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Post time 6-11-2006 08:53 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
I think human will never understand science... Especially physics...

Give your comment..

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 Author| Post time 6-11-2006 08:55 PM | Show all posts
I think human willnever understand science because human is the creation, and not the creator..

Human finds logical explanation on whatever that is happening in the world, and this would lead to a misconception...

Comment, please....

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Post time 7-11-2006 08:45 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 6-11-2006 08:53 PM
I think human will never understand science... Especially physics...

Give your comment..

Man cannot understand Science because they do not see everything as whole, they just see things as partial.

Why did Man in the past could produce Scientific Discoveries which people nowadays - the so-called Scientific Era - could pale to learn and understand? Science in the past does exists and it was in par (if not above) Science today - BELIEVE IT OR NOT.

Science like Taoism (minus the fortune cookie stuff) were design to show chances to the World and Environment so Man can adjust himself to the Environment (which is used for planting crops, having festival etc).

In Mayan Civilisation and in Chinese Civilisation, Astronomy and Architeture went hand in hand. Egyptians built pyramids along the Nile River to mimic the Milky Way. Indian Scientists managed to calculate distance from the Earth to the Sun in percise calculation - with only two or three digits difference.

Why could they do it when Man today - with so much advance in Science and Technology, seems to be going backward? Answer - Scientists today have made fatal mistake of dividing Science into small pieces.

You could see many branches of Science - Medicine, Astronomy, Physics, Biology, Chemistry and all sort of branches. And within this branches, exist other branches which makes it even smaller.

When Scientists in one Branch makes a small discovery (usually by ignoring other aspects of the Nature of Discovery - Biological Researcher will only look things at Biological point of View), they do not share and debate with other Scientists. They make Discovery and with that, they tries to make a name for themselves. So the purpose of the Discovery and Science itself IS NOT for Beneficts of Mankind (like what our forefathers did) but for sake of Selfish Ego.

Even the Internet - which originally designed to brings data to everyone world-wide so they could share information, have FAILED in its purpose. Today, the Internet is a place where people spent more time chatting useless stuff with each other, sex and self-indulgement, propaganda and even terrorists acts like hacking.

Where is the Research and Scientific Debate for which the Internet was designed for? How many forumers (never mind Scientists) actually read Scientific Data? I only know one and he is condemn by fools who cannot decipher Scientific Data even if someone beat a Science text book on their heads. ;)

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Post time 7-11-2006 01:03 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 6-11-2006 08:55 PM
I think human willnever understand science because human is the creation, and not the creator..

Human finds logical explanation on whatever that is happening in the world, and this would lead to ...

Maybe you shouldn't learn Science before making a statement like that?

Science is a MUST in order to make Humans progress forward, BUT Science is just one tool. Science must follow with Culture, Wisdom of the Forefathers and such which make humans individuals.

If you want to talk whether humans are creation or creator, go and present your statement at Religion section, NOT Science and Technology Column where we discuss about Science. ff:

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2006 03:54 PM | Show all posts
Nothing about religion...

When i first studied science in primary 3, i was very astonished with the human's ability to figure out what is happening in the world...

However, now, i realised that this is not what human do...

Is that one of enermous views in science? Making logical explanation of what happens...

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 Author| Post time 7-11-2006 03:55 PM | Show all posts
Once i typed the creator, why must this topic should be thrown to religious one?

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Post time 7-11-2006 06:35 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by Sephiroth at 7-11-2006 01:03 PM
If you want to talk whether humans are creation or creator, go and present your statement at Religion section, NOT Science and Technology Column where we discuss about Science.

Dont you think that you are contradicting yourself with what you had wrote earlier? I didnt read everything words by words, but I think what you were trying to say in your previous message is that knowledge should be treated as a single integrated wisdom instead of separating it into different disciplines.

Using that logic, I would imagine knowledge of Science and Religion should come together, no?

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Post time 7-11-2006 07:58 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 6-11-2006 08:55 PM
I think human willnever understand science because human is the creation, and not the creator..

Human finds logical explanation on whatever that is happening in the world, and this would lead to a misconception...

Comment, please....  

If you are saying that we will never understand science, then I think the statement is wrong coz I already know that I am stuck on this chair because of gravity! So I do understand science However, I would agree if you are saying that we do not understand science fully YET coz it's going to take some time to master all the knowledge in this universe.

