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Jejai & Fasha Rujuk???Panas
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Post time 5-10-2017 10:34 AM
From the mobile phone
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Author |
Post time 5-10-2017 10:34 AM
From the mobile phone
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wow |
Wah.  |
Baguslah kalo bsatu semula demi utk anak2....
Bukak thread provokasi..sekejapan la kena campak kat ulu banat..
Acik bawang karatz sadowl bengap tak sudah   |
Bukak thread provokasi..sekejapan la kena campak kat ulu banat..
Acik bawang karatz sadowl bengap tak sudah   |
Bunyi macam berbaik baik je untuk anak anak. |

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Post time 5-10-2017 10:53 AM
From the mobile phone
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Spin spin spin...  |
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Post time 5-10-2017 10:54 AM
From the mobile phone
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Madel replied at 5-10-2017 10:45 AM
Bukak thread provokasi..sekejapan la kena campak kat ulu banat..
Acik bawang karatz sadowl bengap t ...
Who are yuss?Klu part mencerca pihak satu lagi tu apa cerita?Boleh plak bukak thread kat sini? |
Entahlah, although tak suka Fasha yg suka propa tapi for this I applaud her, i mean buat apa ego melangit tapi hati duka right?
Given her propaness after her divorce, she really took a big step in her decision to terima balik jejai. (Kalau betul)
It's good for her and the kids that she put down her ego and back with jejai.
Harap2 famili jejai pun sincerely terima fasha back to the big famili.
Semoga mereka akan faham yg After all, our spouse lah will be the one yg akan be with us till old age; not our parent, not our siblings and not our children.
bagus la berbaik, kurang sket meroyan kat IG, jadik orang alim la pas ni jejai, fasha idamkan lelaki alim... |

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Post time 5-10-2017 11:00 AM
From the mobile phone
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esteryen replied at 5-10-2017 10:57 AM
Entahlah, although tak suka Fasha yg suka propa tapi for this I applaud her, i mean buat apa ego mel ...
Pun boleyyyy.. |

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Post time 5-10-2017 11:01 AM
From the mobile phone
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Madel replied at 5-10-2017 10:56 AM
Loser sopa macam sadowl..
Fasha n Jejai rujuk..bontot karatz sadowl pulak yg berasap
Motip?Jgn lari tajuk...ingat hekk,mucha & putaq belit brpisah tadak.. |
aku rasa bukan pasal anak2 sangat
more to dorang ni memang sayang mati each other
kalau setakat cinta tu boleh lagi nak seperate
tapi sayang ni sampai mati noks
kalau kawen orang lain pun mesti sayang tu masih ada tertanam dalam hati |
Perkara yg baik pun nak diprovokekan menjadi negatif. Kalau dah hitam seketul daging tu, payah nak tgk positif.
Kenapa tak dilihat sebagai Puan Sri dpt menerima hakikat Jejai dan Fasha are meant to be together, dan telah merestui mereka? Demi kesejahteraan anak2 yg sedang membesar?
Jejai pun nmpak tak terurus kan bila hidup sendirian. Doakan yg terbaik2lah, yg baik2 jugak akan kembali kepada kita.
#bukanmoodustazahtapiletihtgkorgtakdekaitanberbalah |
Mamasandok replied at 5-10-2017 11:00 AM
Pun boleyyyy..
actually, to be fair la kan, kesian juga kat fasha time her divorce sbb dtg tiba2, bukan dia gaduh ngan jejai, tapi cerai dia more to gaduh dia ngan famili jejai.
and lepas cerai, all her posts yg propa2 tu pun nampak patterns, she wants jejai attentions. and nampak juga even jejai clubbing peluk betina sini sana, he still sayang fasha, kalau x, takkan he will diam bila fasha n mamasandha provoke him n his famili many times at media social.
Hopefully this reunion of them really put an end to the past.
Mak at both side pun ada salah. Jikalau Mamasandha ada salah, PSNoora pun ada salah. Semoga mak2 dua belah ni will leave their children marriage alone. |
Mamasandok replied at 5-10-2017 11:00 AM
Pun boleyyyy..
actually, to be fair la kan, kesian juga kat fasha time her divorce sbb dtg tiba2, bukan dia gaduh ngan jejai, tapi cerai dia more to gaduh dia ngan famili jejai.
and lepas cerai, all her posts yg propa2 tu pun nampak patterns, she wants jejai attentions. and nampak juga even jejai clubbing peluk betina sini sana, he still sayang fasha, kalau x, takkan he will diam bila fasha n mamasandha provoke him n his famili many times at media social.
Hopefully this reunion of them really put an end to the past.
Mak at both side pun ada salah. Jikalau Mamasandha ada salah, PSNoora pun ada salah. Semoga mak2 dua belah ni will leave their children marriage alone. |
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