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5 Jenis Credit Card User. Anda yang mana satu?

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Post time 20-6-2021 02:30 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Edited by green~tea at 20-6-2021 02:37 PM

Semalam i sempat watch new series dalam Netflix : Money Explained.. and i tertarik sangat dengan episode Credit Card

Article ini dipetik and edited dari Yahoo Finances, in which i do found a lil bit of similarities dengan classification pengguna credit card dalam siri Money Explained tu

1. Max Payers or Full Payers:
These are the most responsible kind of people. They have an idea of what the statement would be in advance and also prepare for the expense. They pay their outstanding credit completely and never pay a single paisa as interest. They are not the kind of payers that a credit card company makes money from. However, they pay back, thereby allowing the credit card issuer to keep the money in circulation.
Max payers also keep an eye on offers that come along with the card and make the best use of them. They never miss out on movie tickets or brunches that come associated with a card.

2. Revolvers:
We aren’t talking about Colt revolvers. They are a different type of credit card holders who do not believe in paying their dues to the full. They pay only the minimum amount due, or little more than that, and go about making purchases on their cards as usual. High interest rates do not bother them. No matter how big or small the outstanding amount, they believe in revolving their credit, hence earning their name. They are the darlings of the credit card companies, for the companies make money at their expense. Revolvers, be prepared to see your credit scores make a downside dash.

3. Non-Payers:
Contrary to the first two categories, non-payers manage to obtain all the credit cards offered to them, use them all up to the maximum available credit and then not pay up at all. These are the type of customers that any credit card company would not like to have. When card dues are not paid, it not only affects your chance of getting any sort of further credit; like a car or a home loan. You can also be subject to legal action by the issuer.
Many of the people that fall into this type have often obtained their cards fraudulently. There is nothing good about being a non-payer.

4. Traders:
Traders are the smartest credit card users. They are always on the lookout for cards with maximum rewards, cash back, longest payback tenure etc. After using the maximum amount on a card and cashing in the reward points, they are on the pry for cards that offer transfer of balance without any fee or have least rate of interest. Being very clever, they do not transfer the entire balance. A small sum is left in the old card so that the reward points are not wiped out. The new company, to which the transfer is made, generally offers a lower rate of interest or no interest for a limited number of months. Traders end up making the best of both the worlds. This is no easy game and you have to be very cautious and well informed to be a trader. A small lapse could make your house of cards tumble.

5. Non users:
We have a number of people who boast about owning all sorts of cards; gold, platinum, coral and more. But when it comes to using them, they just don’t. Non-users are typically those people who have previously gotten into trouble for using their card wrongly or those who like to be extra cautious with their expenditure. Frequent cycles of revolving credit burns a hole in their pocket and revolvers then reform themselves and turn into non-users. As they were once the darlings of credit card issuers, they are often enticed into using their cards again.
Non -users being true to their name, refrain entirely.

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 05:05 PM | Show all posts
Nurul8001 replied at 20-6-2021 03:14 PM
Setakat ni yg pertama. Saya bayar habis CC saya. Tapi, honestly tak byk mana pun sbb saya takde nafs ...

i believe kaedah balance transfer zaman2 tahun 2007 dulu boleh buat tau... sbb mmg policy banks zaman tu mmg ada and allow that 0% interest balance transfer... sorang boleh own sampai 7-8 keping credit card... but now.. bank negara dah ada buat policy yang limitkan number of CC per person (2010 punya policy buleh check) and balance transfer akan dikenakan interest rate... so this method dah tak valid...

as for traders plak, i baru je tengok youtube Brian Jungs yang share tu.. ok i notice that Bank luar mmg banyak perks and offering benefits because dasar financial institutions negara diorang yang terbuka... Please know that our banking jenis tertutup ya, sbb tu la kita takde nampak JP Morgan, Bank of America, Bank of China, Citigroup, BNP Paribas unlike kat Singapore yang dasar terbuka, semua cawangan ni depa ada contohnya BNP Paribas, cuma ada kat central region je and mostly its not even retail banking, bukak operation sini utk serve the financial advisory for corporates je.. and kalo dapat bukak pun, their operation will be limited tu pun 1 cawangan camtu je dibenarkan... these big banks mmg boleh very competitive rates contoh FD rate citibank for premier members mmg diorang kasi 5.5% pa for 6 months simpanan... best gila kan, jauh lagi syok dari ASB return..

