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Define Identity Cards as it concerns citizenships

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Post time 5-8-2006 03:34 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.

Secretary General - Joshua Kong's press release No. 112 for PaCiFIC dated 5th August, 2006

From Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu. [email protected].

What is an Identity Card in the context of the Federal Constitution (FC)?
Is it a privilege or is it a right to eligible people?

If it is a privilege, can it be abused?
If it is a right, how can it be done within the FC?

Like the 5% oil royalty as a taboo for fear of conflict with the sacred laws ONCE, now it is only a contractual thing between a State Government and the company.  Hidden agenda?

We are always told that the possession of IC is not a verdict /proof of citizenship in Malaysia.

But the exactly opposite thing is happening in Malaysia.

So where are we heading for sort of anarchy when illegal and foreigners already out-number the local in Sabah - the ethnic cleansing of the worst kind as it is undeclared.

BTW, grab hold of the book titled "Harris Salleh of Sabah" by Paul Raffaele (1986) and tell me what is that all about.

Joshua Y. C. Kong.
Secretary General, PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.

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Sugi This user has been deleted
Post time 8-8-2006 12:53 AM | Show all posts
forgive my ignorance on the issue regarding the identity cards. i only know/ read from articles that IC were being distributed to the indonesians during the election aim to win the state of sabah. is there anything else i missed? or missunderstsand?

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 Author| Post time 8-8-2006 06:47 AM | Show all posts

1-2 millions

dubious people via dubious IC given out hence the population exposion in Sabah.

BAD for all.

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Post time 11-8-2006 05:24 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by 13Friday at 8-8-2006 06:47 AM
dubious people via dubious IC given out hence the population exposion in Sabah.

BAD for all.

cemana ler kes sebegini, tiada tindakan yang sewajarnyaaaaaa


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 Author| Post time 12-8-2006 06:21 AM | Show all posts

for the nations as well

JK? Digest no 12 of August, 06 <192 of 2006> Authentic birth certificates

Can we prove a point?

Elected State and Federal representatives since 1963 (past and present still living), please present their authentic birth certificates for public consumption.

I had been writing that we have an illegal State Government of illegal people including EPIC, by the illegal people and for the illegal people.

Who want to dispute that? Election Commission should say something.

Phantom voters were/are abundant, and we all know those questionable UMNO people in Sabah (IC Palsu by Mutalib).

Lets do an exercise, if we were to re-validate our ICs now, how many would have their ICs supported by authentic birth certificates.

So don't talk about the ordinary folks, who may have their ICs by dubious means.

Let talk about the elected State and Federal representatives since 1963, how many can present their authentic birth certificates for public consumption.

Even at the nomination centres, only Identity cards are presented as proof of citizenship. Is that enough as far as Federal Consitution? Is possession of IC proof of genuine citizenship? No.

So no excuse for not having authentic birth certificates.  Lets settle this issue once and for all.

I still have mine issued in Labuan - the real genuine British colonial document and with that I claim my homeland here. With that I deserve to have more say than many people. Don't let the mob rule in the nation.

Joshua Kong

Author of New Wealth Order, EPIC of Sabah, FIRE, Sabah Wealth - image of woods power,

EPIC of Sabah - 2nd Edition, Paper to Parliament Select Committee on Unity and National Service.

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 Author| Post time 23-8-2006 03:12 PM | Show all posts

recognised at last

August 23, 2006 13:47 PM

Suhakam Wants Govt To Speed Up Probe On Illegal Citizenship

KUALA LUMPUR, Aug 23 (Bernama) -- The Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) wants the Home Affairs Ministry to carry out an immediate investigation into the allegation that many non citizens had fraudulently obtained the Malaysian Identification Card (IC).

Suhakam chairman for complaints and enquiries working group Datuk Choo Siew Kioh said if the allegation was not checked, it might affect the political stability and security of the country.

"The names of the non-citizens who had Malaysian ICs will also appear in the electoral rolls, and they are likely to exercise their rights to vote," he told a press conference here Wednesday.

