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King Cobra around Goddess AMMAN Statue in Puchong Temple
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Never ever insult or curse Mother Earth... on the other hand.. an interesting story..
King Cobra charms thousands

PUCHONG: Thousands thronged a humble-looking temple here after a five-metre long King Cobra, which appears to be albino and had coiled itself around the Amman deity at its main altar since Monday, became the talk of the town.
The rare spectacle has attracted both the curious and the pious to the 123-year-old Sri Maha Mariamman temple. The people were there not only to catch a glimpse of the snake, but also to offer prayers and 揻or good luck |
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I know one thing ... It is not a Good Sign for Samy Velu, President of MIC. He was there to open the temple's new building (same one above) today (or was it yesterday, not sure) and the snake which was present for a few days had left before he arrived. Now, Samy and Subramaniam are fighting again.
Oh yeah ... dreaming of a Snake means someone want to propose to you, in Malay culture I think.
I once dream of walking through a large area filled with weeds. Something like a tree trunk lain in front of me so I step over it and suddenly, this giantic snake (must be nearly 30 feet tall) raised it's head and stare at me. I woke sweating like a pig.  |
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Some say dreaming of snakes means its telling you u r in danger.. so u must go to the Naagamma Temple and offer milk and do your prayers to remove the bad omen... |
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by paulmossfanclub
Some say dreaming of snakes means its telling you u r in danger.. so u must go to the Naagamma Temple and offer milk and do your prayers to remove the bad omen...
Ano ... :hmm:
Now I think about it ... maybe you might be right. I was Form Five at that time (1989) and a few weeks after I dreamt of the Snake, I went to Pulau Pangkor (school trip) and drowned there. Coincidence? :hmm: |
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I once go to that temple but couldn't the snake.. |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 9-9-2005 01:32 PM
I know one thing ... It is not a Good Sign for Samy Velu, President of MIC. He was there to open the temple's new building (same one above) today (or was it yesterday, not sure) and the snake which ...
I think its a good sign for Samy Velu 'cause he wil remain to be the leader of the Hindu's even after his death. 'Cause of his good deed to the Hindu's community, they will pray for his reborn to be the next leader again.
You should be proud of him, Seph! |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 9-9-2005 01:55 PM
Now I think about it ... maybe you might be right. I was Form Five at that time (1989) and a few weeks after I dreamt of the Snake, I went to Pulau Pangkor (school trip) and drowned there. Coincidence?
You mean you was dead before and now reborn again? Woww!! |
by Atomic_Omnikid
I once go to that temple but couldn't the snake..
Maybe the reasons for the Snake to come is accomplish, so it left. Puchong Temple is over 150 years (if not mistaken), so the Snake come to remind the people to come and pray at this old temple.
Hindus don't need TV and radio to spread the "news", huh? :cak:
by Gravedigger
You should be proud of him, Seph!
His time is near. God gave him plenty of changes to leave respectfully from the society and allow younger generations to shape their lives and society, but he didn't listen. Soon, he will be kicked out of his office by the same people supported him before. ;) |
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Originally posted by paulmossfanclub at 9-9-2005 01:20 PM
Never ever insult or curse Mother Earth... on the other hand.. an interesting story..
King Cobra charms thousands
[IMG] ...
.....and the serpent deceived Adam and eve includes coming generation as per Bible sayings.
Why queue to watch snake to get bless for richness, improved business, this and that ??
why humans always ASK than THANKING God???
Does those peoples queue with sincere heart or just queue to get something??? |
by Truth.8
.....and the serpent deceived Adam and eve includes coming generation as per Bible sayings.
Adam and Eve which no one could prove. ;)
Even Jewish people - the 1st to use the Old Testatement do not insult the Snake or blame the Devil, because they know it is God's will. Only Christians (and later Islam which followed them) who blame others for their own mistake (of been deceived and continued to do so today).
Leave Lie.8 ... this column didn't invite you. ;) |
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 26-9-2005 07:41 AM
Adam and Eve which no one could prove.
