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Post time 27-1-2007 02:55 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
ada tak sesiapa architect di forum / yang masuk di board ni??

dan mungkin ada forumers yang berminat nak menjadi seorang architect -
ive been dealing with architect firms -  their HR and what kind of employees
they need --
put few of my candidates in the architect firms  and the salary is not bad as well --

di sini saya akan postkan tentang kerjaya di bidang architecture ini -
dah harap mana2 architect kat sini - boleh juga menambah dan beri buah fikiran ye --

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 Author| Post time 27-1-2007 02:57 PM | Show all posts
Sentiasa kreatif, imaginatif
Oleh Siti Fatimah Hassan

BIDANG seni bina turut menjadi pilihan ramai pelajar di institusi pengajian tinggi awam (IPTA) dan swasta (IPTS) selepas membuat keputusan dengan memasang cita-cita untuk bergelar seorang arkitek.

Kerjaya profesional itu menuntut tugas kritikal apabila diberi tanggungjawab mereka bentuk bangunan, susunan kawasan bandar dan luar bandar, merancang kemudahan asas dan menganggar kos projek.

Selain itu, mereka turut bertanggungjawab mengenal pasti keperluan pelanggan seperti peruntukan projek, kegunaan bangunan dan bila ia akan digunakan.

Menerusi pembangunan pesat di negara ini, pasaran pekerjaan untuk tugas itu sentiasa ada dalam sektor kerajaan dan swasta contohnya di Jabatan Kerja Raya, Perbadanan Pembangunan Bandar (UDA), Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri dan institusi pengajian tinggi.

Semuanya terpulang kepada kebolehan serta kemampuan lepasan ijazah berkelayakan untuk berkecimpung dalam bidang berkenaan.

Semua arkitek yang sedang berkhidmat masih berdaftar dengan Persatuan Arkitek Malaysia (PAM).

Di samping itu, seorang arkitek perlu memastikan bangunan yang dibina mengikut spesifikasi, kemajuan kerja mengikut jadual dan perbelanjaan projek tidak melebihi peruntukan.

Terdapat beberapa arkitek yang dikelaskan mengikut kepakaran masing-masing seperti arkitek perancang bandar, arkitek landskap, arkitek jurukur bahan, arkitek kapal, arkitek marin dan arkitek bangunan.

Seperti yang diketahui, pelan menjadi asas terhadap tugas arkitek apabila ia memerlukan kemahiran kesenian jika ingin bergiat dalam bidang profesional itu.

Beberapa kemahiran lain juga amat diperlukan seperti kebolehan dalam analisis logik pengurusan dan pengaturan, kefahaman dalam Matematik, Sains, Fizik, Sejarah dan Kesenian sebelum layak bergelar seorang arkitek.

Pada masa sama, mereka perlulah kreatif dan imaginatif serta mempunyai daya pemerhatian tajam supaya tugas yang dipertanggungjawab dapat dilaksanakan dengan berkesan.

Seorang arkitek perlu mempunyai kelayakan dalam bidang seni bina dan terdapat beberapa IPTA dan IPTS menawarkan kursus terbabit.

Di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), contohnya, pelajar perlu mendapatkan kelulusan yang baik pada peringkat Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) atau mereka perlu mendapat lima kepujian dalam lima mata pelajaran termasuk Bahasa Melayu dan Matematik.

Pelajar akan mengikuti pengajian selama tiga tahun dan dianugerahkan diploma. Pelajar yang layak akan dibenar melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat ijazah untuk tempoh tiga tahun.

Mereka juga perlu lulus peperiksaan yang dikendalikan Lembaga Arkitek Malaysia dan Pertubuhan Arkitek Malaysia bagi mendapatkan pengiktirafan sebagai arkitek bertauliah.

Ia termasuklah Universiti Malaya (UM), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM), Universiti Teknologi Mara (UiTM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM).

Selain itu, Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman, L&G - Twintech Institute Of Technology, Lim Kok Wing Institute Of Creative Technology, Taylors College dan Kolej Ikram.

Tip: Tanggungjawab merancang pembinaan bandar

Kerjaya arkitek menuntut tugas kritikal apabila diberi tanggungjawab mereka bentuk bangunan, susunan kawasan bandar dan luar bandar, merancang kemudahan asas dan menganggar kos projek.

