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Mane destination cuti2 paling best, dan kenapa???
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Just wondering, which of those places will you go for holiday destinations...?? Me...I like Europe the best because they always have the nicest sceneries...and specifically i really wanted to go badly to Prague!!!
[ Last edited by chumpon at 5-12-2006 09:04 AM ] |
oleh kerana budget, kebayan start dengan asia dulu..
thailand - hatyai, songkla, bangkok, pattaya, chiangmai
indonesia - jakarta, bandung, medan, bali, jogyakarta, mataram, pekan baru
china - beijing, shanghai
insyaAllah next trip (sept) : hong kong, korea
insyaAllah next plan (nov) : australia atau japan... lepas raye kot!
sebenarnya kita kene habiskan jalan2 kat malaysia dulu.. terus terang kebayan dah round
semua ibu negeri dalam malaysia tapi pulau2 belum habis lagi..
niat dah ada.. nak ke mabul island sabah.. |
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Ciklijah pun pilih Europe..byk tempat2 menarik..tapi mahalnya kos nak ke sana! For Southeast Asia, Ciklijah pileh Bangkok! |
Redsinner, why Prague?
Kebayan, I teringin jugak nak pi Thailand and Indonesia, but takde chance lagik.
As for me, alhamdulillah, dah banyak jugak la tempat I pi. Semua tempat pun I suka. But my favorite will always be Maldives.
[ Last edited by jasmine_dpc at 16-8-2006 05:41 PM ] |
Reply #4 jasmine_dpc's post
semua tempat u dah pergi ni kalau i ade rezeki.. memang i nak pegi.. maybe plan lepas kawin kot..
kebayan ni memang jenis enjoy food... kalau travelling lebih mencari menu diorang..
contohnya thailand, let say tomyam ye..
kalau nak makan masakan tomyam yang sedap n pedas, baik ke restaurant sekitar hatyai..
even bangkok-pattaya pun tak terlawan rase tomyam tu..
normallah kalau lepas makan.. kiter order extra tomyam campur.. hirup kuah je pun memang nikmat betul.. |
i vote for europe gak overall europe best.. tak dinafikan tapi ada tempat2 lain yg best gak e.g. cape town.. tak masuk dlm list so takleh nak vote.. |
Canada terutama quebec city....
Beautiful first european city dekat noth america...
Terlalu cantik, terlalu bersejarah, terlalu banyak benda nak buat...
I lived here anyway tetapi memang tak boring sebab setiap musim tak sama.... |
Europe jugak.. rich history, negara kecik2 jd boleh rasa pbezaan - budaya, bahasa, bangunan, mknn etc. Paling best.. selatan France - mediterranean Cote d'Azur. |
US best pe..especially area California..really love San Diego, Monterey,Santa Barbara, LA and paling best San Francisco. Lyn the beaches,the pierres and of course tempat red indian dudok pun best..but the thing i really miss is whale watching... |
I love tomyam! Oh, kiranye nak makan tomyam sedap, kena pi Hatyai ye? Okeh, akan try pi satu hari nanti. Oh yes, bila dah kawin, lagi syiok kot jalan. I semua2 tu, ada pi ngan parents, ada pi ngan spouse. Apa2 pun, mmg syiok la kalau berjalan ngan org yang geng ngan kita.
I nak sgt pi South Africa. Nak tgk African Safari. Hehe!
U kat Quebec? I love Quebec! I rasa of all the cities in Canada, Quebec is the best. Ada gambar? Tempek la sini. Hehe!
South of France best ek? Er, I sampai takat Paris jek. Hehe, biasa la, time is too limited.
I pernah dok CA dulu. Yup, SanFran is the best! I kureng ngan LA, I think it's a bit dirty lah. But Rodeo Drive, I likeee! ;) How about Boston? I love Boston!
Er, sorry, I menegur semua org. Hehe! Cam I plak tuan rumah kat sini  |
Europe fine day..Insyaallah |
Originally posted by jasmine_dpc at 17-8-2006 10:53 AM
I love tomyam! Oh, kiranye nak makan tomyam sedap, kena pi Hatyai ye? Okeh, akan try pi satu hari nanti. Oh yes, bila dah kawin, lagi syiok kot jalan. I semua2 tu, ada pi ngan paren ...
Jasmin, u stay CA kat mane? I used to stay in Santa Barbara. Really glad to hear their beach is one of the Top 10 beaches in the States. I tak pernah sampai Boston tp heard that it's great..especially for lobster lover like me..miss sgt restaurant cam Crabby Lobster(near my house in Goleta, Santa Barbara) and Red Lobster..I pernah sampai NY, Nevada, Arizona and Nevada. Also love their national park..went to Yosemite..tak pernah sampai Yellowstone..n Tahoe is great for skiing. |
saya masih lagi minat banyak pulau kat malaysia.
