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Chinese worshipping in Hindu temple

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thasya This user has been deleted
Post time 10-7-2005 12:41 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
i was in spore recently and was standing near a hindu temple waiting for a cab at the little india when i notice a couple of chinese ladies leaving the temple...with incense and flowers in their hands...which suggested that they might've been there for some prayers.

another one was at tank one of the main hindu temple there, and i saw a couple burning incense and praying at the entrance of the temple.

my curiosity get piqued by these 2 sights. are there any common gods between hindu and buddhism or taoism?

these ppl i saw were so obviously the locals, not just some tourists who may be visiting these temples for sigjhtseeing sake.

interestingly, i cant remember seeing such phenomenan in msia...or maybe cos ive nvr been near any hindu temple in msia.

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Post time 11-7-2005 07:53 AM | Show all posts
by thasya

interestingly, i cant remember seeing such phenomenan in msia...or maybe cos ive nvr been near any hindu temple in msia.

Try Batu Caves and Marang Temple during Thaipusam times. You can see Chinese men and women doing penance in temples during that time. Also, if you go to temples like Sri Mariaman Temple in KL, you can see Chinese people coming there to pray as well.

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thasya This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 11-7-2005 10:11 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 11-7-2005 07:53:
Try Batu Caves and Marang Temple during Thaipusam times. You can see Chinese men and women doing penance in temples during that time. Also, if you go to temples like Sri Mariaman Temple in KL, you can see Chinese people coming there to pray as well. that u mentioned it, i did remember seeing this on a tv program on thaipusam.

but any idea on the similarity of their faiths?

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Post time 11-7-2005 10:30 AM | Show all posts
by thasya that u mentioned it, i did remember seeing this on a tv program on thaipusam.

but any idea on the similarity of their faiths?  

Similarities comes from facts that both Chinese (and Japanese for that matter, by following Shinto) and Indian have similar concept of Gods and Goddesses.

Both views Gods and Goddesses as beings which takes care of others needs and when a person perform some wishs "hajat", he will do penance to repay whatever the Gods and Goddess did for them.

Just ask any businessmen who has picture of Mahalakshimi (Goddess of Wealth) in his shop whether business improved or not and he will agree.

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cclee This user has been deleted
Post time 11-7-2005 06:56 PM | Show all posts
Most Chinese is like that.
Pray more in order to get more Luck!
Even Ghost also they pray!

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Post time 12-7-2005 08:30 AM | Show all posts
It is already written in Gita that there is three type of people who prays - one who wants material gains, those who pray for clear consciousness and those who pray to find God.

Even in Buddhism, it is stated that, due to fear and anxiety, people will run to mountains, rivers, trees and such to pray and expect miracles.

This includes everyone, not only Chinese. ;)

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cclee This user has been deleted
Post time 17-7-2005 10:32 AM | Show all posts
Talk about $$$ and also luck most of them is Chinese

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Post time 22-7-2005 03:08 AM | Show all posts
Now you reminded me. My mom used to bring me to Hindu temples when I was about 5-7 years old.

One interesting thing about Polytheism is the adaptability. Believe is not a real issue as long as there is a possibility.

As long as there is ANY supernatural entity, they will pray at least as an expression of paying respect or greeting to a God.

BTW, I don't know about others but most Chinese pray for $$$ and luck, at least once a while.

Praying for 4 numbers is very common, if you know what I mean.:lol

Luckily they are not sit-and-wait kind of people, they still work hard.

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Adm_Cheng_Ho This user has been deleted
Post time 25-7-2005 10:06 AM | Show all posts
I went to Confucian shrine yesterday and 2 Indian women came for prayers.

My mother went to take part in Thaipusam in Batu Caves with her friends in the village.

There's a Hindu Snake Temple in Muar which has majority Chinese visitors. We frequently sees a busload of Singaporean Chinese came specially to pray in the temple.

To foreigners, these are peculiar sights.

If you notice carefully, Chinese are more prone to pray and revere Hindu Gods compared to Indians. Probably because Chinese embraced many Indian culture and belief.

Because of this culture and belief similarities, there is no restriction on our activity.

If you go to Abrahamic religion worship places, you will feel you're alien to them. Christians keep trying to change you. Some muslims do not like the idea of khaffir entering their worship place.

In Hindu temples, we do not feel anything strange about each other.
Even Chinese gangsters also has Indian members :lol

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thasya This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 14-8-2005 09:06 PM | Show all posts
how so very true...abt polytheism...chinese praying in hindu temple and vice versa....

i watched a documentary on the chinese hungry ghost festival and they were showing the dinner with the getai entertainment they'd normally have in spore to celebrate the 7th month....and true enuf...among the chinese families bidding for lucky items...there sat a few indian fellows enjoying and basking in the disco light with men and spirits



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Post time 14-8-2005 09:34 PM | Show all posts
Well...don't miss out Ayah Pin. He too went to the National Hindu Temple at Batu Caves and greeted warmly by the Hindu sami. Ayah Pin claimed that it is he who founded Hinduism long ago with a different name. Now he is reborn with a new name. I wonder where he is now. Could he be reborn again with a new name Ayappan?