Mereka turut bertanggungjawab mengenal pasti keperluan pelanggan seperti peruntukan projek, kegunaan bangunan dan bila ia akan digunakan.

Menerusi pembangunan pesat di negara ini, pasaran pekerjaan untuk tugas berkenaan sentiasa ada dalam sektor kerajaan dan swasta contohnya di Jabatan Kerja Raya, Perbadanan Pembangunan Bandar (UDA), Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri dan juga institusi pengajian tinggi.

SEORANG arkitek perlu memastikan bangunan yang dibina mengikut spesifikasi, kemajuan kerja mengikut jadual dan perbelanjaan projek tidak melebihi peruntukan.

Terdapat beberapa arkitek yang dikelaskan mengikut kepakaran masing-masing seperti arkitek perancang bandar, arkitek landskap, arkitek jurukur bahan, arkitek kapal, arkitek marin dan arkitek bangunan.

SEORANG arkitek perlu mempunyai kelayakan dalam bidang seni bina dan terdapat beberapa IPTA dan IPTS yang menawarkan kursus terbabit.

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Post time 27-1-2007 08:56 PM | Show all posts
forumner en.hyper kan arkitek..cuba invite dia ke sini.

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Post time 27-1-2007 09:04 PM | Show all posts
yer ker??? setau akuu.. budakjawa.. tu yg architectt.. gaji belas belas ribu wooo..jeles plakk

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 Author| Post time 27-1-2007 09:05 PM | Show all posts

Reply #3 amukgemuk's post

is he?
nanti saya cuba --

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Post time 29-1-2007 09:08 AM | Show all posts
my bf is an architect. baru grad last year dec from uitm, baru 3 weeks start keja as an architect.for fresh grad, the salary is not badlah. for those interested to be an architect, disarankan choose the right uni. ada few uni je kat msia nie yg recognised from PAM and terus dapat Part II. ada certain unis tak dapat Part II so kena plak amik exam lain plak..leceh. rasanya 3 uni je yg recognised by PAM so far:
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Faculty of Built Environment University of Technology Karung Berkunci 791 Skudai Johor

Universiti Teknologi MARA
Department of Architecture, Planning & Surveying Institute Tecnology MARA Shah Alam

Universiti Sains Malaysia
School of Housing, Building & Planning University Science Malaysia 11800 Pulau Pinang

kalau uia dan lain-lain uni dah recognised tak taulah plak. tapi rasanya blom kot. kat uitm archi diploma 4 years, degree 2 years (but dip fr other uni nak masuk archi degree uitm kena wat 3 tahun).

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encik_hyper This user has been deleted
Post time 29-1-2007 01:23 PM | Show all posts
yeaahh thanks dexa for the invitation...hoho eih pesal tibe2 ade pasal architecture ni...anyway cool topic to discuss on...sbb to me architecture in malaysia+public community in malaysia SANGAT2 perlukan perubahan...

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encik_hyper This user has been deleted
Post time 29-1-2007 01:25 PM | Show all posts
                                        why architects are not scientists                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Written by Azari Mat Yasir                               
                                        Sunday, 21 January 2007                               
                                an excerpt from the stuff that i've been reading

we'renot talking about what's the difference in terms of what architects door what scientists achieve. we're talking about the fundamentaldifference between architects and scientists, although both go intosimilar process of problem solving. the very core of how an architectthinks is different, and more importantly, architects approach problemsolving in a different way.

lawson (1997) have established astudy experimenting on a group of architects and a group of scientists.the results were apparent enough to draw a conclusion that architectsdont think the same way scientists do.

his experiment pointedout that scientists generally adopted a strategy of systematicallyexploring the possible combinations to a problem solution in order todiscover the fundamental rule which would allow a permissablecombination. basically scientists will explore all possibilities ofattempting a design solution, and find the best way to solve it.

architects,on the other hand, are more inclined to propose a series of solutions,and to have these solutions eliminated, until they found an acceptableone. architects immediately provide alternative solutions and goesthrough another process which eventually provides the best solution.

the experiment suggests that scientists problem solve by analysis, whereas designers problem solve by synthesis.

itis also established, in other research, that there are virtually nodifference in the way of thinking of secondary school students betweenscience based, humanities or art based. presumably they learn, aretaught or discover in architecture education, specifically in thestudio.