Even Jewish people - the 1st to use the Old Testatement do not insult the Snake or blame the Devil, because they know it is God's will. Only Christians (and later Islam which followed them) who blame others for their own mistake (of been deceived and continued to do so today).
Leave Lie.8 ... this column didn't invite you. ...
Jewish did not worshipped snake or calling it divine. All creations in the universe comes directly frm ALMIGHTY . So, humans should worshiped HIM instead of cow, snake, elephant, sun, water, sun flowers, tulsi, neem and etc.
Nothing is so holy expect HIM.
If snake the satan impersonate so cunning to lie abt the forbiden fruit why not so many miracle to mis lead humans mind so that humans will per occupied with those things rather than praying directly to GOD the creator.
btw, this not ur father or ur forum asking me leave. u hve share with cari dot com:stp:
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 27-9-2005 01:44 PM ] |
by Truth.8
Jewish did not worshipped snake or calling it divine. All creations in the universe comes directly frm ALMIGHTY . So, humans should worshiped HIM instead of cow, snake, elephant, sun, water, sun flowers, tulsi, neem and etc.
Nothing is so holy expect HIM.
Right ... Jews didn't blame the Snake (or Satan for that matter). Everything came from Him. Same way here, the snake is not been worshipped, it is used as sign that the temple is matured and holy.
If snake the satan impersonate so cunning to lie abt the forbiden fruit why not so many miracle to mis lead humans mind so that humans will per occupied with those things rather than praying directly to GOD the creator.
Yet, Christians continues to blame the Snake for their problems ... something Jews do not do. They broke half the Commandments - including making Idols and man into a God, set up Original Sin concepts and so many other nonsense. If such thing is not action of Demons and Devil (assuming there is one), then I don't know what is. ;)
Begone ... you do not follow Laws of Moses. You do not follow the 10 Commandment of God. You do not have a God for Jesus never existed. Such person as you are the Devil here. ;) |
Right ... Jews didn't blame the Snake (or Satan for that matter). Everything came from Him. Same way here, the snake is not been worshipped, it is used as sign that the temple is matured and holy.
U wrong. God forbid adam and eve to eat that fruit yet satan impersonate as serpernt came in cunning tactic. Yet, they listen to snake and ignore God warning. When both ate that fobidden fruits, the eyes of knowledge of good and evil open. Thats why we are now progressing each yr with many technology & etc with knowlege of good and same time evil all because they listen to the snake.
Bear in mind that when Moses throw his stick and change it into snake to proof how Great is God almighty & his power in anything yet Moses and his followers did not worshipped the snake or making idols of it. In ur faith they errect idols and worst offering milik believing it divine beings. Do u think it is logical?? u c humans soul easily can be shaken with such thing and that why satan easily influences many peoples that include u too.
Yet, Christians continues to blame the Snake for their problems ... something Jews do not do. They broke half the Commandments - including making Idols and man into a God, set up Original Sin concepts and so many other nonsense. If such thing is not action of Demons and Devil (assuming there is one), then I don't know what is.
excuse me, i am not idol worshipper. i observe 10 commandement according to God hand written. God even destroy those made image of golden calf (cow) to be worshipped.
Begone ... you do not follow Laws of Moses. You do not follow the 10 Commandment of God. You do not have a God for Jesus never existed. Such person as you are the Devil here.
Me devil???? can devil ask humans not to worshiped silly idols or snake standing in front of idols??
Hve u think for momenth that , what if those snake appear in front of amman is just a gimmick to make money frm priest/ or attrack crowds for money making business???
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 27-9-2005 03:52 PM ] |
by Truth.8
U wrong. God forbid adam and eve to eat that fruit yet satan impersonate as serpernt came in cunning tactic. Yet, they listen to snake and ignore God warning. When both ate that fobidden fruits, the eyes of knowledge of good and evil open. Thats why we are now progressing each yr with many technology & etc with knowlege of good and same time evil all because they listen to the snake.
