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[2016] Bangkit! 1st Indonesian CGI-generated disaster film (VINO G BASTIAN)

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Post time 24-2-2017 06:33 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by merrissa at 24-2-2017 07:07 AM

bagi peminat vino & acha

more info mengenai movie ini di post #2, 3, 4 dan 5 yaaaa! Sila scroll down!

Judul Film : Bangkit !
Produksi : Suryanation, Kaniga Pictures dan Oreima films
Produser : Reza Hidayat
Sutradara : Rako Prijanto
Seniman CGI : Raiyan Laksamana
Pemain Film : Vino G Bastian

p/s: dah leh dolod versi bluray.....


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 Author| Post time 24-2-2017 06:38 AM | Show all posts
Edited by merrissa at 24-2-2017 06:41 AM

Review from The Jakarta Post

Bangkit! (Rise!) from director Raka Prijanto offers a number of interesting stories and angles that
urban Jakartans can relate to in their daily lives.

Each of the main characters in the movie represents certain kinds of anxieties and issues within
the social lives of the people who make Jakarta their home.

First, there is Addri (Vino G. Bastian) , a search and rescue (SAR) unit officer who is estranged
from his wife Indri (Putri Ayudya) and kids — daughter Eka (Yasamin Jasem) and son Dwi (Adriyan
Bima) — because he is too busy saving people’s lives.

Addri’s job takes so much of his time that he is forced to miss Eka’s piano recital because his unit
needs him to save people from a flooded basement. This leads Eka to believe that his father cares
more about other people than his own family.

Then there are a couple of lovers — Arifin (Deva Mahendra), who is a meteorologist, and Denanda
(Acha Septriasa), who is a medical doctor. Due to the massive flood that has been hitting
Jakarta, their wedding ceremony is canceled after the groom is trapped in the flooded basement.

What is interesting about the characters of Arifin and Denanda is the fact that they are depicted
as Christians. This shows Raka’s great sense in bringing up the reality of Jakarta’s pluralist society
onto the big screen.

There is also the representation of unprofessional hard-headed bureaucracy in the character of
Hadi (Ferry Salim), the head of the Jakarta meteorology agency who continuously ignores Arifin’s
warning about an upcoming storm. In another scene, Addri is asked about “official assignment letters" from officials when he is racing against time to save the city from being flooded even more.

These people and situations sound very familiar. Those who work and live in Jakarta often find
themselves pinned between their jobs and families. They need to do their jobs to put food on the table, but on the other hand, doing so means that they spend just a little time with their loved ones as they also have to battle everlasting traffic jams, floods and long working hours.

We can also see ourselves in Arifin and Denanda who are forced to lose a precious moment in life
during Jakarta’s seasonal floods. We sometimes find ourselves helpless against the red tape  bureaucracy.

Raka uses a massive flood disaster as a canvas to deliver these simple yet relatable stories and
add more layers of social context as the film progresses.

There is some sort of class warfare in the way Raka depicts how “the haves” and “the privileged”,
such as high-ranking government officials and their cronies, remain safe within their ivory towers
when Jakarta is drowned.

While the stories seem promising and have a lot of potential, it is the execution that makes
Bangkit! a disappointment. The film marketing team boasts Bangkit! as the first Indonesian CGI-generated disaster film and in doing so, it already begins its downfall. It tries too hard to mimic or recreate Brad Peyton’s San Andreas (2015) that most of the time it becomes downright superficial, which is ironic considering the fact that most of its stories come from the spirit of being relatable to the regular life of Jakartans.  (Agreed!)

Technology is not the only thing that Bangkit! tries to mimic from Hollywood. In terms of the scripting, the film also regularly takes clichéd lines from Hollywood disaster films such as “women and children first!” The way the characters express themselves shoves us further away from knowing them because they speak as if uttering American dialogue translated into Indonesian.

All of these obsessions raise the question: why try so hard to become so superficial like Hollywood
movies when you already have great, simple and realistic stories to tell?

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 Author| Post time 24-2-2017 06:42 AM | Show all posts
Edited by merrissa at 24-2-2017 07:03 AM

Ulasan versi indonesia.

TEMPO.CO, Surabaya - Badai musim dingin di Asia dan badai musim panas di Australia berdampak bencana dasyat di Indonesia. Pertemuan dua angin kencang itu, membuat curah hujan meningkat.

