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a piece of good history
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JK's Digest No. 27 of July 2007 (206 of 2007) A piece of good history
Race riots in Singapore in 1964 led to the split up of Singapore in August 1965 after UMNO trying to do something there.
Race riots in Malaysia in 1969 led to New Economic Policy and Sabah & Sarawak are the obvious victims when non Muslims natives are not generally considered bumiputra. That problem was blamed on DAP & possibly Gerakan but the latest book "May 13" has sort of identified the problems on UMNO. May 13, 1969 was a Tuesday.
Why am I talking of race riots when Sabah only had one (political riots) in 1986?
See those pictures in
the full story is
17/05: UMNO Kata Dulang Paku Serpih
Since 1994, UMNO has been doing something in Sabah and....what next?
If we go back much earlier, why did the British come to the Malay Peninsula and Borneo?
Wasn't it that the people here asked for protection from outside attacks?
So do we still need protection now after independence in 1963 (Malaysia) 1957 (Malaya)?
The protection was generally against piracy and other foreign powers in the region also colonisers of some nations.
How can Malaysia now protect itself against forces of destruction within and without?
In 1987, there was the operations lalang against some leaders and then UMNO encountered a Constitutional and political crisis resulting the Prime Minister was a lone ranger without a political party in 1987/88. That was a physical oppression within the nation by what some call "ketuanan Melayu"
In 1997, Malaysia encountered the Asian Financial Crisis with hundreds of billion Ringgit losses. We have become poorer in the process of trying to find answers.
In 2007, it is not a physical oppression only but a spiritual oppression when the House of Parliament became the "illegal Abattoir" or "unofficial slaughter house" of 6 cows and 10 goats for a belated kenduri for the Prime Minister's recent wedding exactly a month and a day later. Was this all pre-empted with the earlier denied marriage plan suddenly to take place in June, 2007?
With on 10th July 2007 that slaughter of animals as sacrifice to something unheard of in the history of the Parliament, it had brought about a DISHONOUR, DISUNITY & DECEPTION
in a slight amended system of Islam Hadhari in Malaysia when the same august house is the seat/seed of the Federal Constitution with a guarantee of freedom of religions. Nothing can reverse that damage now.
Then on 17th July, 2007 the Deputy Prime Minister again mentioned the Islamic State of Malaysia against a backdrop of religious agitation in the "International Conference on the Role of Islamic State in a globalised world". Islamic state is really a mismatch in a globalised world as OIC is not a new player.
The Federated Malay States (1895-1946) ended in 51 years while the British Malaya was (1874-1946).
The Malay Union (1946-1948); Malayan Emergency (1948-1960); Federation of Malaya (1948-1963).
Since 1963, Malaysia has entered a new timeline as Singapore left in August 1965, and we are celebrating Malaya (1957-2007) - 50 years, and Sabah & Sarawak (1963 - 2007) 44 years.
Where are we heading for? Would there be another 50 years as anticipated for UMNO as spelt out by the Prime Minister of Malaysia Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi?
We have seen changes throughout history and changes are definitely in the air in Malaysia.
The slaughter and sacrifice of animals meant for a purpose other than a kenduri is certainly a sign of an end of the present system that is not working for Malaysia. The straw has broken the camel back as kenduri can be held without slaughter of animals on the site.
Joshua Kong (proponent of MIGS and WON) for MIGS (for MIGS) (deleted again) (deleted unknown) |
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Category: Belia & Informasi