in UTM itself, it is common that the administration goesneck to neck with the architecture department on the issues of thestudio. to the scientists, studios are like workshop, while toengineers, studio is like a lab. this is true, if we're looking at itsuperficially.

studio is not a workshop, due to the fact thatdesign requires learning and doing occuring simultaneously. studio isnot a lab either, where theory is learnt simultaneously withpracticals. this is a concept that the administration in almost everyuniversity in the world have a problem with. the definition of a studio.

however, to put it easily, UTM have come up with the nickname "design lab", to justify the existence of the studio.

havingthe foundation of thinking differing between architects and scientists,it is up to the students reading this short article now, to make bestof who they are.

    1. Cross, Nigel (1982). "DESIGNERLY WAYS OF KNOWING", Journal of Design Studies, Volume 3 Issue 4 October 1982.
    2. Lawson, Bryan (1997). "HOW DESIGNERS THINK: THE DESIGN PROCESS DEMYSTIFIED", 3rd Edition, Architectural Press, Oxford
    3. Editorial (various years). "UNIT WORKBASE DESIGN BOOKLET", Department of Architecture, FAB, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia.



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encik_hyper This user has been deleted
Post time 29-1-2007 01:29 PM | Show all posts
aku copy dari salah satu Forum community architect yg antara teraktif di malaysia... ( hohoho, anyway, aza ni adalaa salah sorg senior, member n lecturer yg cool laa di UTM...ahahha

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Post time 29-1-2007 02:44 PM | Show all posts
taktau article nie asal dari mana..tapi cool heehee...

Architects are sexiest

Architects have been voted the sexiest male professionals in a survey of women抯 ideal partners.

The survey, conducted by the introduction agency Drawing Down the Moon, found that women favoured architects 揹ue to the esteem associated with the profession

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Post time 29-1-2007 02:52 PM | Show all posts
another good one be an architect nak kena cekal n tabah..kena sanggup 3 hari tak tidur..and kena ada gf/bf yg tabah dan sabar juga..heheheh..especially time-time critical b4 submission..i used to help him in typing paperwork..and do research..

You Know You're An Architecture Student When...
* The alarm clock tells you when to go to sleep.
* You're not ashamed of drooling in class anymore, especially during Structures lectures
* You know what Superglue tastes like.
* You celebrate space and observe your birthday
* Coffee and Red Bull are tools, not treats.
* People are nauseated just by smelling your caffeine breath.
* You are surprised when you see a new building in your school.
* You think it's possible to create space.
* You've slept more than 20 hours non-stop in a single weekend.
* You fight with inanimate objects.
* You've fallen asleep in the bathroom.
* Your brother or sister thinks he or she is an only child.
* You've listened to all your CDs in less than 48 hours.
* You're not seen in public.
* You lose your house keys for a week and you don't even notice.
* You've brushed your teeth and washed your hair in the university's bathroom.
* You've discovered the benefits of having none or very short hair, and you've started to appreciate inheriting baldness.
* You've used an entire role of film to photograph the footpath.
* You know the exact time the vending machines are refilled.
* You always carry your deodorant.
* You become excellent at recycling when making models.
* When you try to communicate, you make a continuous and monotonous whine.
* You've danced YMCA with excellent choreography at 3 am and without a single drop of alcohol in your body.
* You take notes and leve messages with a rapidograph and colour markers.
* You combine breakfast, lunch and dinner into one single meal.
* You see holidays only as extra sleeping time.
* You've got more photographs of buildings than of actual people.
* You've taken your girlfriend (boyfriend) on a date to a construction site.
* You've realised that French curves are not that exciting.
* You can live without human contact, food or daylight, but if you can't print it's chaos.
* When you're being shown pictures of a trip, you ask about the human scale.
* You can use Photoshop, Illustrator and make a web page, but you don't know how to use Excel.
* You refer to great architects (dead or alive) by their first name as if you knew them (Frank, Corbu, Mies, Norman).
* You buy 50 dollars worth of magazines that you haven't read yet.
* When someone offers you a Bic pen, you feel offended.