He said Suhakam would be submitting a report on their investigation on illegal immigrants and citizenship in Sabah to the Home Affairs Ministry by end of September, and was currently finalising the report.

Choo said there was an urgent need for the government to take an immediate action on these illegal immigrants and citizenship problems in Sabah.

In the Sabah context, the problems were associated with refugees, illegal immigrants, stateless and undocumented people, and their presence in large numbers, had a great impact on the state's economic, social, cultural and political stability, he said.

"Many Malaysians living in Sabah felt threatened and insecure as the number of foreigners keeps increasing although no one really knows the exact figures," he said.

Choo hoped that the government would also investigate and resolve the complaints by some Sabahans that they were not able to obtain their ICs due to lack of documentation and various other reasons.


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 Author| Post time 23-8-2006 08:22 PM | Show all posts

they know it all

The Star Online > Nation

Wednesday August 23, 2006 ... 4340&sec=nation

Suhakam: Investigate foreigners with MyKad

News Update by The Star News Desk

KUALA LUMPUR: The Malaysian Human Rights Commission (Suhakam) wants the Home Affairs Ministry, as well as the Sabah State government, to investigate allegations that many foreigners in Sabah have obtained the Malaysian Identification Card or Mykad through dubious means. Suhakam complaints and enquiries working group chairman Datuk Choo Siew Kioh said if the allegation was not checked it might affect the political stability and security of the country.  

?rolonged delay of investigation may adversely affect civil and political rights of true citizens of Sabah.  

?he non-citizens who had fraudulently obtained their Mykads appear in the electoral roll and they are likely to exercise their right to vote,? Choo said in a press conference here today.

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 Author| Post time 24-8-2006 07:45 PM | Show all posts
Subject:  Pertambahan pendatang dapat Mykad di Sabah beri kesan negatif


Pertambahan pendatang dapat Mykad di Sabah beri kesan negatif <.... mengadakan satu sesi lawatan ke Sabah untuk menyiasat dakwaan tersebut.

Turut serta dalam sidang itu ialah, tiga Pesuruhjaya Suhakam yang lain iaitu, Dato' Sivasubramaniam, Dato' Dr Michael Yeoh dan Dato' Dr Denison Jayasooria.

Menurut Sk Choo, Suhakam telah mengadakan lawatan di tiga buah kampung yang dikatakan memiliki bilangan pendatang tanpa izin yang tinggi, antaranya ialah; Kampung Kinarut, Telipok dan Seri Tanjong.

Kes lama yang membimbangkan
"Apa yang kami tahu, ramai pendatang tanpa izin memiliki Mykad.Ada di antara mereka telah lama menetap di sini.Ini bukan satu masalah yang baru.Ia berlaku sejak beberapa tahun lamanya.Isu ini akan memberi kesan negatif kepada lanskap politik, ekonomi, budaya dan sosial negara," kata SK Choo.

Kemasukan pendatang tanpa izin yang memiliki Mykad ini hanya akan mengakibatkan pertambahan kepada belanjawan negara dan mereka ini kini mula memberi masalah kepada penduduk tempatan, kata SK Choo.

Antara masalah yang timbul ialah, pendatang tanpa izin ini sudah mula menguasai kegiatan ekonomi kecil di Sabah seperti pesaingan di pasar malam dan pasar tani yang sekaligus menidakkan peluang ekonomi penduduk asal (bumiputera), katanya.

Selain itu golongan ini juga dibimbangi menjadi dalang kepada pertambahan kes seludup rokok dan barang terlarang di negara ini, katanya.

Tuntut hak 'bumiputera'
Selain itu kata SK Choo, suatu hari nanti (jangka masa panjang) pendatang yang memiliki Mykad ini dibimbangi akan menuntut hak sama rata seperti yang terkandung dalam Perlembagaan Persekutuan sebagai seorang 'bumiputera'.

"Tidak mustahil mereka ini akan menuntut hak seperti bumiputera kerana mengikut dokumen mereka sah di sisi undang-undang, sedangkan mereka ini sebenarnya adalah golongan yang dieksploitasi pihak tertentu untuk mendapatkan keuntungan.

