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Edited by eddlisa_uyuk at 24-11-2017 12:15 AM
The sophomore season of "13 Reasons Why" won't return until spring of 2018, and details about it are still few and far between. Ahead of the new season, actor Brandon Larracuente recently reminded fans that justice should be served to his character, star baseball player Jeff Atkins.
Last week, Larracuente took to Instagram to share an old behind-the-scenes photo from the "13 Reasons Why" production. The photo showed one of the most sensitive moments in the series, where Jeff's face was covered in blood. Shortly after posting time, fans started to leave comments on the photo, with most saying, "Jeff deserved better."
It can be recalled that in the first season, fans were shocked by the sudden and untimely death of the character. While it remains to be seen if his death will be one of the focal points of the new season, fans are hopeful that season 2 will shed light on what happened to Jeff and why the series didn't keep him around for longer.
Aside from Jeff's, another storyline that fans hope the new season to revisit is Hannah's storyline. According to reports, showrunner Brian Yorkey originally planned to reboot the series with an all-new cast. However, he realized that Hannah's story deserves a continuation since her suicide is rich with dramatic possibilities. Luckily for fans, Yorkey said in a previous interview that season 2 would explore the aftermath of Hannah's suicide.
Sumber : ... jeff-atkins-207091/
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eh, ini review bahasa melayu ke bahasa planet pluto?
baik tepek original source in English je.
sakit pulak hati kita membacanya.  |
"Ada banyak yang belum selesai, semua watak-watak ini tidak dilakukan dengan bersedih kehilangan ini dan datang dengan syarat,"
kejadah ni?
Lost in translation. |

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Post time 22-11-2017 07:39 PM
From the mobile phone
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SitiRopeah replied at 22-11-2017 06:37 PM
"Ada banyak yang belum selesai, semua watak-watak ini tidak dilakukan dengan bersedih kehilangan ini ...
Sorry. Haha. Try hard nak translate BM. Itu pun dah byk alter noks. |

Author |
Post time 22-11-2017 07:42 PM
From the mobile phone
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SitiRopeah replied at 22-11-2017 06:24 PM
eh, ini review bahasa melayu ke bahasa planet pluto?
baik tepek original source in English je.
Dah ediittt. Jangan mareee. |
Better continue je dgn cliffhanger season 1. Show what happened to the others on that tape. But tu la. Nanti takde kaitan plak dgn theme 13 reasons why tu.. for goodness sake, stop milking hannah’s story. It ended as it should be. Patut buat mcm ala2 american horror story. Same theme but different storyline but using the same actress. 13 reasons why tu da elok da.. keeps people looking forward to see what happened next |
Btol...bleh ketengahkan konflik yg lain tp dlm range topic yang sama dan jgak related dengan netizen. Tp dlm season bru ni cam pelakon lain je.. |
Iols tazabar nk tgk nih haha. Ending saspen jerk |
eh dah masuk season 2 ke? mmg best pun citer dia cuma i stress gila dgn main role dia. asyik nk berahsia je! |
Tak sabar nk tgu season 2 
judicata replied at 22-11-2017 08:10 PM
Better continue je dgn cliffhanger season 1. Show what happened to the others on that tape. But tu l ...
Agree. Enough about Hannah. Iols geli ngan pompuan acah teraniaya nak mampos macam hannah ni. |
melinda_kerr replied at 22-11-2017 10:53 PM
eh dah masuk season 2 ke? mmg best pun citer dia cuma i stress gila dgn main role dia. asyik nk bera ...
Ngan hannah tu ke? Mmg la dianiaya tapi acah teraniaya nak mampos Padahal dia yang banyak mengundang. |
kan? i didn't say that its all her fault but true to what people always say. all decisions that you make right now.. will decide what happened to you in the future. do decide wisely. but...she is only 15 kan? they tend to make stupid decisions. harap2 la budak2 wicet lain tgk crita ni pls la learn from her mistakes.
skinsandstars replied at 23-11-2017 09:14 AM
Ngan hannah tu ke? Mmg la dianiaya tapi acah teraniaya nak mampos Padahal dia yang banyak mengunda ...
yer. Hannah lah. Actually i kesian dgn watak kawan- kawan dia yg lain. Bukanlah salah manapun.Yg salah si pencabul tu. Lagi satu dia yg gedik pegi party mamat tu kan?Sampai ada yg bunuh diri sebab tertekan pasal tape confession tu. Trauma budak2 tu. Keputusan bunuh diri tu atas responsible diri sendiri. Dan mmg ada lack dlm support system kat sekolah juga.Kdg kita tak dapat nk agak org yg nk bunuh diri ni. |
melinda_kerr replied at 23-11-2017 10:10 AM
yer. Hannah lah. Actually i kesian dgn watak kawan- kawan dia yg lain. Bukanlah salah manapun.Yg s ...
Haah i pun kesian Kat watak yang lain. Hannah tu salahkan semua orang lain kecuali dia sendiri. Play victim sangat. Tak suka perempuan gini. But then again she was just a teenager kan. |
judicata replied at 23-11-2017 09:24 AM
kan? i didn't say that its all her fault but true to what people always say. all decisions that yo ...
Huhuhu budak2 wechat tak tengok cita macam ni ni. Depa tengok akasia tv3. |
Yurp x suka Hannah, justify die bunuh diri disbbkan sikap sekeliling kawan2 die, jane nk termuntah tgok part die toreh tgan tu , tgok sesaat jer sbb x mampu tgok sbb ngilu |
mmg hannah ni mintak cerca. yg psl poem tu pun nak terasa. bukannya orang tau tu dia pun. err. yg clay pun satu hal bebal. rasa mcm nak tampo je. 
dah habis baca novel nya
entah ler biasa jer kot
| |