Pintu air Manggarai dan Katulampa mengalami kebocoran sampai Jakarta dilanda banjir besar. Air tumpah ruah memenuhi ibu kota. Bangunan-bangunan  roboh karena gempa yang datang setelah banjir. Vino G Bastian sebagai pelakon utama berusaha menyelamatkan penghuni kota dari  bencana besar tersebut.

Itulah secuplik adegan yang tergambar dalam trailer film Bangkit! yang diputar pertama kalinya di Surabaya. “Ini film disaster pertama yang akan diluncurkan di Indonesia,” kata Produser Reza Hidayat saat menggelar jumpa pers di Hotel Majapahit, Surabaya, Jawa Timur, pada Jumat, 27 Mei 2016.

Berbarengan dengan perayaan Kebangkitan Nasional pada 20 Mei, Suryanation bersama Kaniga Pictures dan Oreima films secara resmi meluncurkan trailer film terbaru mereka. Kota Surabaya sebagai Kota Pahlawan dipilih menjadi Kota pertama untuk memutar trailer film yang rencananya ditayangkan di bioskop pada 28 Juli 2016.

Film yang juga dibintangi Acha Septriasa, Putri Ayudya, dan Deva Mahendra ini menceritakan tentang kondisi  Jakarta yang terpuruk karena bencana banjir. Reza ingin menggambarkan kehidupan yang harus diperjuangkan sampai ada satu titik dimana manusia melewati masa terpuruk. Bahkan kata Reza, tidak hanya masa terpuruk tetapi ketika segala sesuatunya sudah hancur. “Meskipun dalam keadaan demikian, bagaimana harus tetap Bangkit,” ujar Reza.

Sutradara film ini, Rako Prijanto memilih bencana banjir karena dianggap dekat dengan masyarakat.  Semasa sekolah di SMA 8 Jakarta, rupanya dia mengalami sendiri bagaimana rasanya sering kebanjiran. Dari situlah imajinasinya meluap tentang banjir.

Selain banjir, di film ini Jakarta juga diguncang gempa. Penduduk Ibu Kota terjebak karena semua akses tertutup. Vino yang berperan sebagai seorang kepala keluarga sekaligus anggota Tim SAR, tak hanya berjuang  menyelamatkan keluarga, tapi juga warga Jakarta. Seperti pahlawan, aksi heroik Vino itu akan mengadu adrenalin saat dia melompat dari satu mobil ke mobil lainnya di tengah kemacetan Jakarta.

Pongky Puranto dari Suryanation berambisi untuk memunculkan dukungan visual effect dan spesial dibantu dengan teknologi Computer-generated imagery (CGI for short) effect untuk menghadirkan suasana kota yang terkena bencana.  Dengan teknologi CGI, ia meruntuhkan gedung-gedung dan meledakkan pesawat terbang di kertinggian.

Tidak tanggung-tanggung film yang digarap oleh rumah produksi Suryanation ini ada 1.330 shoot yang terus diulang demi mendapat efek bencana yang baik. Pongky berharap film Indonesia tidak kalah dengan film luar negeri.

Menurut Pongky sudah waktunya industri perfilman Indonesia membuka gebrakan baru. Dia merefleksikan bangkitnya anak muda Indonesia saat ini yang mulai maju di sisi kreatifitas. Oleh karenanya, Pongky begitu berambisi menggarap film bergenre disaster dengan teknologi CGI.

Pongky mengatakan suryanation akan berusaha mewadahi dunia kreatif anak muda saat ini diawali dengan membuat film bertajuk Bangkit!. “Kita pengen keluar dari comfort zone dunia perfilman Indonesia, diawali dengan satu langkah kecil untuk bangkit,” kata Pongky.

Judul Film : Bangkit !
Produksi : Suryanation, Kaniga Pictures dan Oreima films
Produser : Reza Hidayat
Sutradara : Rako Prijanto
Seniman CGI : Raiyan Laksamana
Pemain Film : Vino G Bastian


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 Author| Post time 24-2-2017 06:49 AM | Show all posts


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 Author| Post time 24-2-2017 06:55 AM | Show all posts
The making of bangkit!


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Post time 25-2-2017 11:06 AM | Show all posts
huhu mcm best. suka disaster movie.

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