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...Reading Pet Peeves...
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Edited by seribulan at 16-3-2018 11:46 AM
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15 Reading Pet Peeves Every Book-Lover UnderstandsBySTEPHANIE TOPACIO LONG
It’s a proven fact that reading is the best hobby ever — any book-lover will tell you so. No matter your preferred genre or medium, there’s an endless supply of books to capture your interest and they can serve as everything from entertainment to distraction. It’s an overwhelmingly positive pastime, but I will admit that reading does occasionally have moments of inconvenience and even of frustration. At the end of the day, however, it’s usually not books themselves that are the problem, but external factors instead. We'll call them reading pet peeves. For bookworms, reading can often be therapeutic and relaxing, yet there are a variety of things that are all but guaranteed to raise their blood pressure nonetheless. These reading pet peeves are pretty universal, so any true reader will likely understand the annoyance they can cause. Fortunately, most are minor, rating a facepalm or a huff of frustration. It’s only the most severe offenses that make a perfectly good book suddenly look tempting as a projectile. If you’re a reading addict, let's commiserate over the following 15 reading pet peeves that have probably ruffled your feathers from time to time. Non-readers, please take note to avoid any of the annoying activities and occurrences below. 1. Spoilers
Is there anything worse than finding out what’s going to happen in the book you’re reading or plan to pick up next before you get there? I think not. 2. Books You Don't Like That Become Wildly Popular
It’s amazing to see books you adore get the recognition they deserve, but when books with problematic characters or storylines top the best-seller lists, it’s beyond irritating. Worse still? When film studios snap up the movie rights and you know you're going to have to keep hearing about them. 3. Delayed Release Dates
You can’t really blame authors when they have to push back a book’s release date — life happens, plans change. Still, knowing you’ve got an even longer wait for reading material you’ve been looking forward to is zero fun. 4. People Who Are Careless With Borrowed Books
I don’t think it’s too much for us to expect people to treat borrowed property well, but sadly, not everyone has learned that lesson. If you’ve ever lent out a book, only to get it back in worse condition, I feel your pain.
5. People Who Are Careless With Books In General
Even if they’re not actually your books, it can be cringe-worthy to watch someone crease their book jacket or haphazardly drip coffee over the pages. 6. Waiting For Library Books
Libraries are up there on a book-lover’s list of favorite things, but having to wait on a hold list is not. Patience is a virtue, of course, but it’s not easy to come by when there’s a story you’re dying to get your hands on. 7. Being Judged For Wanting To Stay In And Read
When all you want to do is curl up for the evening with a good book, there’s no shame. The only shame should be directed at those who would guilt you or judge you for it. 8. Movie Adaptations With Plot Deviations
Bringing a book to screen has its challenges, but when the movie adaptation takes all kinds of unnecessary liberties with the original plot, it’s enough to infuriate any fan of the work.
9. Books With Promising Starts That Go Downhill
It feels like a betrayal when the story you’re reading starts out strong, only to suddenly take a turn for the worse. All that potential, those hopes and dreams… just ripped away. 10. Being Interrupted While Reading
It should go without saying that when you have a volume in hand, you should be left in peace. Unfortunately, not everyone seems to know this unwritten rule. 11. Poorly Edited Books
A minor typo can be forgiven, but repeated errors and grammatical disasters? Not so much. 12. Purses Too Small To Carry Books
A purse is meant to carry the necessities, so if it can’t fit a book or an e-reader, it’s failing at its purpose. 13. That Moment When Your E-Reader’s Battery Dies
Even after all the warnings of low battery, it’s still annoying when your e-reader actually dies. My own device takes several minutes to power back up again whenever this happens, and on top of that, it typically loses my most recent page. The inconvenience! 14. Hearing People Say They Don’t Like To Read
15. Anything That Conflicts With Reading
Basically, anything that interferes with reading — especially when you’ve reached a cliffhanger — is a serious problem.
Pet Peeves dalam reading?
Spoilers.. mmg aku tak boleh betul dgn spoilers ni baik dlm movie atau dlm apa2 pun la dah habis baca buku tu diam2 sudah la ni habis smua benda nak cerita dr first muka surut sampai last.. aduhh..
klau aku dah baca lpstu tu kau nak cerita dr mula smpai akhir tak kisah boleh sama2 bincang n debat kan.. klau nak cerita sket2 pun tak kisah tp klau siap nak cerita ending mcm mana mmg rasa menyampah betul.. |
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When it comes to reading pet peeves, saya paling stress bila:
i. Bagi kawan pinjam buku, pastu dia tak pulang2 buku tu. Sampai saya kadang2 lupa sapa la yang rembat buku tu. No wonder la ada pensyarah saya siap tulis log book untuk sesiapa yang pinjam buku.
ii. Definitely I hate it when someone interrupting me when am reading. Lepas tu, mood nak concentrate membaca dah hilang.
iii. Frequent spelling errors pun buat kita yang membaca ni geram. Especially kalau buku akademik. Haha. Mungkin sbb ada ciri2 OCD pada diri sendiri, sebab tu payah sikit nak tolerate spelling mistake ni.
iv. This pet peeve is not listed above - Dying to read an online book but it's too pricey. So I ended up baca buku tu kat Google Book but with unshown pages... hehe. ![](static/image/smiley/default/3sweat.gif)
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I hate dan brown's book tp tibe famous world wide. N benci adaptasi filem yg ke laut.