[ Last edited by  pinkunoneko at 29-1-2007 02:56 PM ]

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encik_hyper This user has been deleted
Post time 29-1-2007 02:59 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pinkunoneko at 29-1-2007 02:52 PM
another good one be an architect nak kena cekal n tabah..kena sanggup 3 hari tak tidur..and kena ada gf/bf yg tabah dan sabar juga..heheheh..especially time-time critical b4 submi ...

hahahah benda ni.....

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encik_hyper This user has been deleted
Post time 29-1-2007 03:11 PM | Show all posts
RIBA president David Rock commented that architects were probably unaware of their animal magnetism: 揂rchitects were probably the only group on the list whose self-image is lower than their public image

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Post time 29-1-2007 04:56 PM | Show all posts

Reply #12 encik_hyper's post

apa maksud en. hyper?

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Post time 29-1-2007 05:24 PM | Show all posts

Reply #13 encik_hyper's post

hhmm..true to somelah..but depends gaklah kan. some company may prefer their architects to dress smart heheehe...and tgk minat architect tu my bf dia tak berambut panjang instead dia botak heheh...dia tak minat music tapi dia minat keta, he's a drifter to be exact. ada gak his classmate dulu yg main band, ada yg gila fact kat dlm his class dulu macam-macam ada, sumer lain-lain minat. but architects nie the way they see things memang berbeza from other ppl..and memang berjiwa bebaslah..suka-suki dia je nak wat apa tak takut org punya.. my bf dia lefthanded..(rasa cam syok je tgk dia sketching guna left lefthanded nie creative kot?? )

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encik_hyper This user has been deleted
Post time 29-1-2007 05:27 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pinkunoneko at 29-1-2007 04:56 PM
apa maksud en. hyper?

dari 1st year smpailaaa 6th year...ituler email yg paling slalu kene forwerd...hahaha

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Post time 29-1-2007 05:42 PM | Show all posts

Reply #16 encik_hyper's post

tapi almost 90% betul ek??? and architects nie memang dr belajar sampai keja sama je, bz manjang...kecualilah keja gomen kan kuikuikui..tapi gomen pay quite high gaklah for architect nih..

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encik_hyper This user has been deleted
Post time 29-1-2007 05:54 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pinkunoneko at 29-1-2007 05:24 PM
hhmm..true to somelah..but depends gaklah kan. some company may prefer their architects to dress smart heheehe...and tgk minat architect tu my bf dia tak berambut panjang instead ...

as i said before laaa...certain jer yg mcm ni kan...hahaha eh, anyway....sapa2 yg berminat nk join industri ni...sila angkat tangan....hohoho jgn risau architecture sgt byk cabang die....

architecture ---> landscape architect
                   ---> interior designer
                   ---> Visual designer 4 architectural design (still new,not fully applied in m'sia)
                   ---> Developer's Project Manager
                   ---> Material specialist
                   ---> Contractor firm
                   ---> Lighting designer
                   ---> serta mcm2 lagi laaa....huhuh

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Post time 29-1-2007 06:08 PM | Show all posts
Azim Tan Sri Aziz of ATSA Architects

From the drawing board

What makes an architect tick? In fact, what makes him or her want to become an architect in the first place? Talking with Azim Abdul Aziz, we can learn that - for him at least - it all began with 搕he love for drawing buildings

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encik_hyper This user has been deleted
Post time 29-1-2007 06:08 PM | Show all posts
Originally posted by pinkunoneko at 29-1-2007 05:42 PM
tapi almost 90% betul ek??? and architects nie memang dr belajar sampai keja sama je, bz manjang...kecualilah keja gomen kan kuikuikui..tapi gomen pay quite high gaklah for architect nih..

keje gomen gaji mahal keje senang lenang.....tapi kebykn yg keje gomen ni org pompuan or yg dah puas design....slalunye org2 yg da pengalamn byk ler....

architect muda slalunya tgh kemaruk nk explore design....sapa tak bangga beb, kau design, pastu pegi site tgk org construct design ko dekat site....kan ke best tu...lg2 klau design tu sgt2 best....

anyway, sape yg tau pasal landscape architect? ramai org salah fhm ttg landscape architect terutama rakyat malaysia...ramai org anggap landscape architect keje dia tanam2 pokok, tapi sebenarnye bukan beb...hahaha keje Landscpe architect lagi besar scope die beb...

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