akum and ellopz... benign in the house.. juz want to let you guyz ere be informed that there are, out there, several local RnB websites which operates with it fullest of hearts and one of em is :
currently established and expect some kewl information on local RnB scene. well, for your information, there are a whole lots of RnB group out there lurking underground like FREQUENT FLAYYA, SOUL DINERO, HEARTS OF MEN, MOLEQ, SIARRA, INFINATEZ, TOUCHESS, ONE BLOODZ, SURREAL, MOTIFF8, SWAYIN ECHOES, SOUL EXISTANCE, SOUL ELEMENT and a whole lot more, above mentioned are juz to name a few.
im benign (pronounced BE-NINE), my group is called INFINATEZ and the same time one of the crew behind myurban.
we are still looking for those who are willing to give informations about unknown well established groups out there which mite got out of our reach. and we also need those peeps to help us, doing gig reviews and everything in sorts.
givya full support to our local RnB scene.
benign signin out |
thanks for the info, benign...
wow-wee!! alicia keys is comin' to town!!:clap: |
mo info comin yr way...
and awaits for our first web intervue wit soul element... kids fro TTDI... check it out.

me yang kat tengah tengah... ketika sedang khusyuk menemu bual soul element di BurgerKing KLCC |
wow.... cool.... klu ader aktiviti, don't forget to inform us here... |
ya ya go go RnB!! yesssss.... |
perhaps i can contribute something to your site, holla at me ..... |
calm_rock This user has been deleted
Benign..wa ingat pic tadi tu zaf VE..rupenye ko..hehe..anyway..cool site la  |
aiyo.. pembuka topik nie masuk sekali terus habis ker? takkan taknak share something utk community kita kat sini? |
assalamualaikum sorry sebab agak lama tak menjenguk. bukan lupa tapi sebab terlalu sibuk dengan aktiviti menelaah buku pelajaran.
okies, back to work. disini saya ingin memberi sedikit update tentang MYURBAN.
baru baru ni kami telah menginterview sebuah lagu kumpulan RnB yang paling hot dalam scene RnB malaysia dewasa ini iaitu SOUL DINERO.
kumpulan ini telah menjadi feature artist untuk artis Syazliana menyanyikan lagu yang pernah popular ditahun 80an nyanyian Adam Ahmad, "kau pergi jua" yang sedang hangat berputaran diRadio dewasa ini.
interview ini akan di uploadkan tidak lama lagi.
anda juga boleh membaca report eksklusif persembahan konsert Alicia Keys yang diadakan baru baru ini. kepada yang tak sempat pergi boleh sama sama berkongsi pengalaman kami dikonsert tersebut.
INFINATEZ sebuah group dalam dalam persada RnB malaysia. anda boleh baca mengenai mereka dan mendapatkan informasi tentang mereka dalam biografi Infinatez.
kepada sesiapa yang berminat nak tolong UPkan RnB scene kita leh kontak saya secara direk di talian hayat [email protected] |
Originally posted by soulquarianz at 22-9-2004 10:07 AM:
perhaps i can contribute something to your site, holla at me .....
i would like that very much. |

this is FREQUENT FLAYYA. they are currently under Ruff Records of RuffEdge. |

this is SOUL DINERO. alotsa things will be hapnin... |

this is INFINATEZ. you mite prolly recognize me through the same gear i wore for the shots. takde baju siot. wakakaka |
fongkius77 This user has been deleted
Reign This user has been deleted
RnB Malaysia UPDATES:
layar tanchap: tempat berkumpulnya manusia manusia RnB KL, yang diadakan setiap malam jumaat terakhir setiap bulan, dengar kata akan diadakan di shah alam, rather than the usual RASTA TTDI. sum local RnB groups and solos will be performin. will keep you updated.
SOUL ELEMENT: dua orang dari ahli mereka keluar dari kumpulan ni but no wurries sebab they got sume nue faces in the group.
FUSION RHYME: rudee ex member of Soul Element, formed another group called Fusion Rhyme wif his fren faishizzo bearing the outkast fusion concept.
HEARTS OF MEN: the disbanded group was reformed wif nu members including ex member of SIARRA and chams VE lil brother.
SOUL DINERO: senyap sket wif SDs camp rite now.
INFINATEZ: probably will be featured in a programme in hitz.tv astro.
QUEST: the debut album will be released in early next year under MNASIRs own label.
V|e : the album "for you" will released on 23rd of december.
RUFFEDGE: the label ruffrec prods signed FREQUENT FLAYYA and an all gurls group MOLEQ. both group were featured in REs raya v clip.
MEZZO: watch out for this group from sarawak.
SOUL OF HARMONY: an all gurl group from sabah. watch out.
melaporkan untuk myurban crew. |
tq very much sebab updatekan kat sini juga.. |
that's pretty cool.. inform us of any latest news regarding the r&b scene in malaysia, esp the underground one. keep up a good work. |
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