N sy x bg org pinjam buku kec 2 org. |
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Iols rasa no 4 & 5 are pretty much the same, no? I hate it so much when someone dog-eared my books kalau takde bookmark, iols akan guna apa saja be it resit ke tisu ke.. kadang2 duit pun boleh anything within reach gittew..
Lagi satu, I cant stand someone folding the book in half when they read or anything that will crack the spine. Grrrr |
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4 & 7.
I mmg jenis jaga buku elok2 mcm baru even dah bertahun buku tu. Bkn kedekut tak nak bg pinjam kt org lain tp kte tahu org lain takkan jaga brg kte elok2 mcm kte jaga.
Paling bengang kwn ckp kedekut taknak bg pinjam last2 bg blk buku tu dlm keadaan rosak sbb kena air!
No 7 tu sbb hobby i membaca tp org judge me like 'euww nerd' the fuck nerd? Reading is so enjoyable plus dpt ilmu. Never judge ppl's hobby! |
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No.4 and No.5 for starters. I get annoyed with people who dog eared books.
Use a bookmark please.
Also I get nervous when someone wants to borrow my books.
Selalu masa tu mesti I stress.
My books are my prized possessions
My books are my inner soul gituh ![](static/image/smiley/default/lol.gif)
Also books that seems promising but fizzle out before the first chapter.
Turn off betul.
So I guess it's also no.9.
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My reading pet peeves:
2. Books You Don't Like That Become Wildly Popular
Paling tak suka bila baca buku yg cerita dia tak menarik pun tapi popular giler and bila org duk up buku tu paling best tapi bila baca macam biasa2 je... tak ada apa yang menarik pun
4. People Who Are Careless With Borrowed Books
salah satu sebab paling takut nak bagi pinjam buku dekat orang sebab orang yg pinjam selalunya tak jaga buku tu mcm kita jaga. kita jaga bkn main lg elok tp bila dah bagi pinjam dkt org jd hancur buku tu
7. Being Judged For Wanting To Stay In And Read
8. Movie Adaptations With Plot Deviations
selalu kecewa dgn ni
9. Books With Promising Starts That Go Downhill
mmg betul2 spoiled bila baca buku yg awal2 dia ok tp bila ending mcm ntah apa2 je
10. Being Interrupted While Reading
mmg anti bila ada org kacau ms tgh focus membaca. rosak terus mood nak sambung balik
12. Purses Too Small To Carry Books
dulu2 mmg sedih sikit la sbb ni tp skrg bnyk baca ebooks je so dah xde masalah lg
14. Hearing People Say They Don’t Like To Read
like seriously kalau tak suka tak perlu kot cakap depan2
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My reading pet peeves:
1. People who are careless with borrowed books
Geram bila kita jaga elok2 tapi dia sesuka hati je lipat2 page tu, boleh je guna penanda buku. Lepas dapat balik, kulit buku pon dah terlipat sekali.
2. People who are careless with books in general
Walaupun tu bukan buku kita, rasa geram sebab diorang macam tak hargai buku tu and tak suka bila orang letak buku sama taraf dengan kaki (dekat lantai). Boleh letak atas meja kot.
3. Being interrupted while reading
Bila orang kacau time baca buku rasa macam geram fokus kita lari. Baru nak menghayati watak or ayat tu tetiba mood dikacau. So, kena ulang balik untuk dapatkan feel tu.
4. Poorly edited books
Kalau salah eja dua or tiga patah perkataan pun rasa sakit mata tengok dan biasanya akan ambil pen or pensel tolong ejakan yang betul. Paling pantang sekali bila kena penggunaan grammar yang salah dalam ayat bahasa Inggeris. Dan tak boleh jugak tengok buku yang certain pages tu dicetak dengan dakwat yang hidup segan mati tak mahu (kelabu asap).
5. Hearing people say they don't like to read
Ye betul, setiap orang ada minat masing2. Tapi tak perlu la cakap kita tak suka membaca. Even baca Quran ke subtitles dekat TV time drama pon dikira membaca. Lagi satu, membaca tu jambatan ilmu kot dan dalam Islam, ayat pertama yang diturunkan adalah surah Al-'Alaq (1-5) yang mana main point ada 'Iqra' iaitu bacalah. Dan aku percaya bila kita banyak membaca, kita akan mengasah minda kita untuk berfikir lebih mendalam dan lebih jauh.
Terpanjang pulak hehe.... |
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(4) People Who Are Careless With Borrowed Books :
people usually don't ask to borrow my books, but i would hate to lend any out anyway.i don't want the pages to get bent or for someone to get something gross on the pages.![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
(8) Movie Adaptations With Plot Deviations :
i think that an adaptation should really expand rather than tell the same story twice.i would rather see a film say BASED ON rather than ADAPTATION because i would prefer to see an expansion of the story and world of the original book.the problem is that a lot of adaptations stick to closely to the source material but then are forced to cut things due to time or budget, and then it leaves the final product disjointed, rather than just creating something new.
(11) Poorly Edited Books :
the failure to employ the oxford comma.annoying.unforgivable.
no quotation marks for dialogue.![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
(15) i really don't like it when the author gets the timing wrong.for example, two people are having dialogue and one lights a cigarette then two sentences later they are stubbing it out.or they are cooking and talking and suddenly the food is happens mostly in situations where there is dialogue, for me, and i notice it in many, many books.
i'm super distracting and annoying while the author keep repeating a word or phrase an excessive number of times.they keep using that same trick over and over.example "look at that cat, it's cute!' she said while pointing to the cute cat.![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
ugly covers.
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