the reason why BNM buat dasar sebegini, is because we want to protect our local players... i.e. Affin Bank (LTAT), Bank Simpanan Nasional, Bank Rakyat (koperasi jerhhhh).. kalo buat dasar terbuka, senang2 je bank luar mcm Standard Chartered tu masuk and "makan" all these small players through merging and acquisition.. ini bahaya.. sbb Bank Simpanan Nasional although dia kecik, tp dia ada asset government so bila being acquired by these big players, mmg habislah aset negara pulak tergadai...  

so that is why, kita punya perks dalam bank agak limited lah.. because of our own policy... how do i happen to know about banking kat malaysia mengamalkan policy tertutup ni? because some of my friends, ada involved in TPPA, CP TPP negotiations and that's where other countries ada request for us to open our doors for external players. so im trying to relate here lah kenapa banks dekat luar bleh kasi benefit kaw2 and dividends tinggi for their FD... Maybank cuma kasi 2-3% FD jer tawwwwwwwwwwwwww and semua local banks follow benchmark maybank

kalo uolz rajin nak go through Brian Jung's content on how he maximizes his credit card usage bleh le tengok sini.. panjang doh, tp not that applicable for us in Malaysia because of dasar Bank Negara kita sendiri



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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 05:42 PM | Show all posts
Ok lah sementara i tengah rajin ni... actually i dah type this somewhere so i just copy paste je what i typed earlier... i discussed this with my husband and close friends sbnrnya... and sometimes i suka record perbincangan kitorang dalam chat... for easy quick reference later on.

dalam Money Explained : Credit Card episode tu ada mention  that how basic users are subsidizing the perks for the premium users... tp in return, it is actually the premier card users  punya cashflow (duit rolling) yang kasi cash advance untuk basic user pakai... the banks pulak yang have this advantage of "managing" this cashflows and banks juga yang dpt kutip fee dari basic user (riba from compounding minimum payment interest) and dari merchants (dengan cara naikkan harga barang bila enable CC terminal payment)...

this circle of cash provider (premium user) and penghutang (basic user) sbrnya adalah ilham dari Bank of America crisis yang ramai debtor sangkut takleh bayar hutang card credit USD 15 bil sdgkan bank perlukan cash utk kasi advance payment pada basic user... maka dari incident crisis inilah maka wujudnya tiers of credit card users supaya senang Bank nak identify their customers:-

1. basic (entry level)
2. gold (masih  basic group sbnrnya)
3. platinum (basic group lg, net take home income less 100k a year)
4. premier card (by invitation, credit limit around 100k)
5. Invitation only card (takde credit limit)



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 Author| Post time 22-6-2021 10:10 AM | Show all posts
SalenaGomez replied at 22-6-2021 07:36 AM
Apa contoh yg time tu green tea bebas dr riba??

Suka dgr sharing GT….btw pakai cc apa?

Good question.. utk jawab soalan u, cemane nak elak riba of CC (they call it finance charges dalam statement) i kena explain sikit terms2 dalam bill CC. i pakai maybank visa infinite
Contoh (i main petik je figure ni tau, tp ada la reasoning behind the numbers) :

Billing Cycle 23/5 - 22/6
Statement balance = RM 5,000
Outstanding balance = RM10,000
Minimum payment = RM2,000

1. Billing cycle
Yang ni paling penting, you kena faham bila amount due u kena bayar, jangan lewat walau sehari, bayar 2 hari lebih awal pun takpe, asal jgn cecah due date, sbb interest RIBA CC ada dikira by day...

2. statement balance
Amount yang kena bayar due by 22/6. kalo tak bayar this amount, nnti akan start kena RIBA.. riba dikira daily ya.. nnti kalo tak bayar, next statement u akan nampak ada finance charge... nampak kecil maybe, tp itulah RIBA.

3. current /outstanding balance
Amount yang due (statement balance) + expenses this month yang u dah pakai tp belum due... so the beauty of CC sebenarnya u have the benefit of "delaying" your payment by 1 month, or in installment 12 bulan ka, 24 bulan ka.. itu la sebenarnya benefit CC... u boleh delay payment and plan your savings park duit somewhere dulu utk invest ke ape... boleh je u nak bayar outstanding balance mcm ramai forumer sini buat, cuma kita takde la maximize CC punya actual benefit.  so dalam contoh ni RM10k - RM5k = RM5k akan due next month. tak kena riba pun sebab hanya amount yang due (statement balance) je yang akan kena RIBA kalo kita terlepas due date.

