Anybody here know bout dyslexia? Yang aku tau, dyslexia ni adalah salah satu tanda2 LD (learning disorder)
So, anybody here who is dyslexic or having experience dealing with someone dyslexic, who want to share their experiences, opinions or tots, please.... u r very much welcomed
Sory mod if this thread already exist....
[ Last edited by amazed at 22-2-2009 08:59 PM ] |
Reply #1 mustafa84's post
Kanak2 yg mengalami disleksia ni ada mslh dr segi bhs n ejaan.... huruf n ejaan
terbalik2. IQ diorg ok, mcm bdk2 biasa... kdg2 lbh tinggi dr kanak2 biasa.... tp
tulah... ada mslh dlm bhs - mbaca, menulis dan mengeja.
Kalau dikenal pasti dgn awal..., blh dipulihkan. Perlukan pengajaran yg spesifik.
Rmi org terkenal yg asalnya disleksik spt Leornardo da Vinci n Albert Einstein.
Kat Msia plk, yg sy tahu ada mslh ini semasa kanak2 ialah Rose Peng, seorg
pyschologist. |
Reply #5 JohnDeSouza's post
Yup, lbh krg mcm tu lah.....
Contoh yg lain mcm huruf b dan d.....
Perkataan plk, mcm 'nama' n 'mana'...., 'from' n 'form'...,
yg ejaannya seakan2 sama...
Sbb tu kan, kanak2 ni bila salin apa2 kat papanhtm,
byk yg salah dr segi ejaan, wpun takde mslh pd eyesight...
Kalau cikgu2 yg tak tahu ttg disleksia ni, teruklah budak2 ni kena
marah sbb asyik salah je dr segi ejaan n huruf terbalik2...
Blh buat bdk2 ni jd low selfesteem, takde keyakinan atau tak minat
nak ke sklh... Sbb tu kena kenalpasti awal n ada intervensi awal...
Nak tahu lbh lanjut ttg disleksia, blh surf kat internet... byk maklumat
blh dpt....  |
x silap honey dak2 dislexia ni bagus sgt in maths... hv more ability thn normal kids ermm yg berlakon citer Grey's anatomy tu PATRICK dEMPSEY tu pon dislexia gak..  |
ciri kanak2 dyslexia
1. lambat bercakap dibandingkan dgn kanak2 seusia dan tak dapat ucapkan kata2 dgn betul.
2. lambat kenal alphabet, angka, hari, minggu, bulan, warna, bentuk daninformasi dasar lainnya. then susah nak urutkan huruf ikut susunan ygbetul
3. sulit eja dengan betul.
4. confuse bila menghadapi huruf yang mirip bentuknya ex: d-b, u-n, m-n
5. membaca satu perkataan dengan betul di satu halaman tapi salah di halaman lainnya.
6. sulit memahami apa yang dibaca.
7. terbalik menulis, membaca atau mengucapkan perkataan ex: gajah-->gagah, pelajaran-->perjalanan
8. confuse tentukan tangan mana yg dipakai untuk menulis
9. lupa mencantumkan huruf besar atau letak tanda2 bacaan
10. kebiasaan membaca terlalu cepat hingga salah mengucapkan kata2 atau terlalu lambat dan terputus2.
11. sulit ikuti banyak arahan dalam waktu yang sama |
Reply #8 blOOpBloop's post
erkk... kalu cantu aku pon ade dyslexia la.. b4 ingtkan sume ciri2 tuh normal, sume bdk hadapi masalah yg same..
hmm.. bdk2 je ek yg kne dyslexia nih? ade yg dyslexia smpai ke tuer?? |
i used to be dyselexia sbb xleh beza kanan n kiri spontaneuos n paling ketara bila membaca la.. lambat sket delivernya...
doctor cakap peringkat awal. xserius.
ada cakap pasal good in maths? i memang agree sangat2  |
Reply #10 xanna_an's post
xanna, how old are u now? My son is 6 yrs old, and was jst diagnosed wth dyslexia. So, apa yg u buat so that skrg dah takde sympton2 dyslexia?? |
kat titiwangsa (kalo tak silap) ada sekolah for dyslexic.cuba call untuk maklumat
lanjut 03-40255109 |
Ina dapat dari Wiki
Dyslexia is a learningdisability that manifests primarily as a difficulty with written language,particularly with readingand spelling.It is separate and distinct from reading difficulties resulting from othercauses, such as a non-neurological deficiency with vision or hearing, or frompoor or inadequate reading instruction.Evidence also suggests thatdyslexia results from differences in how the brain processes written and/orspoken language.Although dyslexia is the result of a neurological difference, it is notan intellectual disability. Dyslexia occurs at all levels of intelligence.[2] Dyslexia is basically a person using the left side of theirbrain instead of the right. Dyslexia IS treatable by constant tutoring,coloured lenses, and strict diets. Dyslexia can make a person think less aboutthemselves and think they 'suck' at all school areas, this is not true. Peoplewith dyslexia can become larger around the stomach because they think they areno good at school or sport, do not be fooled by these excuses! Dyslexics arejustas good as people without dyslexia only they have more trouble translatingwords, and understanding their pattern (spelling) The word dyslexiacomes from the Greek words δυσ- dys- ("impaired") and λέξιςlexis ("word"). People with dyslexia are called dyslexic or dyslectic.