"Sudah tentu mereka (pendatang tanpa izin yang memiliki Mykad) akan ada hak untuk mengundi, menentukan pemimpin yang akan dipilih, dan menuntut hak mereka,"katanya.

Suhakam merasakan pendatang ini mudah memiliki Mykad berikutan adanya sindiket memberi kad pengenalan dengan niat tertentu, katanya.

Sehubungan itu Suhakam menggesa Kementerian Dalam Negeri (KDN) menyiasat pertambahan bilangan pendatang tanpa izin yang dilaporkan dan bertindak mengatasi masalah yang disifatkan bakal memberi kesan jangka masa panjang, katanya.  - mks.

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2006 10:07 AM | Show all posts

RCI to solve this fast


PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.

Secretary General - Joshua Kong's press release No. 118 for PaCiFIC dated 26th August, 2006

From Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu. [email protected].

"Take easy on the Filipino illegal" as per daily express's front page

Don't be deceived by such explosive title which occupy the headline of today's Daily Express when PaCiFIC's articles are likely banned in the local press.

Is it a reverse takeover already when PaCiFIC is talking of 1-2 millions extra people identity cards (EPIC) in Sabah?

Even a few thousands illegal already give us headache, and so how to deport about 500,000 Filipinos illegals in Sabah, not considering the EPIC of another million and more.

We all know the truth and the Federal and State Governments just like this kind of headlines in the newspapers with the known hidden agenda.

Prove us at PaCiFIC wrong by a Royal Commission of Inquiry now.

Joshua Y. C. Kong.


Secretary General, PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.

[ Last edited by  13Friday at 26-8-2006 10:10 AM ]

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2006 10:30 AM | Show all posts

IC crisis

DAILY EXPRESS NEWS   25th Aug 2006
Arrest warrant for another's traffic offence
Kota Kinabalu: Vegetable seller John Gatim of Kg Pomotodon, Inanam, lost his IC in 1998 at Kampung Air while running an errand and subsequently had it replaced.

He never imagined that the "lost IC" would land him in trouble one day. Yet this is exactly what the 31-year old is going through at the moment because a warrant of arrest has been issued for a traffic offence he had never committed.

Police issued him a ticket on Nov. 14, 2001 for a traffic offence involving a motorcycle bearing the registration plate number BGG1891. He also had another summons issued against him Aug 20, 2004.

John said his nightmare began when he went to renew his licence last year.

"To my surprise, I was informed that there is a warrant of arrest for me for failing to settle a police summons for a traffic offence committed in Shah Alam," he said at the Daily Express office in Tanjung Aru, Thursday.

He subsequently lodged a report but was told that he could only do it if he had a copy of the Identity Card Registration Draw number. After completing the requirement, he formally lodged a report on Aug. 5, 2005.

John's problem did not end there because when he went to the National Registration Department (NRD) at Wisma Dang Bandang, he was told to settle the matter with the police.

However, the police, in turn, told him to go back to NRD to sort out his problem. Subsequently, he tried to open an account with Sabah Bank but was informed that he "already" had an account there.

With no one to turn to, John approached the media hoping that his problem would be resolved. "I am afraid that whoever is the person that is using my identity may go further than just open a bank account.

"He could even take out a loan and abscond, leaving me with the loan to settle," he said.

John said he went to Johor in 1993 to work but came back in 1997. After that, he claimed he never went to the peninsula again.

He renewed his IC on April 30, 1999 and subsequently changed to the MyKad recently. "But my problem did not end there because I cannot open a bank account, not to mention renew my driving licence and also there is a warrant of arrest," he said.

President of Consumer Association for Sabah and Labuan (Cash), Datuk Patrick Sindu, who accompanied John said he hoped the NRD would look into the matter.

He said there are probably thousands of illegal immigrants who have come into possession of lost ICs and using these to find employment in the peninsula.

"I have received many reports similar to what John had related and the NRD should really look into the problem," he said.

