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Cerita BONUS!! minta opinion pls..
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I nak share la pasal ketidakpuasan hati I ataupun mmg diri I yg tersilapdan I nak mintakla mana-mana yg pakar atau pun yg pernah terkena mcmdiri I nih..
cerita dia gini, kelmarin iaitu hari Rabu, I dah hantar la resignationletter to my boss for 1 month notice and my boss only submit to my HQthe next day which is THursday. Then nak dijadikan cerita, tup-tupbonus pulak dikhabarkan masuk pada hari Khamis itu sendiri dan Jumaatsbb dapat e-mail drpd HR. hari Khamis khas for those yg gaji dia dalamakaun CIMB, manakala hari Jumaat lak utk yg gaji dia akaun maybank. iguna akaun Maybank.
nak dijadikan cerita, tepat pukul 8 malam Jumaat my colleuge sms mesaying that bonus dah masuk. I yg girang gembira ni pun cekla akaun I.tgk2 kat dalam tuh, Iskk..tak masuk lagi nih. so I tak puas hati la andI tanyala beberapa kawan2 I lagi yg guna akaun Maybank. Rata2 semua dahmasuk dan dapat dah kecuali I. Until 12 tgh malam I cek pon still takmasuk2 gak...
so, dgn hati yg bengang ni I nk tanyalah those yg pernah terkena mcm I or yg expert dlm hal ehwal HR and payroll nih...
1 . betul ke sesiapa yg hantar resign letter sebelum date sebenar bonusmasuk but then still dlm tempoh notis pemberhentian tuh kita x dapatbonus tuh?
in my case, i just lewat sehari je. takkan lah itu bole dijadikanalasan utk company utk terminate my bonus tuh? bukan ke dlm temphpemberhentian, kita still serve for the company? then kenapa kita takdapat keistimewaan tuh?
2. so skrg, apa yg harus i buat? camna i nak defend diri i supaya i lehdapat bonus tuh gak from my company? apa alasan or fakta yg releven ygi boleh gunapakai?
those yg expert silalah bagi opinion and pandangan anda pls. I betul2sakit hati sbb yerlah, dahla bonus nih delay since July and i pon delaymy new job tuh till september then lps i dah rasa give up tiba2 diabole bank in pulak bonus tuh just 1 day je lps i bagi resign letter.dahla i kerja dekat 4 tahun kat situh... |
Most companies practice that... |
so, what shud i do?
bole ke kalau i buat surat rayuan dgn recommendation from my boss? |
rasa-rasa bole berjaya ke dgn surat rayuan tuh? |
maybe ur company hold ur bonus untill ur last day mana la tahu kan.. after dapat bonus terus blah.. bonus nih untuk tempoh bila? |
maybe, diorang hold dulu until u dah clearkan ur income tax. dpt surat clearance from income tax, baru diorang release your last gaji & bonus tu. |
Originally posted by thylord at 23-9-2007 03:41 AM maybe ur company hold ur bonus untill ur last day mana la tahu kan.. after dapat bonus terus blah.. bonus nih untuk tempoh bila? my fren pun ada cakap jugak tapi itu bergantung pada jenis bonus.
setahu i, ada 2 jenis bonus:
contractual dan non-contractual.contractual: dalam tempoh 12 bulan bekerja sbg syarat dapat bonus tahunan, tapi kita hantar surat resign dalam tempoh itu contohnya, lagik 1 bulan nak cukup 12 bulan kerja then bagi surat resign. kita still dapat bonus sbb dikira bekerja dalam tempoh tersebut base on pro-rated. (kalau silap bgtau base on apa yg saya dengar lah...)
non-contractual: bergantung kpd company punya discretion. i dh refer my offer letter tuh balik. dalam tuh dia x tulis pon samada contractual or non-contractual. cuma apa yg ada dalam tuh ialah, bonus if any si paid entirely at the discretion of the company and not asa a term of employment. so terang2 la kat situ company i tuh guna non-contractual bonus.
then nak dijadikan cerita, i google la pasal bonus scheme and what not since i mmg tatau apa2 pun pasal benda nih sampai i terkena kat diri sendiri, terjumpa la satu site ni yg mengatakan..."A condition that the employee remain in employment and is not undernotice of termination (given or received) on a stipulated qualificationor payment date in order to receive the bonus...
"so since i dh issue resignation letter maknanya i mmg takde hak la nak tuntut bonus tuh...dan dalam klausa 4: termination of employee pulak kata... "This clause provides that an employee will have no entitlement toreceive a bonus if they are not employed or if they are under notice asat the payment date, unless the reason for this is one of a list of"good leaver" reasons..."so terang-terang lah i mmg tak dapat bonus tuh gamaknya.. hmmm..
tapi yg i nak tanya nih kan, bonus i diukur dari segi company profit and satisfactory performance i dalam tahun kewangan yg sama, so kemusykilannya:i bole fight ke nk dptkan bonus tuh memandangkan ia diukur dr segi performance i semasa saya bekerja di company tersebut pada tahun yg sama..? ..those HR expertise any idea..??
[ Last edited by sam_survivor at 23-9-2007 11:34 AM ] |
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"bonus if any is paid entirely at the discretion of the company and not as a a term of employment".
aku bukan budak hr. tapi melalui pengalaman bekerja dalam 2 companies, ini memang amalan. perkataan 'discretion' tu beri hak kepada company untuk buat sebegini. "entitled to receive a bonus" rasanya tak tantamount sampai ke tahap "entitled to a bonus". at any point of time, company boleh reply kata yang based on performance appraisal yang tak memuaskan, employee tu tak dapat bonus untuk tahun berkenaan.
ini pendapat peribadi saya. |
Originally posted by thylord at 23-9-2007 03:41 AM
maybe ur company hold ur bonus untill ur last day mana la tahu kan.. after dapat bonus terus blah.. bonus nih untuk tempoh bila?
ni pon bole jadi jugak, sbb my fren ada 2 kali pengalaman mcm ni, dapat bonus and gaji serentak during her last day kat company both TM and later on HSBC.
but i am pretty sure these companies were using contractual bonus to the employee... |
mintak-mintakla i dapat buat rayuan utk bonus tuh ...hmm.. |
i found this article..
"...if an employee resigns prior to the payout of a bonus, is the employee still entitled to that bonus? This was the legal issue debated at the trial of George Petty and Telus Corporation following his resignation as its Chief Executive Officer. Telus argued that as Petty was no longer an employee when the 搒hort-term incentive |
note the position. chief executive officer. surely set a profitability target by the BOD and thus, when achieved, easy to prove sebab ada figures provided by audited accounts, ada annual budget figures dan BOD minutes untuk support dia.
being a ceo, lagi lah secure sebab ada contractual arrangement yang specific, biasanya. diorang ni kategori contract staff, bukan full-time employee. adabezanya tu.
so kalau ada supporting documents untuk prove yang individual performance achieved pre-set targets dan bantu company achieve corporate targets serta staff code kata bonus is performance-based, go ahead. |
berita baik!! alhamdulillah...rayuan saya diterima. bonus akan masuk dalam minggu depan =) .. thanks semua ... |
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Category: Belia & Informasi