Dyslexiais most commonly characterized by difficulties with learning how to decodewords, to spell, and to read accurately and fluently. Dyslexia also makesmathematics more difficult as people with dyslexia might mix numbers up.Dyslexic individuals often have difficulty "breaking the code" ofsound-letter association (the alphabetic principle), and they may also reverseor transpose letters when writing or confuse letters such as b, d,p, q, especially in childhood. However, dyslexia is not a visualproblem that involves reading letters or words backwards or upside down, norare such reversals a defining characteristic of dyslexia.
Many individuals with dyslexic symptoms involving reading, writing, andspelling also exhibit symptoms in other domains such as poor short-termmemory skills, poor personal organizational skills and problems processingspoken language. These symptoms may coexist with or overlap withcharacteristics among others of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, auditoryprocessing disorder,
developmentaldyspraxia, dyscalculia, and/or dysgraphia.However, dyslexia and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder are notcorrelated developmental problems.
Evidencethat dyslexia is of neurological origin is substantial. Acquired dyslexias抩ccur due to brain damage in the left hemisphere's key language areas, whichmay be a clue when it comes to developmental types. Research also suggests anassociation with biochemical and geneticmarkers. However, experts disagree over the precise definition and criteria fordiagnosis, and some advocate that the term dyslexia be droppedaltogether and replaced with the term reading disorder or readingdisability(RD). Because reading skills occur on a continuum with no clear distinctionbetween typical readers and dyslexic readers, some experts assert that the termdyslexia should be reserved for the two to five percent with the mostsevere reading deficits.
Dyslexiais a lifelong condition that cannot be reversed, but appropriate remedialinstruction and compensatory strategies can help dyslexic individuals mitigateor overcome their difficulties with written language. A large body of evidenceshows which types of instruction dyslexics need to be successful. Manydyslexics overcome early problems with literacy and go on to earn advanceddegrees and pursue successful careers; a high level of motivation coupled withstrong encouragement and mentorship have been identified as factors leading totheir success.
[ Last edited by Ina_zali at 3-7-2008 06:08 PM ] |
What causes dyslexia? What are the different types of dyslexia?
There areseveral types of dyslexia that can affect the child's ability to spell as wellas read.
"Traumadyslexia" usually occurs after some form of brain trauma or injury to thearea of the brain that controls reading and writing. It is rarely seen intoday's school-age population.
A secondtype of dyslexia is referred to as "primary dyslexia." This type ofdyslexia is a dysfunction of, rather than damage to, the left side of the brain(cerebral cortex) and does not change with age. Individuals with this type arerarely able to read above a fourth-grade level and may struggle with reading,spelling, and writing as adults. Primary dyslexia is passed in family linesthrough their genes (hereditary). It is found more often in boys than in girls.
A third typeof dyslexia is referred to as "secondary" or "developmentaldyslexia" and is felt to be caused by hormonal development during theearly stages of fetal development. Developmental dyslexia diminishes as thechild matures. It is also more common in boys.
Dyslexia mayaffect several different functions. Visual dyslexia is characterized by numberand letter reversals and the inability to write symbols in the correctsequence. Auditory dyslexia involves difficulty with sounds of letters orgroups of letters. The sounds are perceived as jumbled or not heard correctly."Dysgraphia" refers to the child's difficultyholding and controlling a pencil so that the correct markings can be made onthe paper.
Whatare the signs and symptoms of dyslexia?
Classroom teachersmay not be able to determine if a child has dyslexia. They may detect earlysigns that suggest further assessment by a psychologist or other healthprofessional in order to actually diagnose the disorder. Letter and numberreversals are the most common warning sign. Such reversals are fairly common upto the age of 7 or 8 and usually diminish by that time. If they do not, it maybe appropriate to test for dyslexia or other learning problems. Difficultycopying from the board or a book can also suggest problems. There may be ageneral disorganization of written work. A child may not be able to remembercontent, even if it involves a favorite video or storybook. Problems withspatial relationships can extend beyond the classroom and be observed on theplayground. The child may appear to be uncoordinated and have difficulty withorganized sports or games. Difficulty with left and right is common, and oftendominance for either hand has not been established. In the early grades, musicand dance are often used to enhance academic learning. Children with dyslexiacan have difficulty moving to the rhythm of the music.