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 Author| Post time 26-8-2006 02:25 PM | Show all posts

another version

Suhakam urges govt to probe Sabah's population boom
S.Tamarai Chelvi

KUALA LUMPUR: Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) yesterday advised the government to investigate Sabah's 362% population rise in Sabah compared with Sarawak since 1970.

Suhakam believes the extraordinary increase in Bumiputra citizens the past 30 years was the cause of the population boom.

Speaking in a press briefing today (Aug 23, 2006) on a half day roundtable on "Human Rights and Citizenship - Its Impact on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" which was held in Kota Kinabalu on July 31, Suhakam commissioner Datuk Choo Siew Kioh said:

"If the problem of foreign immigrants is not investigated and timely addressed from at least the human rights perspective, serious cultural and religious conflicts may arise in the state, with repercussions in peninsular states.

"Allegations that non-citizens could easily obtain Malaysian identity cards with false statutory declarations should be investigated."

Choo said prolonged delay in resolving the problems may affect adversely the civil and political rights as well as economic, social and cultural rights of genuine citizens of Sabah.

He said the roundtable provided an excellent opportunity for the National Registration Department state director and state immigration director to clarify government policies and provide answers.

"Despite the ample notice given to them to present papers, it is disappointing that they chose to shun us," he added.

Another Suhakam commissioner, Datuk Dr Denison Jayasooria, said "we are finalising a report to be submitted to the Home Ministry before the end of September".

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2006 08:38 AM | Show all posts

good news

PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.

Secretary General - Joshua Kong's press release No. 119 for PaCiFIC dated 27th August, 2006
From Joshua Y. C. Kong, P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu. [email protected].
This is something so special for Borneo (New Birth).

We all know that there are two major stages in the baby namely the incarnation (conception in the womb) and physical birth (come into the world).

Normally it is between 7 and 9 months, a child can come true.

Such incidences and coincidences are so special in Sabah part of Borneo.

I had written the incarnation of Jesus Christ was 25th December and the physical birth was 23rd August based on revelations.  If you do not accept that it is not my problem.
Why these dates are so special recently.

Human Rights Commission of Malaysia (Suhakam) since I first gave them a memo on EPIC of Sabah in July 2002, only made the first hard hitting statement on the population explosion in Sabah on 23rd December 2005, sort of Christmas gift as it was reported widely in the eve of Christmas in the press.

Then again Suhakam made a pleasant surprise on 23rd August, 2006 about the decision to urge the Government to act on the population explosion following the Roundtable Discussion on 31st July 2006 in Kota Kinabalu where I presented a paper titled " The number of EPIC of Sabah".  So why such developments?

There were the pressing statements made in press conferences held in Kuala Lumpur.
Food for thought and deep reflection, as why should we have such divine appointments concerning Sabah?

Also since 23rd August is also my birthday, I had many unusual but very good returns around that day including an outburst of a tube of a tyre (one in a billion exactly unheard of) at the refilling station on 24th August, 2006.

I am now proceeding to submit three complaints to International Criminal Court worth RM120 billion as compensation.

I thank God for all these as I share this. I know this Signature campaign of  PaCiFIC is divine.

Joshua Y. C. Kong.
Secretary General, PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards.

[ Last edited by  13Friday at 27-8-2006 08:41 AM ]

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Sugi This user has been deleted
Post time 27-8-2006 06:28 PM | Show all posts
happy belated birthday, may all the hard work pay off one day.

take care and god speed.

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 Author| Post time 27-8-2006 08:21 PM | Show all posts


thanks for your say.

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2006 12:52 PM | Show all posts

are the 3 M'sians also EPIC?

August 29, 2006 11:53 AM     

Indonesian, Three M'sians Caught In People Trafficking

BATAM (Riau), Aug 29 (Bernama) -- One Indonesian from East Java while three Malaysians were caught on Monday following a tip-off involved in people trafficking syndicate, Indonesia news agency ANTARA reports.

The Indonesian accused who had his domicile in Tanjung Pinang, and his three accomplices are now detained at the Johor Baharu immigration office for further investigations.