So you are saying it is wrong to have knowledge because it came from the Snake, huh? :cak:
That's very smart of you ... no wonder 16th Century Europe was in dark Ages ... they were run by jokers like you. ;)
Bear in mind that when Moses throw his stick and change it into snake to proof how Great is God almighty & his power in anything yet Moses and his followers did not worshipped the snake or making idols of it. In ur faith they errect idols and worst offering milik believing it divine beings. Do u think it is logical?? u c humans soul easily can be shaken with such thing and that why satan easily influences many peoples that include u too.
Right ... Moses used SNAKES to proof God's power. He didn't shove Jesus in front and have him nailed by Pharoah as well. ;) Why could Moses use Snakes (of all beings) to prove God existed? You may say because Pharoah's magician used magic which summoned snake as well. Well, if Moses summoned a mangoose, it could easily kill a snake and eat it as well. So why a snake? Because Snakes represent Tamaguna - mode of Darkness. Controlling Snakes is metafore for controlling your own Tamaguna (Dark Nature which everyone has).
excuse me, i am not idol worshipper. i observe 10 commandement according to God hand written. God even destroy those made image of golden calf (cow) to be worshipped.
Excuse me ... I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about Christians WHO do not observe the 10 Commandment. You do not present Christianity, you are nothing.
Yes, God destroyed the Golden Calf and punish Moses and his people (for a brief moment of ignorance) by making them wonder the desert for 40 years before giving them the Promised Land. Yet, Christians create image of a god in a cross and worship it for nearly 1,000 years. How many years do you think you going to get, eh? :cak:
Me devil???? can devil ask humans not to worshiped silly idols or snake standing in front of idols??
Sure ... you are asking me to worship Jesus, ain't you? You asking me to worship silly idol of a cross, ain't you?
No matter how you put it, in the end, that is your purpose. It's like saying - Don't worship your idol, but come and worship mine. ;)
Hve u think for momenth that , what if those snake appear in front of amman is just a gimmick to make money frm priest/ or attrack crowds for money making business???
Then the "gimmick" as you called it could lasted till Samy Velu (so-called leader of Indian society) had came and perform his worship as well. Because Samy could give more fundings for years to come, more than the society itself. YET, the Snake left without notice before he came, just as it came without notice as well. This shows that the priests or anyone for that matter had NOTHING to do with controlling the Snake. |
So you are saying it is wrong to have knowledge because it came from the Snake, huh?
That's very smart of you ... no wonder 16th Century Europe was in dark Ages ... they were run by jokers like you.
wrong or good i am not in position because when God told Adam and Eve not to go near or eat that fruit of knowledge and evil they did not obey God commandment. After all HE know the best. What if they did not touch or eat that fruits?? The world be better place to live but we will be walking in nude.
Right ... Moses used SNAKES to proof God's power. He didn't shove Jesus in front and have him nailed by Pharoah as well. Why could Moses use Snakes (of all beings) to prove God existed? You may say because Pharoah's magician used magic which summoned snake as well. Well, if Moses summoned a mangoose, it could easily kill a snake and eat it as well. So why a snake? Because Snakes represent Tamaguna - mode of Darkness. Controlling Snakes is metafore for controlling your own Tamaguna (Dark Nature which everyone has).
Yet they did not pray or idolised the snake.
Excuse me ... I'm not talking about you. I'm talking about Christians WHO do not observe the 10 Commandment. You do not present Christianity, you are nothing.
me nothing ?? on what ground??
Sure ... you are asking me to worship Jesus, ain't you? You asking me to worship silly idol of a cross, ain't you?
No matter how you put it, in the end, that is your purpose. It's like saying - Don't worship your idol, but come and worship mine.
My faith worshipped God and Christ in truth and spirit and not idols
Then the "gimmick" as you called it could lasted till Samy Velu (so-called leader of Indian society) had came and perform his worship as well. Because Samy could give more fundings for years to come, more than the society itself. YET, the Snake left without notice before he came, just as it came without notice as well. This shows that the priests or anyone for that matter had NOTHING to do with controlling the Snake.
U want to know the real truth how the snake came there (aman statues)??? I will give u logical explanation than u be shock. Than u know that it was not an miracle after all.
u want me tell u the truth????
