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~MERGED~ Sg Lembing; El Dorado Timur

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nal This user has been deleted
Post time 18-5-2006 05:09 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Dahulu Sungai Lembing ni terkenal dengan Bandar Lombong Bijih Timah. Dikatakan antara Lombong bijih yang terdalam di dunia.Di buka pada tahun 1880-90 an. Pajakan Sultan Ahmad ke British dengan nilai satu sen setahun (punya la kelakar). Hasil yang diperolehi dalam tempoh 100 tahun lebihkurang 2 bilion.

Sekarang Sungai Lembing dah jadi bandar pelancungan bersejarah. Ada muzium dan tinggalan pelombongan. Banyak juga tempat menarik seperti air terjun dan lain2.

[ Last edited by  amazed at 15-1-2009 05:44 PM ]



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nal This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 20-5-2006 01:22 AM | Show all posts
Di Muzium Sg. Lembing banyak perkara yang boleh dipelajari.

Teknologi perlombongan di situ dah pun canggih. Mungkinkah kita mampu untuk membuat teknologi seperti itu.
Mengikut cerita orang - orang tua, Sg. Lembing pada waktu tersebut sememangnya dah pun maju. Sistem yang diperkenalkan dan teknologi yang dibawa adalah yang tercanggih pada zaman tersebut. Sistem sosial juga adalah lebih maju dari bandar Kuantan sendiri pada waktu tersebut.
Orang2 Melayu yang bekerja di Sg. Lembing juga agak mewah. Kebanyakan barangan yang dijual adalah diimpot dari England.
Sg. Lembing sendiri dah ada sistem keretapi bawah tanah, lif yang menjangkau hampir satu batu kedalaman.
Mungkin inilah hikmahnya. Kredit untuk British.

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Post time 20-5-2006 01:26 PM | Show all posts
ader gambar ???

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Post time 20-5-2006 09:56 PM | Show all posts
aku pernah tgk dokumentari pasal sungai tempat ni dah jadi tempat jin bertendang.hanya tak sampai berapa keluarga je yg menetap.yg lain semua berpindah keluar.

kekadang..penghuni yg tinggal akan terdengar bunyi org bekerja kat sini memalam.....tolak troli..dan sebagainya...padahal hakikatnya lombong ni dah lama ditutup.

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Post time 20-5-2006 10:28 PM | Show all posts
aku ni geografi fail skit..hehe..
ni nak tanya,which part of pahang letaknya sungai lembing ni??

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Post time 22-5-2006 08:41 AM | Show all posts

Reply #5 willy_wonka's post

erm..dalam 40km kot dari kuantan..tengok peta sat

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nal This user has been deleted
 Author| Post time 22-5-2006 05:26 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DEWAPERANG at 20-5-2006 09:56 PM
aku pernah tgk dokumentari pasal sungai tempat ni dah jadi tempat jin bertendang.hanya tak sampai berapa keluarga je yg menetap.yg lain semua berpindah keluar.

kekadang..penghuni yg  ...

Ni zaman bila ni. Kat sg. Lembing sekarang ni da buat bandar pelancungan la. Elok nak mendedahkan anak - anak kepada sejarah tempatan.

Gambar ada tapi aku yg x pandai.

Kadang2 aku terfikir, mungkinkah bandar pelombongan minyak seperti Kertih, satu masa nanti akan jadi seperti ini.

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Post time 23-5-2006 12:06 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by nal at 22-5-2006 05:26 PM

Ni zaman bila ni. Kat sg. Lembing sekarang ni da buat bandar pelancungan la. Elok nak mendedahkan anak - anak kepada sejarah tempatan.

Gambar ada tapi aku yg x pandai.

Kadang2 aku terfiki ...

aku cerita menda yg aku tgk kat tv la.dlm 5 ke 6 taun aku tak tau.

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Post time 16-8-2006 05:01 PM | Show all posts
Memang betul Sg Lembing ni antara bandar termaju kat Malaysia...Kat situ,prasarana lengkap ngan hospital, sekolah omputih, kedai muzik etc...omputih pun ramai tinggal kat situ..dah jadi ala2 bandar omputih...mcm tu gak Bkt Ibam kat Rompin,Phg...kawawan tu maju gak coz ade lombong bijih besi..tapi skang ni dua-dua kaw ni mcm terbiar jer...

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Post time 16-8-2006 05:02 PM | Show all posts
Memang betul Sg Lembing ni antara bandar termaju kat Malaysia...Kat situ,prasarana lengkap ngan hospital, sekolah omputih, kedai muzik etc...omputih pun ramai tinggal kat situ..dah jadi ala2 bandar omputih...mcm tu gak Bkt Ibam kat Rompin,Phg...kawawan tu maju gak coz ade lombong bijih besi..tapi skang ni dua-dua kaw ni mcm terbiar jer...

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Post time 30-3-2008 03:16 PM | Show all posts

          The Star Online   Enchanting Sungai Lembing

Be dazzled by the natural and historical sights of Sungai Lembing

Text and Photos by NIK NAIZI HUSIN
Sunday March 30, 2008

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Rainbow Waterfall

Not far from the foot of Gunung Tapis, is the Rainblow Waterfall where rainbow colours can be seen through the flow of the waters when the sun shines. It takes about an hour from the foot to reach the pool to watch the colour play of nature.

Gunung Tapis

It stands majestically in front of you as you take the laterite route towards it. Strong and imposing, it takes two days and two nights to go up and get back from this mountain, which is about 16km from Sungai Lembing town.

Charas Caves

Located some 15km from the town centre, this cave is popular for the huge Buddhist statue that lies reclining and for its suitability for climbing activities. Within the Kenau Valley, this is as good as nature can get as one realises how green this place is and how beautiful the sights are as one climbs higher off the ground.