A diplomat of the Indonesian consulate general in Johor Baharu, Didik Trimadjono denied that the four suspects are jailed but being investigated following the dispatch of Indonesian illegal workers, the report said.

The unravelling of the syndicate's modus operandi and dispatch of illegal workers which involved an Indonesian and three Malaysians was deemed as a breakthrough in probing into the syndicate's network in Indonesia and Malaysia.

"Many tricks resorted to by the syndicate's members ranging from the sending of illegal workers through a secret ports without any documents," he said.

Hence Indonesian police should continue their coordination with security personnel in Malaysia in a bid to uncover the syndicate's network.

However, Didik declined to announce the involvement of Indonesians who have so far played an active role in sending the workers from Java island.

The news report said that the uncovering of the people trafficking syndicate was the effective coordination and cooperation between the Indonesian consul general and the Johor relevant authorities that agreed to reduce and to prevent Indonesian illegal workers from entering that country.


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 Author| Post time 29-8-2006 01:02 PM | Show all posts

a lot of terrorists and human trafficking via Sabah.


"Roundtable Discussion on "Human Rights and Citizenship - its Impact on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights" Kota Kinabalu 31st July 2006



These are illegal people from other countries getting the identity cards by fraudulent means and ultra vires the Federal Constitution. They are not local and possession of any identity documents has given them 'citizenship' and such documents are indeed illegal also coded as IC palsu or Fake IC.

I call them Extra People Identity Cards or EPIC (outside people with our ICs) as they are not born here hence unqualified. Children of EPIC parents are also not qualified for Malaysian citizenship.

EPIC once given valid identity cards in dubious means or by Affidavit or Surat Akuan with questioned fact like place of birth would considered themselves citizens.

Such EPIC are still considered possessing IC Palsu or Fake IC although such ICs are not forgery. Forgeries done by 'IC factory' without link to NRD are also fake ICs. Forgeries done by 'IC factory' with link to NRD although to be fake maybe exchangeable with genuine ICs. They have been reports of NRD staff involved with such "IC factories".

Having clear the impression of IC palsu or fake IC, we now come to the numbers of EPIC.

Hence for the relevant authorities to investigate and best for the Royal Commission of Inquiry to do a thorough job for a good ending of 1-2 millions dubious citizens.


Don't be deceived by the excessive plays of figures in the press.

I have written EPIC of Sabah in three editions and a few more editions to follow.

The Sabah had population census in 1960, 1970, 1980, 1991 and 2000. In 2000, it was revised downward from 3.1 millions to 2.6 m when in 1998, it was estimated at 2.8 m. In 1980, 1991, and 2000 there were illegals of 150,000, 423,062, & 614,824 respectively. The myth of the population explosion is dismissed and explainable, as the writing is on the wall. There is an unacceptable explanation of "Why Sabah's population rose " DAILY EXPRESS NEWS 13th July 2006 of more than a million in 1970 instead of 653,264 (official census).

2.2 millions foreigners given Malaysian Citizenship (Dewan Rakyat April, 2003). Is the bulk of such "qualified" people from Sabah? No breakdowns were given.

140,000 (Indon) and 63,000 (Filipino) left the State following the amnesty under Ops Nyah II until October 2002. (Borneo Post 26/10/2002). Was it the first time of such massive operation?

EC hunt for 230,000 (DE 31 March 2003). Is the EC chasing after the 'dubious' people who dare not register or simply 'ghosts'?

"In a fix over 136 Stateless street children" DE 13 Nov 05, estimated 100,000 to 300,000 stateless people in Sabah. (EPIC 3 pg 53). How much would this cost poor Sabah to take care of these people?


"March 2006, it is 61,314, in July 2004 it was 65,889. In 1973 it was 57,197 while former Chief Minister Datuk Yong Teck Lee said two months ago it was less than 18,000."

It would be correct to say that IMM13 holders in the past 33 years from 1973 would have increased by 300 per cent to around 240,000 by now, Chong said.


NRD vis-a-vis Population Explosion in Sabah.

Is the role of NRD the root cause of population explosion in Sabah when the Statistics Department cannot explain the unusual phenomenon?