Redang, Kapas, antara yang masih cantik lagi..Pulau kapas ada zon tempat utk parking bot supaya sauh tak kena karang dekat bawah air. Redang ada taman laut. |
apsal AUst & NZ sikit sgt? New Zealand is my favourite place to visit. Pegi NZ , would be like going to the whole Europe! Europe cuma cantik scenery shj but tak byk activities whereas in NZ, other than offering breathtaking sceneries, you boleh white water rafting dgn air yg color turqoise yg clear, (G7 punya) boleh swim with the dolphines, whale watching, naik Shotover jet boat, bungee jumping, (paling best! better than anywhere else in the world mainly because of the beautiful river), cruise at the fiords, skiing, pegi tpt LOTR.. semua best!
masa aku pegi europe, setakat naik bus, stopover a few countries, ambik gambar kat tpt2 cantik or buildings yg cantik,..bla..bla.. bla.. utk org tua mcm parents aku diorg suka laa! utk aku yg gatal nak panjat, lompat, terjun, etc.. aku suka NZ! aku terkilan sbb hari yg aku nak swim with the dolphins weather tak elok so diorg cancel the trip!
BTW, NZ is a lot cleaner than Europe! even cleaner than Switzerland & Austria. Eastern Europe aku tak pernah pegi lagi. so tak leh compare.
Kalau org kata Ireland & Scotland cantik,.. well, scenery dia lebih kurang like NZ South Island la..
I tgk kat board ni tak de lagi org yg pegi NZ. rugi..rugi.. my friend yg study kat UK & dah round europe & NZ pun ckp, dia prefer NZ. |
my next destination, insyaAllah, exotic Morocco & North Africa & Turki, & Granada & Alhambra, Spain.
ohh and Africa too!
AMerica? dah pegi sekali cukup. Tak teringin nak pegi lagi. maybe because I'm anti US & tak teringin subject to FBI interrogation for suspecting me as a terrorist!
Canada,. too cold pour moi! tak tahan sejukkkk...! I don't know how i survived early winter in Europe! |
Originally posted by muslyn at 17-8-2006 05:13 PM
apsal AUst & NZ sikit sgt? I tgk kat board ni tak de lagi org yg pegi NZ. rugi..rugi.. my friend yg study kat UK & dah round europe & NZ pun ckp, dia prefer NZ...
muslyn, i donno about others, but I belum sampai lagi NZ, so I am not able to judge & compare NZ with Europe that I vote.. maybe if I've been there the result would be different.. NZ is definitely in my list.. one day I'll go insyallah.. |
Originally posted by muslyn at 17-8-2006 04:27 AM
my next destination, insyaAllah, exotic Morocco & North Africa & Turki, & Granada & Alhambra, Spain.
ohh and Africa too!
AMerica? dah pegi sekali cukup. Tak teringin nak peg ...
Canada, winter memang sejuk gila, even summer pun ada time time dia kena pakai jacket...
lucky i love winter, senang sesuaikan diri dengan salji tebal dan ribut salji...
[img] [/img]
Cuma time pakaian tu kena pakai ala ala eskimolah....
Dekat sini tak best sebab seafoods, semua ikan tasik/sungai..
ketam sekor bentuk tu sampai sekarang tak pernah nampak, pendek kata apa dari laut susah nak jumpa segar...
Masa musim lobster, jenuh makan, siap buat kenduri makan losbter lagi....:love:
I love america jugak, 2 abang ipar me kat davie dan mentua me ada rumah kat hallandale, florida..
last pegi... makan seafoods tak ingat diri....
suka disneyland jugak....
[ Last edited by faraway at 17-8-2006 04:54 AM ] |
I dok somewhere in Orange County. Hehe! Oh yes, you should go to Boston! I bet you gonna love it there too! Shopping pun best gak situ. Hehe! I pun suka Red Lobster, first time pi, cam excited nak ketuk2 ngan small hammer tuh. 
Er, I pun tak nah sampai that side of the world yet. Dunno why lah. Maybe most ppl pi Europe coz banyak countries boleh cover kot. If pi NZ, it's just NZ lah. Nanti lah, ada time, ada rezeki, I akan pi. I plan to go to OZ next year and terus ke NZ. So, kat NZ, mana u suggest untuk pi? |
Originally posted by jasmine_dpc at 17-8-2006 10:53 AM
South of France best ek? Er, I sampai takat Paris jek. Hehe, biasa la, time is too limited.
Rezeki saya.. dah sampai utara France di Honfleur (English Channel) dan Southern di Cote d'Azur (mediterranean sea). Dok kat Paris 18 hari. Without doubt, Paris is the best tp mahal gilos.
Southern France digelar French Riviera (Cote d'Azur). Pegi time winter tapi sbb cuaca mediterranean, nyaman jer. Saya stationed kat Nice (Niz) seminggu. Bnyk yg best - Monaco & Monte Carlo, Cannes, Antibes, Biot, Haut-de-Cagnes, St Paul de Vence, Menton, Gourdon, Villefranche, Eze, La Turbie.. bnyk old town zaman medieval.
Pergi Monaco u can feel the glamour and perfection of luxury.. (not only luxury). Tp kena study jugakla ttg sejarahnya.. The Grimaldis etc..
And Cannes..
My best choice is Nice.. nice Nice. Bnyk gambar sy letak kat atas nun.. Rumah Elton John atas bukit pun ada.. dr jauh jer la. |
It sounds so interesting! Hehe! Tapi ntah bila la nak sampai. Hehe! |
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