Tin Mine Tunnels

There are many tin mine tunnels in this area, which had the world抯 deepest mines at one time. However, for safety reasons, only 10 tunnels are open for visitors to view.

Panorama Hill

This is one of the most beautiful places on Earth as watching the sunrise here is akin to experiencing the most tranquil moment in life. There are signages to show visitors the way up the hill that is 291m above sea level.

Sungai Lembing Museum

There is so much of history in Sungai Lembing and if one has a week or two, then it would be good to walk through any one of the tunnels that would take you into another world. However, it would also suffice if one has some two to three hours to walk around the museum that once served as the home of the British representative here. Find out how it became the first duty-free town in the late 19th Century.

Mee Jawa

When in Sungai Lembing, make a beeline for the mee jawa served here by Javanese traders. The mee jawa here is popular and many folks in Kuantan think nothing of making the 40-minute ride to buy some home or even having it on the spot! Look out for the two rows of shops in the middle of town and head for the mee jawa stall run by Warisah Junus.

Town Centre

The one thing about Sungai Lembing that is quaint and reminds you of a small town in Europe is how the town is divided by a row of majestic trees. A heritage, they are the signature sights that tell visitors they have arrived at the town centre of this beautiful and historical place. Look out for the cinema and many attractions in this place that are unspoilt by time and development.

Police Station

Need directions? Assistance? Climb the stairs that leads to the blue and white building on top of a knoll in the town and you will find friendly police personnel who will help you in any way possible. Ask for directions to the 100-year-old suspension bridge, the traditional Jamek Mosque and the hot springs nearby.

Sungai Lembing Biscuits

There are many secrets to unearth in Sungai Lembing and one of those is the delicious biscuits made by a husband-and-wife team, Andrew and Jacqueline Lim, from their house in Kampong Tengah, Sungai Lembing. You can even try out your skill in making the biscuits at their home! And you can also buy the biscuits from the shops in the town centre to savour at home.


From Kuantan, take the road towards Indera Mahkota and onwards to the Kuantan bypass. Follow the road signs and you will find your way to Sungai Lembing, which is about 47km from the capital town of Pahang.


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Post time 31-3-2008 02:12 PM | Show all posts
aku pernah singgah Sungai Lembing sekitar tahun 1999, masa tu aku kerja dengan company buat highway. Bila berada dalam town sungai lembing tu, rasa macam back to the future pulak, tempat isi petrol pun style lama .. brader yang kerja pam attendant pakai baju style rock kapak, siap ada bandana lagi, lepas tu pasang radio lagu Deep Purple, macam zaman 70's ....

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Post time 31-3-2008 09:16 PM | Show all posts
ini citer cam
habis madu sepah dibuang

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Post time 5-4-2008 05:39 PM | Show all posts
agaknya kalau menyelam kt dasar sungai tu berceracak la lembing kita jumpa yekk..boleh jual kt peniaga barang antik

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Post time 22-4-2008 09:01 PM | Show all posts
sayang aaaa gua lombong xleh masuk ....

thrill aaa kalau dapat pegi gua lombong tue

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Post time 23-4-2008 12:09 AM | Show all posts
bukit besi kat trengganu lagik trok tau..lgsg takder sape2 dduk da..
kat sg lembing ada jgk org..ksian kan..
hakikat mmg camtu la..
habis madu..sepah dibuang..

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Post time 17-10-2008 10:04 AM | Show all posts
kekadang tu balik kuantan, pergi juga berjalan ke sg lembing ni... kawasan lombong tu dah terbakar sayang betul rasanya.  Saya suka suasana Sg Lembing sbb seumpama dalam valley ...sesuai sebagai kawasan untuk  pesara-pesara..

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Post time 18-10-2008 10:35 PM | Show all posts
i da g da sungai lembing ni..gamba x reti nk upload .i cite sikit ye.sungai lembing ni cetek je sungainye.bersih. agak deras la.ade pacat ye... :@:@  
kiteorg jln gak keliling kg2 dekat ctu.mostly penduduknye cina n x berape pandai ckp malay.better nk g jln2 kg bwk la kwn yg chines ye.klu x...ade haraoan sesat.      
pastuh,kiteorg hiking la gunung "raja bla2".lupe la plk name gunung tuh coz g 2 taun lps.memang best.pakcik yg bwk kiteorg hiking tuh ckp,dolu zaman raja dolu2 depa sume hulubalang julang raja depa g daki gunung tuh.tau x,dari kol 6.30 pg kiteorg panjat gunung tuh,kol 11 br sampai puncak.tuh x bwk ape2,n ade skit2 tangga yg depa buat tuk mudahkan pelancung nk daki mcm kami ni.  bayangkan,seksenye hulubalang dulu nk pikul raja depa nk naik gunung tu.:@ :@ :@ :@

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Post time 18-10-2008 10:42 PM | Show all posts
mase kat lereng2 gunung tu, pakcik ni tunjukkn la kat kami kawasan2 lombong tu.memang besaaa....
x leh masuk, sebab da tutup gua lombong tuh. sedey2.
kat kwsn kg,byk jambatan gantung.x de jambatan mcm bese tu.sume jambatan gantung.(btl ke statement i ni??klu slh sori ye... i budak br belajar )

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Post time 18-10-2008 10:45 PM | Show all posts
lupe!memang ade muzium kat Sungai Lembing ni.Dekat ngan dewan tmpt kiteorg menginap.(tido)
nanti, klu i igt lg yg menarik n pandai nk upload gamba,i tambah lg ye...

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