People's attention are always diverted to the ever changing number of illegal people in Sabah. Such illegal people are either with forged (illegal) documents or without document. They remain illegal until caught and then sentenced and deported accordingly. That is the problem normally resolved by regular task force action on illegals but still largely ineffective to rid them from the State mainly in the oil palm plantations.

The population explosion is about Malaysian people in Sabah over the three decades of almost 3 times or 300% when the national average increase is about 3% per year. So in 30 years, it should be about 100% only.

Three major component of the Project IC coded P1/P2 or Project M are as follows:-

The USNO era of 100,000 identity cards just given away to illegals. Who had produced them? Exposed by an ex deputy Chief Minister of Sabah once jailed for OSA. It is timely to declassify those documents now to see the extent of the damage. (EPIC 2 p47) and (Suhakam - A case for Media Freedom page 39)

The period of Jun 1972-Dec 1976, any thing up to 300,000 ICs were issued excessively by NRD. Who are involved? Was this kind of briefing in May 1987 repeated in later years?

The period up April, 1987 - there was the reported 400,000 ICs mentioned in the Parliament, N13 Likas 1999's Election Court Case and the press as issued by NRD using surat akuan or sworn declaration of foreigners with false place of birth.

These three unfortunate IC scams add up to about 800,000. Together with children of these dubious citizens for 3 decades, it is definitely in excess of a million and more hence the exploded population as illustrated by the work out in EPIC of Sabah page 4.

Statistical analysis of Population by Age Groups


As per above (higher batches)
see below

migrated in 30 years
Conservative-official figures not available?

children under 14 years in 2000
55% foreigners of 787,357 (estimates)

EPIC of Sabah


However the figure of EPIC is further compounded by the excessive departures of Malaysians for the period of 1995 -2004.

Malaysians of 628,040 of excess departures (1995-2000) with another 202,991 (2001-2004). Real migration is likely less than 50,000 in the said period. Many of these EPIC people may have gone elsewhere for whatever reasons. What would happen if a significant number of them decide to come back?

Bruneians -excess of 80,451 leaving Sabah for the period 1995-2000, and 71,374 for 2001 and 2002.

Where have these people Malaysians nearly 900,000 and Bruneians (150,000) come from? Earlier years, records are not kept by the Immigration Department.

part 1 of 2

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 Author| Post time 29-8-2006 01:03 PM | Show all posts

part 2 of 2

EPIC and its impact

Why so important to know the number of EPIC? There lies the root cause of all woes in Sabah vis-a-vis Malaysia.

The State cannot cope with the massive rising trend of population hence all the economic, social and political indicators (most lying at the bottom in the nation) are distorted by such massive 1-2 millions of EPIC arising from Sabah. In the United Nations' University commissioned Discussion Paper No. 2002/113 written by Jomo K. S and Wee Chong Hui as titled "The Political Economy of Malaysian Federalism - Economic Development, Public Policy and Conflict containment", we can see illustrations of the many disparities within the nation as far as the East and Peninsula (Mainland) are concerned. This malaise can be 'healed' by resolving the identity card issues as most of these people called EPIC need to addressed and deported. Can you keep those people who made false declaration on sworn statements?

Gangsterism and lawless culture (Mayor of Kota Kinabalu -DE 5th August 2005). (EPIC of Sabah 3rd ed page 48).

When EPIC consist of mostly Muslims, they become muslim bumiputra instantly, and there lies the discord in society in Sabah once a peaceful state in 1963 when the nation has a 'distorted' social contract in NEP, NDP and NNA with a mechanism that benefit a small sector of people in power. In South Africa, some people would recognise that phenomenon as 'apartheid'.

Socially and politically, the existence of such massive number of EPIC has given rise to ethnic cleansing (a crime against humanity) when the 'democratic' electoral delineation is structured on bias territorial borders vis-a-vis urban and rural zones. Hence social harmony is threatened to the core when a majority group once is now reduced to a minority. Locals are likely to be the refugees in own homeland.

Stateless / street kids in Sabah is the ugly face of EPIC.