Surely some of you guys have heard about the Singularity. It is a belief, or rather prediction, that in future we will be able to acquire new technologies at a very rapid rate, much faster than what we are experiencing at the moment. This is based on the past pattern of human technological development such as computing power.

According to Moore's Law, computer processing power doubled every 24 months. That means humankind is going to have more and more processing power and this can be use to do many things such as to let computer think using artificial intellingence. So, imagine if machines can think, at an accelerated rate, how many major breakthroughs we can make in the future in a short period of time!

Hopefully by then our knowledge will expand and allow us to fully understand everything that happens around us.

[ Last edited by  MACD at 7-11-2006 08:01 PM ]

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Post time 8-11-2006 08:51 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by MACD at 7-11-2006 06:35 PM

Dont you think that you are contradicting yourself with what you had wrote earlier? I didnt read everything words by words, but I think what you were trying to say in your previous message is tha ...

Knowledge of Science and Religion may go hand in hand, BUT it is depends on PURPOSE of that union.

Yes, I did say our Forefather makes great leap in Scientific progress by going hand-in-hand with Religion (which is what should happening now), but you should see for WHAT purpose does this union exists for.

Nowadays, I have seen people in some races claiming that they will make progress because they want to highlight a certain religion and its greatness.

In some places, I have seen people claiming that they will make progress in Science and Technology so they could spread their religion and its greatness everywhere.

And in some places, especially in the West, I have seen people make progress in Science and Technology just so they could proof Religion is false. All this I have seen.

And ALL ABOVE IS FALSE APPROACH.  It is not for benefit of the Religion or its Greatness that a person must strive in Science and Technology, it is for the PEOPLE and their Beneficts.

I'm saying that Science and Religion must go hand in hand for benefict of the People, NOT for benefict of Science alone or for Religion alone.

What is the use of creating weapons and missiles when there are starving people in the streets?
What is the use of creating great stadiums when there are homeless people in the streets?
What is the use of making breakthroughs in Computer and Technology when there are still people living in slums (this is especially for India)?


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Post time 8-11-2006 12:45 PM | Show all posts
Let take a look at how useless a progress in Science will be if it has no benefict to the People, shall we?

This came in the just now.
(Hmph ... God really have a sense of humor)

Source :

Tue Nov 7, 11:06 AM ET

BANGALORE (Reuters) - India's state-run space agency approved its first indigenous manned mission into space on Tuesday, aiming to put an astronaut outside the earth's atmosphere by 2014.

The new proposal for a manned mission will be put to the federal government for approval and funding. The mission is expected to cost $2.2 billion.

And Lets check this out :

Source : ... n=5&country=356

Nearly 50 percent of the world's hungry live in India, a low-income, food-deficit country. Around 35 percent of India's population - 350 million - are considered food-insecure, consuming less than 80 percent of minimum energy requirements.

Nutritional and health indicators are extremely low. Nearly nine out of 10 pregnant women aged between 15 and 49 years suffer from malnutrition and anaemia. Anaemia in pregnant women causes 20 percent of infant mortality. More than half of the children under five are moderately or severely malnourished, or suffer from stunting.

In one part of nation, India boosting projects to take Man to space and the cost is 2.2 BILLION. WHOOPEE!! <.<

In another part, it is estimated 50% of WORLD'S Hungry Ones are in India. :agr:



Answer to above question :- Not ONE, Nothing, Zilch!

Yet, India, LIKE MANY NATIONS in the World ARE BLIND to its people's needs. Science and Technology exists today is JUST FOR EGO and SELF-SATISFACTION.

Government, the so-called People's Elected Officials will come and make show for all to see for 5 years. And when they go, they show this sort of project that they will claim have put nations like India in front. But the real problem like People's beneficts, Hunger eradication and Poverty eradication still lingers on.