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 29-9-2005 02:54 PM ] |
by Truth.8
wrong or good i am not in position because when God told Adam and Eve not to go near or eat that fruit of knowledge and evil they did not obey God commandment. After all HE know the best. What if they did not touch or eat that fruits?? The world be better place to live but we will be walking in nude.
Ever wondered that the reason God allowed Adam and Eve to eat the fruit (by allowing the Snake to charm them) IS to make them come down to Earth and toil it in the first place? Jews knows this and they do not blame the Snake for it. They know it is God's will to bring Humans down to Earth. Only Christians are they one who come and cook out Original Sin Concept unneccessarily.
We walking in NUDE? I bet you're :mll: Somehow, being in same room as you guys in state of NUDE is NOT something I could say good. ;)
Yet they did not pray or idolised the snake.
Neither did the Priest or the people who went to see it. They only took the Snake as signs that the Diety in the temple had matured.
me nothing ?? on what ground??
On the ground that you represent NOTHING. You're not a Pope, not an Archangel (if you ever seen one), a priest or anything. You're just a guy who's opinion doesn't reflect the mass.
My faith worshipped God and Christ in truth and spirit and not idols
Yet Christianity promote Idol worshipping. Even the Cross is an Idol - with or without the statues.
Christianity also promote that God - unborn and eternal (characteristics which give the name Yahweh to Jesus) has a SON. Hellow ... God of the Jews - Yahweh - don't have kids; Roman God - Zeus HAS kids (with humans, some more). So know who you are praying to.
U want to know the real truth how the snake came there (aman statues)??? I will give u logical explanation than u be shock. Than u know that it was not an miracle after all.
u want me tell u the truth????
What you tell is a Lie. That is why you named yourself Truth - to convince yourself that you speak Truth when what you say is otherwise.
Like I said before, IF the priest had something to do with the Albino Snake coming there to the temple (say to make money like what you claimed), then they could have made sure the Snake stayed till Samy Velu came and worshipped in the temple. The fact that it had left before Samy came shows that the Priests have no authority over it. |
Ever wondered that the reason God allowed Adam and Eve to eat the fruit (by allowing the Snake to charm them) IS to make them come down to Earth and toil it in the first place? Jews knows this and they do not blame the Snake for it. They know it is God's will to bring Humans down to Earth. Only Christians are they one who come and cook out Original Sin Concept unneccessarily.
Any proof Jews knew this??? When God forbid that fruits it should not be eaten. Just like those unclean meat as per Bible yet humans consume it and having unhealty life. Why pimples appear?? because those consume too much prawn, crab, oyster and etc which forbid in Bible.
HE know the best and not us.
We walking in NUDE? I bet you're Somehow, being in same room as you guys in state of NUDE is NOT something I could say good.
i remember watching national geo in astro and notice the the hindus sage are nude.
Neither did the Priest or the people who went to see it. They only took the Snake as signs that the Diety in the temple had matured.
yet hindus goes beyond it by offering milk, lifting the hand and praying to and calling it divine nagaswari.
On the ground that you represent NOTHING. You're not a Pope, not an Archangel (if you ever seen one), a priest or anything. You're just a guy who's opinion doesn't reflect the mass.
Nothing to you but something to God.
Yet Christianity promote Idol worshipping. Even the Cross is an Idol - with or without the statues.
sorry that is RC not my faith
Christianity also promote that God - unborn and eternal (characteristics which give the name Yahweh to Jesus) has a SON. Hellow ... God of the Jews - Yahweh - don't have kids; Roman God - Zeus HAS kids (with humans, some more). So know who you are praying to
The Bible made it clear the Jesus God in begining and came to earth teaches the true meaning of life and seal God commandment.
What you tell is a Lie. That is why you named yourself Truth - to convince yourself that you speak Truth when what you say is otherwise.
Like I said before, IF the priest had something to do with the Albino Snake coming there to the temple (say to make money like what you claimed), then they could have made sure the Snake stayed till Samy Velu came and worshipped in the temple. The fact that it had left before Samy came shows that the Priests have no authority over it.