The presence of EPIC in Sabah conveys the wrong message to the neighbouring countries when the dormant unjustified Claim on Sabah is unresolved and the nasty Confrontation by Indonesia may linger on. So the impact of EPIC gives the impression of disorders internally (Sabah) and externally ( within Malaysia).


We have identify the problems in the context of human rights, Citizenship, Illegal Immigrants and Stateless People in Sabah and also found the root causes of these EPIC.

We need to have a proper effort to handle this massive crisis and we would not have this problem of EPIC if PBS had pushed hard enough for this since 1987.

Any compromise from any quarters can only be considered within the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) and the proposed areas are 1. Compensation for Sabahans 2. Claim on Sabah 3. Refugee 4. Enforcement 5. Amnesty 6. PR 7. Malay/bumiputra 8. Work permit expanded/ trade restriction

Calls for (RCI) had been made many countless times repeatedly by many people.

So RCI is very urgent now to resolve this IC crisis and related pressing immigration, social, economic, financial, human rights and political issues.

ExPrime Minister said the selling of the sand to Singapore is tantamount to jeopardise the sovereignty of Malaysia, the giving of a million and more ICs to foreigners can seriously endanger our security and sovereignty.

Medical doctors would diagnose our current influx of unruly foreigners and acquiring our ICs to become dubious citizens as cancer.

The RCI would cure our 'cancer' or 'malaise' caused by Project IC or/cum Project Mahathir in NRD's coded P1 and P2 ensuing security and sovereignty is maintained after a positive sign following the Police Report as lodged by CASH on 21st June 2006 now acted by the Police for the first time.

We need the support of the Police, Parliament Select Committee on Integrity, Suhakam and any NGOs. for the RCI.


No one cares and no one does anything.

And then, as poet Chinua Achebe puts it what will happen is "Things fall apart."


Prepared for Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan FT. (CASH)

By: Joshua Y. C. Kong.

Chartered Accountant, Poet, Author

Secretary General of CASH

[email protected]; [email protected]

P. O. Box 11923, 88821 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.

18th July, 2006

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 Author| Post time 13-9-2006 03:48 PM | Show all posts

silly losses

Press Release No. 15 of  the Secretary General of CASH                                13th Sept 2006
Datuk Tan Chai Ho, Deputy Home Minister said "since the introduction of the MyKad in 2001, more than 2.3 million had been reported missing." when he also mentioned of the tampered MyKad  recently.
The scale of such losses is indeed worrying as duplicated MyKad had been reported by some holders.  I would like to know how would such losses be identified with the States in the nation.  It is misleading to say that these cards were simply "missing" when many reported that they lost their cards through theft and snatch theft.  There may be some cases of losses in the fire.  Some of these cards could be 'sold' to the illegal.
While there maybe no way that the holders recover these "missing" cards, the authorities like the National Registration Department and the Election Commission (EC) must take appropriate action when registering voters.  It is normal practice that the EC would make last efforts to register new voters just before any General Election.  Many of these socalled missing cards and their related documents could emerge to become the phantom voters as the presence of massive phantom voters had been confirmed in the N13 Likas 1999 State General Elections.  Such phenomenon of phantom voters would be precipitated when the Electoral Rolls once listed in the gazette cannot be challenged.
Another aspect of this massive loss is that this is not to be an excuse to introduce the verichip to be injected into the skin of citizens.  This move may have grave religious consequences.
        Another issue is that Malaysia has 1,823,431 foreign workers according to the  Parliament Secretary to the Home Ministry Datuk  Paduka Abdul Rahman Ibrahim.  It was revealed that the 5 countries with the most workers were Indonesia, Nepal, India, Vietnam and Bangladesh (64,156). It is a surprise that Filipino workers are not ranked within the five nations.  Does that mean that many of these Filipino workers in Sabah are illegal?  I hope the Home Ministry would identify these workers with the respective states in Malaysia.

Joshua Y. C. Kong
Secretary General of Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan FT. (CASH).
Secretary General of Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards  (PaCiFIC).

