Frances finds a handbag on the New York subway and promptly returns it to Greta, an eccentric French piano teacher who loves tea and classical music. Having recently lost her mother, young Frances strikes up a seemingly harmless friendship with the lonely and kindly widow who enjoys her company. But when Greta's behavior becomes increasingly erratic and obsessive, Frances does whatever it takes to end the toxic relationship before things spirals out of control.
" A RIVETING NAIL-BITER." Peter Traves Rolling Stones.
Fantastic movie! It was beyond my expectation la actually, sblum ni pernah tgk trailer..mmg teringin nk tgk..tup2 dah kluar HD version online. Manja bg 7.5/10. X phm knp ratings x setinggi yg sepatutnye. X sangka dlm indie filem mcm ni they all manage to put so many unexpected layers..twist sana sini, excellent job overall! Ade pulak old school vibes ala2 Nightmare on Elm Street versi moden...speciall effects! You think you are awake but you are not..lebih kurang mcm tu xde la sampai level horror.. Manja rekomen u all tonton filem ni..Rugi kalau x tgk..
OK baru lepas layan, agak since I tgk online and sat sat buffering, maybe ketakutan tu agak terkawal.... plus kisah nih mcm predictable, dah nampak dari awal Greta is a psychopath... cuma nervous masa ending, takut x terlepas 2 budak pompuan tu....
mcm kebetulan pulak..hari tu..tgk jap kat astro "The Nun"...2018...1 reason i x tgk last year sbb forumers kata x i pun x tgk..trailer mcm ntah ape2 je..
ttiber mlm tu tgk...x brani la.... so i tgk sekerat je...damn...esok x sabar x bleh tahan...nk tgk jgk online...alih2...buffer...dah la tgk masa siang..seriously...kalau buffer mmg turn off...dah x scary....ilang scary vibes tu dlm 40% rasanye...
frust ending pun x tgk sbb slow sgt2..
actually movie ni part ending tu mmg best cume mcm x logik je..sbb Greta mmg dah pernah stalk kwn Chloe tu kan..siap send gambar kat Chloe, kwn die naik subway close up muke lagi..alih2 bile kwn die tu undercover pakai wig je pun dtg kat rumah Greta die bleh x kenal pulak...walaupun scene mmg best la berdebar jgk tgk...
cari2 ending scene x jumpe..terjumpe opening pulak..