4. minimum payment

yang ni mmg sah2 laa bergelumang dengan riba kalo stakat bayar this amount. ada kajian mendapati, kalo stakat bayar min amount, we will take about 5 yrs utk keluar dari hutang CC..... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu.. contoh kalo CC company u charge 18% per annum.. so this month, u just pay min amount, RM5k - RM2k = RM3k will be subjected to interest (finance charge) and the following month, u pay min amount lg... interest CC ni compounded.. so its not really 18%... tp u akan di charge RM3k +RM200 (finance charge previous month) + finance charge atas RM3200 (ini maksud compounded interest)

so... kalo nak mudahkan hidup elak RIBA.. alway bayar statement balance before due date. tu je rule of thumb dia



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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 02:47 PM | Show all posts
The best option sebenarnya when we able to become the hacker/ trader group seperti explained kat atas.. tp kena betul2 well versed with each of the cards terms and condition...  i sendiri tak mampu jadi hacker/trader ni... sbb i dont have such discipline and masa utk go through satu persatu and have a set of reminders of our spending and paying strategy...

i sendiri ada 1 card credit sahaja, in which setiap bulan saya akan membayar full statement balance (please note perbezaan  statement balance, outstanding balance and minimum payment)... so in my case, i bayar full statement balance, sbb i nak fully enjoy the full benefit of the credit card, while at the same time, i dapat elak dari sebarang RIBA (compounding interest yang menjerut)


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Post time 20-6-2021 03:14 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Edited by Nurul8001 at 20-6-2021 03:15 PM

Setakat ni yg pertama. Saya bayar habis CC saya. Tapi, honestly tak byk mana pun sbb saya takde nafsu sgt nak beli belah. Sedar diri.

Yg traders tu mcm mana? Teringin nak buat balance transfer. Tapi, takde pun jumpa yg menguntungkan. Masa tu beli gelang habib, bayar pakai CC. Ingatkan nak buat balance transfer pada kad bank lain. Buat jadi pecah bayaran ikut bulan2 kononnya. Tapi tak jadi sbb ada je interest, kata org Bank. Lepas tu, korekla tabung haji. Kasi langsai. Lega. Tak koser nak bagi bank untung.

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Post time 20-6-2021 03:19 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Saya no1. Pegang kad kredit sejak di U lagi dan memang dari mula sentiasa bayar full by statement date.

Hanya guna kad sebagai ganti cash, bukan untuk berhutang sebab tak cukup balance dalam akaun bank. Meaning only spend money I know I have allocated in my account untuk spend. Dari dulu memang tak suka bawa cash ke mana2 kalau boleh.

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Post time 20-6-2021 03:35 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
No 1... Guna cc masa kat oversea je sbb kurang risk kalau jd fraud..

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Post time 20-6-2021 03:45 PM | Show all posts
iols traders kot dan No. 1 tu

CC iols semua hutang under 1k ke bawah sebab bila limit je iols bayar habis dan pastikan jugak clear sampai la tinggal 1k tidak lebih dari tu...

bukan takde cash sampai guna CC selalu tapi malaih nak bawak cash... dan satu lagi suka beli barang dari luar negara yang website dia tak support bank malaysia macam aliexpress.. dhgate dan banyak lagi...

lepastu nak melabur lagi untuk deposit investment ke luar negara memang kena pakai CC dah itu je payment option yang deorang support.

banyak pakai CC la untuk benda2 lain... netflix lagi.. spotify lagi... youtube premium lagi... wah macam2... ujung2 terkambuihhh

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Post time 20-6-2021 03:55 PM From the mobile phone | Show all posts
Kategori non-user. Jarang sgt nak guna credit card sekarang ni sebab dah tak travel overseas. Ada 2 je, satu personal untuk emergency satu lagi corporate punya. Tapi prefer guna debit card saja supaya sedar diri tahap kemampuan kewangan sendiri.

