Friday March 16, 2007, The Star

KOTA KINABALU: Scientists have discovered that the clouded leopard found on the islands of Borneo and Sumatra is an entirely new species of cat. The secretive rainforest animal was originally thought to be the same species as the one found in mainland South-East Asia, WWF said in a statement yesterday.
Researchers at the US National Cancer Institute say the differences between the Bornean and mainland clouded leopard were found to be comparable to the differences between other large cat species such as lion, tiger, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard.
They believe the Bornean population likely diverged from the mainland population some 1.4 million years ago. 揋enetic research results clearly indicate that the clouded leopards of Borneo should be considered a separate species, |
wah aku dah baca pasal nie.. cun beb.. kuasa Allah... binatang berevolusi mengikut keadaan..... |
tgk dlm berita semlm... cantik sgt....
ternyata area boneo kaya dgn flora & fauna.... syukur! |
tu baru mamalia...
lum tgk serangga lagi...huuuu...
mane laaa tau satu hari nnt...siput palk leh terbang...
kuasa yg maha esa... |
betul.. binatang nie berovolusi mengikut keadaan.. |
nie aku sertakan lg gambar borneo lepord..

yg belah kiri nie island leopard.. |
mcm ular sawa la corok dia
hate....mana ko?taknak bela ke? |
Reply #10 putra_bengal's post
mmg suka cat family ekkk...??? |
yup.. aku suka cat... love sangat kat cat |
aku still suka leopard biasa lagi.. rossete dia lagi lawa.. rasa lagi ggrrrrr... gitu.. |
aku lak lebih minat jaguar dari leapord..

jaguar mempunyai tompok yg lebih besar dari leopard.. |
lihatlah borneo leopard dengan lebih dekat di youtube
badan jaguar ni mcm 'gebu' kan, whereas leopar body dia panjang & lean kan? aku rasa leopard sexy aahhh... |
aku suke semuaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...semuaaa yang dalam cats family...coz they are the most adowable creature nak dibanding dengan lain2 minatang...*tolak tepi natural behaviour dorang larr... |
cantikkkk sgt...dpt kat sayer..poluk2..picit idong dia |
cantik laa tompok2 derang neh..kalo dapat bela sekor pon jadik le...kalo dpt lynx pon jadik le |
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