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Post time 13-9-2006 10:13 PM | Show all posts

should concentrate on more issues like this

GREAT post Friday !, thanks for stressing this out ..

friday maybe we all should take up arms and expell them all

and dismantle pulau gaya... locals will be relocated to the mainland, i think its time we call to dismantle the entire illegal pupulation infrastructure in syabu island...

[ Last edited by  Obersliutenant at 13-9-2006 10:17 PM ]

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 Author| Post time 15-9-2006 07:38 PM | Show all posts

OPEN MESSAGE 16th September 2006 - 43rd Anniversary oF MALAYSIA

OPEN MESSAGE 16th September 2006 - 43rd Anniversary oF MALAYSIA

The King of Malaysia, The Prime Minister of Malaysia, All Members of Parliament,
Chief Minister, Sabah, All Members of the Sabah Legislative Assembly.

Greetings, all concerned people of Malaysia.

I would like to appeal to all concerned to resolve this IC crisis in Sabah and Malaysia.
Let our King be the King of all Malaysia of all citizens and dubious citizens (to be managed well).
Let this Prime Minister be concerned about the wellbeing of all in the context of security and sovereignty.
Let all elected representatives be proactive over this crisis.
Let the Government of Sabah as led by Datuk Musa Aman, the Chief Minister of Sabah and the UMNO Chief Liaison Sabah to handle the Crisis of Identity Cards in Sabah also a national issue. You had indicated support for the Police to investigate the Project M and to take drastic action after some Police personnel attacked by PTIs in Kampong Pondo, Gaya Island recently.
         The Chief Minister of all people of all races and religions in Sabah is fully aware of the IC crisis and the burden thereof.
        Many quarters including NRD had been dealing in genuine and fake identity cards to hundreds of thousand of illegal people for more than three decades in Sabah resulting in 1-2 millions dubious people here.
        As Secretary General of CASH, and on behalf of the many people who had signed the petition in a Signature Campaign organised by CASH, I would appeal to you to deal with this IC crisis as soon as possible before the next 50th national day in 2007.
        We would assist the Government in whatever ways possible including a Royal Commission of Inquiry over this complex and complicity of the crisis..
        Over the years since 1968 some people were aware of that but did not expose the illegal dealings affecting the patriotism and security cum sovereignty of the nation.
        The roles of  Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity held in Kota Kinabalu on 15th June 2006, Human Rights Commission of Malaysia or Suhakam since 23rd December, 2005, and a Roundtable Discussion on 31st July 2006 with a full report to the Government in September 2006, the Police concern over the IC crisis and the widely publicised and documented N13 - Likas (1999) Election Court landmark Judgement on 8th June 2001 cannot be taken lightly.
        On 15th March 2006, a Suhakam Commissioner Prof Datuk Hj Hamdan Hj Adnan launched the Consumers' Association of Sabah and Labuan FT or CASH's PaCiFIC- Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards  - in a signature campaign for a petition to the King for the set up of the Royal Commission of Inquiry on the IC crisis to be submitted at the time we celebrate the Independence in 2006.
        CASH has also lodged a Police Report on the Project IC/ Project M on 21st June, 2006. The quick response from the conscientious Police was the unprecedented investigation at the level of Bukit Aman.
        The Sabah Commissioner of Police farewell press interview with the Daily Express was quoted as saying "People are sensitive about the presence of PTIs.  There should be a multi-dimension solution to the problem as it has the dimension of international relations.  Then you the political implications, the social implications, the economic implications and regional implications.  To solve the issue needs a multi-dimensional approach."  Even the narcotics challenge mentioned by the CP is also related to the PTIs.
        The signatures that are collected by PaCiFIC remains the treasured property of  CASH and reference can be made to the office there for posterity.
        We would look forward to the very early resolution of the IC Crisis once and for all lest the likely 'reverse takeover' by the illegal in Sabah where the majority local genuine natives and people has been reduced to a minority already.
Joshua Y. C. Kong
Secretary General of Consumers' Association of Sabah & Labuan FT. (CASH).
Secretary General of Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards (PaCiFIC).
Dated: 16th September 2006

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