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 05:19 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 20-6-2021 05:24 PM
dudaberhias replied at 20-6-2021 03:45 PM
iols traders kot dan No. 1 tu

CC iols semua hutang under 1k ke bawah sebab bila limit je iols bay ...

i ada 1 je CC and i mmg fully use CC as my daily spending... senang i nak keep track category spending i sebenarnya bila belanja dekat CC ni... apps dia tu mcm cerdik nak mampuihhh laa sbb bila i gi family mart, speedmart, lotuss, mmg auto dalam bill utilization i tu akan tunjuk "groceries" tagging. so terus boleh nampak dalam pie chart i byk spend dekat mana... my monthly spending dalam CC is around 8-10K per month and i mmg fully settled it sebelum due utk elak sebarang financial charges aka RIBA...
why i love using CC? sebab i mmg charge everything all my expenses utk accumulate points... ada some expenses i boleh dapat 5X ganda treatpoint, 10X ganda treatpoint..  the bank cannot make money out of me sbb i tak pernah derma financial charges walau 1 sen kat depa, i know my accounts very2 welll   dah ler tak dpt income dari CC usage i, dah pulak deme selalu kasi sedekah kat iols dengan belanja i mcm2... free flight tix for my honeymoon in Japan, dapat jewelries from Tomei, even dining out pun my bank yang bayarkan (they waived the payment, seriously, mmg i dapat that SMS and when i checked dekat statement.. mmg ada charges tu ditolak balik sbb bank belanja)

How do i accumulate the points secara maximum?
  • all my insurance, my hibah wasiat charges
  • phone bill
  • grabfood bills, touch n go re-loading
  • SSPN my son, charge sini dulu then baru bayar ke CC
  • groceries shopping, tp usually ni husband i yang belanja
  • drivethru starbucks, McD, KFC semua swipe CC
  • Any 0% installment offer utk barang i perlu, USE the BENEFIT!!!
  • i pernah je bayar downpayment kereta dengan CC (i bought merz brand new CKD bukan recond) and bank inform i depa nak belanja 12 month 0% interest free utk car deposit tu oh well, why not use it khuensss...


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Post time 20-6-2021 05:30 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 20-6-2021 05:19 PM
i ada 1 je CC and i mmg fully use CC as my daily spending... senang i nak keep track category spen ...

kurlast kaka punya keep track... tak payah jumpa financial advisor gittew lagi banyak info...
iols kalau groceries selalu memang pakai debit... taktau lah kenapa... nak kata sebab caj pun ye jugak... padahal sama je macam shopping2 lain...
mungkin lebih suka tolak dari akaun terus....

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 05:52 PM | Show all posts
misc replied at 20-6-2021 03:55 PM
Kategori non-user. Jarang sgt nak guna credit card sekarang ni sebab dah tak travel overseas. Ada 2  ...

honestly, ramai sangat orang camni... mcm sis @dudaberhias tu pun sama... we can categorize as non-user lah..

my parents mmg langsung tiada credit card... and as most people know, most of Japanese are not credit card users.. diorang usually use debit cards or prepaid cards... no harm pun being in this category.. yang bahaya is the revolvers tu je sebenarnya... yang bayar min payment

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 05:54 PM | Show all posts
dudaberhias replied at 20-6-2021 05:30 PM
kurlast kaka punya keep track... tak payah jumpa financial advisor gittew lagi banyak info...
iol ...

iols rasa sbb u ni golongan top tier puak2 kayangan... sbb tu lagi suka belanja pakai debit card and tak perasan pun credit card banyak benefit yang orang marhaen mcm i ni hadap..

orang2 cam i ni mmg suka study and leverage dengan apa yang ada je...

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 05:56 PM | Show all posts
little_sis replied at 20-6-2021 03:35 PM
No 1... Guna cc masa kat oversea je sbb kurang risk kalau jd fraud..

i think you're in between the non-user (sbb pakai masa gi oversea or biz trip je) ... actually ramai je in Malaysia dalam this category.. ramai tak suka pakai CC

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Post time 20-6-2021 06:03 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 20-6-2021 05:54 PM
iols rasa sbb u ni golongan top tier puak2 kayangan... sbb tu lagi suka belanja pakai debit card a ...

hahaha choii ke situ pulak kaka
taktau la tapi memang groceries ke 7e ke butik mana2 pun iols suka pakai debit terus
Credit Card kalau takde option lain... nak2 beli online bukan semua website2 luar negara tu support bank fpx semua tu...

website selalu duk perabih duit tu Tarte, TooFaced la apa lagi beli tapi tak pakai2 sampai kini...