Frankly speaking, if God choose to wipe-out this sort of nations of the World, I for one will be happy. :pray:

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Post time 16-11-2006 07:31 PM | Show all posts
semua org speaking omputih.. :geram:

yg pastinya aku tak paham physics.... susah tul nak align otak aku dgn physics nie.... :kant:

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Post time 20-11-2006 08:30 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by windmill at 16-11-2006 07:31 PM
semua org speaking omputih.. :geram:

yg pastinya aku tak paham physics.... susah tul nak align otak aku dgn physics nie.... :kant:

Pergi belajar dulu bahasa orang putih kerana banyak buku dlm bahasa English dan juga information dlm Internet pun dlm bahasa English. Buka susah sangat nak belajar ... kamu kena rajin cakap, baca dan berbual je. Beli surat khabar bahasa English dan baca dgn suara lantang - itu cara mudah.

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 Author| Post time 22-11-2006 02:47 PM | Show all posts
I see..

We learn things around us so that we can improve ourselves..

This is the process....

1. Newton with his gravitation law... Ok, people can now understand nature... We use one law to explain the behaviour of moving objects.

2. Wow... Mercury doesn't obey Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation..

3. Einstein and his Special Relativity. Yeah, people can understand nature... The probem of Mercury was then solved..

4. Wow... Quantum Mechanics doesn't obey Special Relativity. Something is moving faster than light...

5. If that so, is the Special Relativity wrong??

Hmm... Every one successful theory sparks new questions....

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Post time 28-11-2006 08:33 AM | Show all posts
Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 22-11-2006 02:47 PM
I see..

We learn things around us so that we can improve ourselves..

This is the process....

1. Newton with his gravitation law... Ok, people can now understand nature... We use one law to ...

Science is about answering Questions and Growing up. NOT finding answers and Sit down.
Science ask for questions, they don't ask for answers.

They ask WHY this thing happen. When they receive the answer, they ask again WHY it is happen in THAT WAY and look deeper. That is Science.

Anyone who says "Science already answered that" and continued to live as if the Science have provided an Instant Enlightnment for them, ARE LIVING A LIE.

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Post time 28-11-2006 12:19 PM | Show all posts

salam and greetings to all...

Originally posted by aku_EnSeM at 6-11-2006 08:53 PM
I think human will never understand science... Especially physics...

Give your comment..

I think your statement is quite a rough " brushed off".It sord of carrying a bit of personal resentment may be?if not, my apology.


I am of the opinion that yes human will could never . as YET to fully gain full understanding in science, but as most of other things, the quest for expanding knowledge especially in scientific fields has never come easy, and thus HUMAN could improve their understanding on science NOT that they WILL NEVER understand science.

As you  all have been mentioned so far , having one discovery of a particular aspect of things - may it be in biology, physics or chemistry-  will eventually lead to another question generating tasks.
I  basically think that we at the moment is very limited injaving the "tool" or resources at the task of  unravelling the mystery of science.

To asnwer your main question i would personally say that we have to understand what science means.
it is the development or expanding knowledge on things.

But one of the greater question is  that : when ones discover a thing- i would say he/she would marvel at how perfect  the things. structure were laid in relation to each other. Say,for instance , the discovery of the existence of electrons, will nudge oneself to discover protopn up till the attempt at you know visualising the hypothetical strucure of an atom - the job was done by Niels Bohr, right?

so you see...even when one had discover the structure of what could possibly be a model of an atomm then they would be thinking: have we missing out anything ? haaa... this is where all those accelarators like CERN etc been built coz they have found , through calculations and experiments the number of total mass of an atom does not adds up perfectly . so they ask what could be the other sub -atomic particle? you see, the structureof an atom now could well consist of other sub atomic element, and how did they come up with this hypothesis ? by experimenting and also based ON THE PREVIOUS knowledge-based on what have they already known before, say. about the structure of an atom.

another example would be MANDELEEVE - the periodic chart of elements?
how could he predict that the newly found element when belongs to this GROUP in PERIOD so and so would be having these kinds of attributes? kan?

so you see human could improve their knowledge on science though they  as yet unable to gauge the whole picture on the subject matter.

that's my comment.

bless you.

[ Last edited by  mbhcsf at 28-11-2006 12:23 PM ]

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Post time 29-11-2006 11:29 PM | Show all posts
kalo paham fizik boleh jer paham math

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Post time 30-11-2006 01:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by DDT_pacak85 at 29-11-2006 23:29
kalo paham fizik boleh jer paham math

kes haku terbalik. :nerd: ..hahaha... ff: ff:

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