PM
[Cinta] Scandal
Andyscenes    |   13-2-2024 11:52 PM    |   View:25076   |   Reply:6    |   Likes: 1
Andyscenes 9-4-2024 02:10 AM
Belum Rasa Nak Kahwin? Ini Antara Penyebab Sukar Bertemu Jodoh  ...2
CARI-HBZ    |   27-6-2016 11:21 AM    |   View:8347   |   Reply:34    |   Likes: 0
MinahMalang 7-4-2024 11:02 AM
[Cinta] org yang salah
Mrperfect2    |   28-3-2024 11:01 PM    |   View:14368   |   Reply:0    |   Likes: 0
Mrperfect2 28-3-2024 11:01 PM
[Cinta] Teringat kepada cinta masa lalu
Rorra    |   26-11-2023 12:24 AM    |   View:11303   |   Reply:12    |   Likes: 3
kepompong 26-3-2024 12:10 AM
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