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 06:05 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 20-6-2021 06:08 PM
dudaberhias replied at 20-6-2021 05:30 PM
kurlast kaka punya keep track... tak payah jumpa financial advisor gittew lagi banyak info...
iol ...

masa i dengan husband pi honeymoon ke japan tu, CC yang belanja free flight tix, siap dpt business class... lain mcm feeling satisfied dpt naik business class for our personal trip kan... kalo stakat business trip naik business class flight weols tak heran sgt...
tp tu la, business class flight paling i suka is actually on-board Emirates A380.. lepak2 kat bar borak ngn stewards (ehem, mmg diorang assign male steward utk layan female passenger, curlastttt)... sambil borak2 ngn depa, sambil makan kacang and minum coke ... ahem, iols minum coke je tau kat bar lounge tu


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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 06:07 PM | Show all posts
Edited by green~tea at 20-6-2021 06:17 PM

Hopefully my sharing ni membuka mata dan minda korang utk properly manage your expenses and maximize the benefits of CC, if any of u ada CC tau... u just need to know selok belok financial management... tu je... jangan biarkan diri anda terjerat dengan RIBA

bila uols dah terjerat dengan RIBA... hidup u akan sengsara.... hidup tak berkat

errr jgn samakan iols dgn prof muhaya plak chop2 dosa pahala orang.. i bukan nak judgemental pada orang.... bg i.. this RIBA mmg clear cut memberi kerugian kepada kita, dunia dan akhirat...

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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 06:11 PM | Show all posts
dudaberhias replied at 20-6-2021 06:03 PM
hahaha choii ke situ pulak kaka
taktau la tapi memang groceries ke 7e ke butik mana2 pun iol ...

i tak beli mekap langsung MCO ni... hhuhuhuhuhuhuhu sbb tak luak dah... i rasa sephora membership i dah terminate kot dah bertahun tak beli situ... i cuma beli skincare je la from tu pun i beli utk stok 6 bulan - setahun terus sbb nak bulk order utk free shipping.. lepas tu i simpan dalam laci dalam bilik supaya botol2 dan kotak2 tu tak terdedah pada UV light (sunlight or lampu) supaya skincare i tahan lama....

haritu MAC foundation i expired sbb dah 2 tahun tersadai dalam make up box i... so i buang je la sbb muka dah start naik rashes bila pakai.. now i just buy cosmoderm BB cream from guardian/watson je lah... okay je murah RM25 satu tiub, nak buang sbb expired pun takde laa sakit hati sgt...

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Post time 20-6-2021 06:18 PM | Show all posts
green~tea replied at 20-6-2021 06:11 PM
i tak beli mekap langsung MCO ni... hhuhuhuhuhuhuhu sbb tak luak dah... i rasa sephora membership  ...

herlokk lah terminate... iols baru2 ni beberapa hari lepas je baru beli perfume dior yang rm500 lebih sebotol tu dekat website sephora ingatkan ready stock rupanya semua ship dari singapore sekarang ni... tu pun tak sampai lagi perfume nya...
ye la flagship dia banyak dah tutup sejak2 ni dekat malaysia... harga pulak non-marhaen friendly... semua nak jual perfume botol besar2.. mana la marhaen nak mampu dah satu botol pun 500 lebih... cuba la jual 20ml ke bawah tu... ni botol2 perfume untuk pakai setahun deorang pergi jual dekat outlet...

masalahnya yang kayangan pun beli bukannya nak pakai perfume tu je sampai terkambuihhh... deorang nak juga beli botol kecik nak rasa bau2 dia dulu elok dan sesuai ke tak dekat badan...


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 Author| Post time 20-6-2021 06:23 PM | Show all posts
dudaberhias replied at 20-6-2021 06:18 PM
herlokk lah terminate... iols baru2 ni beberapa hari lepas je baru beli perfume dior yang rm500 le ...

sisthurrrrrrrrrrr... apa barang beli Singapore kalo uolz bleh dapat good price from US website ( shipping pun 1 week jurrr skang ni.. free shipping lagii sisss as long as your purchase price around RM500... jangan beli lebih RM800 sbb nnti kastam bukak box.. kalo nak beli banyak2 contoh lebih RM1k, make sure u split that order and send to different shipping address... and also, jangan kerap2 sgt order from sbb nnti sistem kastam triggered jugak... been there done that... masa i duk gila beli perfume tu... i borong 15 botol each 100 - 125 ml, ye lah i suka mandi EDP.. padahal i dah guna technique split order, last2 kantoi gak ssbb send to same address... lol... mujur laa sebungkus je yang lambat sampai sbb kena tahan kastam

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