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thasya This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 15-8-2005 12:25 AM | Show all posts
well...lets not discuss him here....too controversial and i dun think he deserve any consideration...much less being discussed here



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Post time 20-8-2005 01:38 AM | Show all posts
no matter what, if you believe truely in your faith, the teaching of your religion, all God preaches the same thing - To Do Good Towards Humanity!

what is the point of praying to 10 Gods and the heart is as black and cloudy as the mud? rcently, a friend of mine recommended me this particular site where one can see the clips of men got beheaded by those cruel heartless Al-Qaeda people.

what really made me sick was the fact that when these people got the innocent man behaded, they were chanting phrases of words praising Allah! PLZ! THESE MEN ARE STAINNING THE BEAUTY OF ALLAH'S TEACHINGS! THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE THE RIGHTS TO MENTION ALLAH'S NAME after the dirty,heartless and cruel thing they did! ISLAM IS A BEAUTIFUL RELIGION! bcoz of this group of manusia sesat, Islam is been given a real bad impression and thus,it is true that "kerana Nila setitik,Rosak susu sebelanga)

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Post time 22-8-2005 10:31 AM | Show all posts
by Gravedigger

Well...don't miss out Ayah Pin. He too went to the National Hindu Temple at Batu Caves and greeted warmly by the Hindu sami. Ayah Pin claimed that it is he who founded Hinduism long ago with a different name. Now he is reborn with a new name. I wonder where he is now. Could he be reborn again with a new name Ayappan?

Must apologize to the moderator for this matter. I didn't know the full detail and thought it was a hoax. A Hindu colleaque had confirm that this incident did happen and was reported in TV3 (lagi), Majalah 3 if not mistaken.

However, there is a slight problem ... some say the footage shows Perumal Temple, klang and some says Batu Caves so no confirmation about this. And it did say that Tok Pin was indeed claimed that he founded Hindusm 3,000 years ago (which is nonsense, unless he is claiming he is veda Vyasa) and some ignorant Hindus did wash his feet.

And as Saluran Kejahilan anda, TV3 made it look like that the entire Hindu society was as ignorant as they are. I hope Hindusm  Sangam (Persatuan Agama Hindu) takes law suit against such report. Anyway, as price for such nonsense ... expect less Hindus to celebrate Merdeka Day this year. ;)

by twinstar

what really made me sick was the fact that when these people got the innocent man behaded, they were chanting phrases of words praising Allah! PLZ! THESE MEN ARE STAINNING THE BEAUTY OF ALLAH'S TEACHINGS! THEY DON'T EVEN HAVE THE RIGHTS TO MENTION ALLAH'S NAME after the dirty,heartless and cruel thing they did! ISLAM IS A BEAUTIFUL RELIGION! bcoz of this group of manusia sesat, Islam is been given a real bad impression and thus,it is true that "kerana Nila setitik,Rosak susu sebelanga)

Dah rosak dah ... tak payah cakap lagi. ;)
Anyway, take the issue to MM column if you want to discuss the ways to fix your problems.

[ Last edited by Sephiroth at 22-8-2005 10:34 AM ]



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Post time 6-9-2005 10:34 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 22-8-2005 10:31 AM
Must apologize to the moderator for this matter. I didn't know the full detail and thought it was a hoax. A Hindu colleaque had confirm that this incident did happen and was reported in TV3 (lagi), Majalah 3 if not mistaken.

Hey lady....why must you apologize to the moderator as it is me who brought up the issues? OK I forgive you this time but no more after this so be careful with your words.

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Post time 7-9-2005 07:54 AM | Show all posts
by Gravedigger

Hey lady....why must you apologize to the moderator as it is me who brought up the issues? OK I forgive you this time but no more after this so be careful with your words.   

I must apologize to the moderator because I was rude to her last time. She said she heard of the incident and I thought she was being annoying. Anyway, her mistake was, she didn't specify where and when while I didn't know the fact. So, only far I have to apologize first for not knowing the fact and shooting my mouth.

I don't need to apologize (or even entertain) you because :

1. You didn't give any source for this allegation when pasting it here.
2. This issue supposed to be pasted in Religion Section. You brought it here for no reason other than to start a fight.
3. Ayah Pin is a heretic by Islamic standard, so why is he been discussed in Hindusm column?
4. The source of this misunderstanding comes from TV3 - Station Kebodohan Anda for giving information which is false. Someone should sue those idiots. ;)

So, no apologize will be given to you. Understood? ;)

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Post time 20-7-2010 01:17 AM | Show all posts
Reply 11# Gravedigger

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