I am asking u again, do u want me tell the truth which going shake u and rest of hindus here that those thing not a miracle but...........................
Once i expose it, than many so called miracle claimed hindus priest has an explanation behind it.u started to THINK
U want me to expose????
Me waiting
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 30-9-2005 11:48 AM ] |
by Truth.8
Any proof Jews knew this??? When God forbid that fruits it should not be eaten. Just like those unclean meat as per Bible yet humans consume it and having unhealty life. Why pimples appear?? because those consume too much prawn, crab, oyster and etc which forbid in Bible.
Did Jews blame God for kicking out Adam and Eve like Christians did? Did Jews believe in the Original Sin Concept? THAT is proof enough.
yet hindus goes beyond it by offering milk, lifting the hand and praying to and calling it divine nagaswari.
So? I say it is sign ... the newspaper says it is sign but you say it was something else. So what? I say you are paranoid that there is no miracles in Christianity. ;)
Nothing to you but something to God.
Which God? Zeus? :cak:
sorry that is RC not my faith
I speak of Christianity in general. I don't know what is your faith ... assuming there is one.
You cannot defend Christianity in general, you are wasting my time.
The Bible made it clear the Jesus God in begining and came to earth teaches the true meaning of life and seal God commandment.
Claims you. Problem here is there is no proof Jesus exists. Moses existed - his bones were found and his story have been retold. But Jesus have no proof whatsoever of existence. Hell, even the Ark of the Testament is in Sudan according to some resource.
You are claiming Jesus came and renew the Convenant, I say Jesus never existed, there fore, the Convenant never established between Christians and Yahweh (who had no son). Do you know why? Because the Father as you know him is Zeus of Greek Pantheon and the son is just one of his ***** sons when he mingle with mortal women. :cak:
Once i expose it, than many so called miracle claimed hindus priest has an explanation behind it.u started to THINK
U want me to expose????
Me waiting
Do whatever you want lah ... your choice. ;) |
Did Jews blame God for kicking out Adam and Eve like Christians did? Did Jews believe in the Original Sin Concept? THAT is proof enough.
If Jews did not believed such why they read and believed in Bible? u only telling on ur own view to win this debat.
So? I say it is sign ... the newspaper says it is sign but you say it was something else. So what? I say you are paranoid that there is no miracles in Christianity.
Sign?? until peoples waiting in quee to get blessing???
Which God? Zeus?
The God of Abraham
I speak of Christianity in general. I don't know what is your faith ... assuming there is one.
unless u blind after seeing my avatar ????
You cannot defend Christianity in general, you are wasting my time.
Wasting our time or out of word??
Claims you. Problem here is there is no proof Jesus exists. Moses existed - his bones were found and his story have been retold. But Jesus have no proof whatsoever of existence. Hell, even the Ark of the Testament is in Sudan according to some resource.
Of course there is proof unlike in hindus not even single proof that god of lotus and etc exisit but merely like fairy tales which carried by generation to generation.
p/s: why not u get cd on Jesus fact or false than u see many proof that HE does exist.
You are claiming Jesus came and renew the Convenant, I say Jesus never existed, there fore, the Convenant never established between Christians and Yahweh (who had no son). Do you know why? Because the Father as you know him is Zeus of Greek Pantheon and the son is just one of his ***** sons when he mingle with mortal women.
that what u believed but not me. like krishnan going around with blue face and womanise which remain me abt greek pantehon.
Do whatever you want lah ... your choice.
I am asking u again, u want me to expose the truth on the snake which appear in that aman idol??? Yes or No.
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 30-9-2005 04:31 PM ] |
Read again :
coiled itself around the Amman
What make it coiled ??
Is miracle or just......
I am waiting for Sept to give YES or NO.
Once I received your YES than i will expose the real truth behind the so called miracle.
U and rest of the peoples visited that temple will get shocked.
I am waiting
Read below my signatory "The truth may hurt, but the lie destroys."
[ Last edited by Truth.8 at 1-10-2005 12:19 PM ] |
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