Auditory problems indyslexia encompass a variety of functions. Commonly, a child may havedifficulty remembering or understanding what he hears. Recalling sequences ofthings or more than one command at a time can be difficult. Parts of words orparts of whole sentences may be missed, and words can come out sounding funny.The wrong word or a similar word may be used instead. Children struggling withthis problem may know what they want to say but have trouble finding the actualwords to express their thoughts.
Many subtle signs canbe observed in children with dyslexia. Children may become withdrawn and appearto be depressed. They may begin to act out, drawing attention away from theirlearning difficulty. Problems with self-esteem can arise, and peer and siblinginteractions can become strained. These children may lose their interest inschool-related activities and appear to be unmotivated or lazy. The emotionalsymptoms and signs are just as important as the academic and require equalattention. |
What type of treatmentis available for dyslexia?
Before anytreatment is started, an evaluation must be done to determine the child'sspecific area of disability. While there are many theories about successfultreatment for dyslexia, there is no actual cure for it. The school will developa plan with the parent to meet the child's needs. If the child's current schoolis unprepared to address this condition, the child will need to be transferredto a school, if available in the area, which can appropriately educate the dyslexicchild. The plan may be implemented in a Special Education setting or in theregular classroom. An appropriate treatment plan will focus on strengtheningthe child's weaknesses while utilizing the strengths. A direct approach mayinclude a systematic study of phonics. Techniques designed to help all thesenses work together efficiently can also be used. Specific reading approachesthat require a child to hear, see, say, and do something (multisensory), suchas the Slingerland Method, the Orton-Gillingham Method, or Project READ can beused. Computers are powerful tools for these children and should be utilized asmuch as possible. The child should be taught compensation and coping skills.Attention should be given to optimum learning conditions and alternativeavenues for student performance.
In addition towhat the school has to offer, there are alternative treatment options availableoutside the school setting. Although alternative treatments are commonlyrecommended, there is limited research supporting the effectiveness of thesetreatments. In addition, many of these treatments are very costly, and it maybe easy for frustrated parents to be misled by something that is expensive andsounds attractive.
Perhaps the mostimportant aspect of any treatment plan is attitude. The child will beinfluenced by the attitudes of the adults around him. Dyslexia should notbecome an excuse for a child to avoid written work. Because the academicdemands on a child with dyslexia may be great and the child may tire easily,work increments should be broken down into appropriate chunks. Frequent breaksshould be built into class and homework time. Reinforcement should be given forefforts as well as achievements. Alternatives to traditional writtenassignments should be explored and utilized. Teachers are learning to deliverinformation to students in a variety of ways that are not only more interestingbut helpful to students who may learn best by different techniques. Interactivetechnology is providing interesting ways for students to feedback on what theyhave learned, in contrast to traditional paper-pencil tasks.
Dyslexia At A Glance- Dyslexia is difficulty in learning to read.
- Dyslexia can be related to brain injury, hereditary, or hormonal influences.
- Letter and number reversals are a common warning sign of dyslexia.
- Diagnosis of dyslexia involves reviewing the child's processing of information from seeing, hearing, and participating in activities.
- Treatment of dyslexia ideally involves planning between the parent(s) and the teachers.
Join the Dyslexia Association and receive the latest information on the current situation regarding dyslexia via our newsletters. You can also attend the seminars and workshops organised by the Association to keep you abreast on the National Dyslexia programme, remediation, therapies etc |
I got this when searching in the Net .....
Sri Rafelsia provides learning support services for children between the ages on 2 |
ada tak sape2 yg tau dyslexia centre utk budak umur 18 tahun???? |
Tiada ubat untuk sembuhkan disleksia
Oleh Hafizah Iszahanid
Hanya sokongan, usaha gigih dapat bantu anak dari segi pembelajaran
APABILA anak anda masih gagal menulis namanya sendiri walaupun sudah berusia tujuh tahun, jangan cepat mengatakan dia bodoh atau lembam. Pernahkah anda terfikir bahawa anak anda mungkin berhadapan dengan masalah disleksia?
Apatah lagi jika dia sukar memahami, mengingati atau mematuhi arahan dan tidak faham konsep masa seperti semalam, hari ini atau esok.
Disleksia adalah masalah kurang kemampuan dari segi pembelajaran menyebabkan mereka bermasalah untuk membaca, mengeja dan memahami. Ia bukan masalah intelektual kerana dari segi IQ mereka bijak tetapi ketidakupayaan membezakan huruf, nombor, menterjemahkan bunyi dan visual dalam penulisan menyebabkan mereka gagal untuk belajar.
Disleksia sebenarnya berpunca daripada perbezaan otak memproses bahasa penulisan dengan bahasa pertuturan. Dipercayai sistem neurologi yang tidak berfungsi dengan betul menyebabkan gangguan pada struktur otak.
Presiden Persatuan Disleksia Malaysia, Sariah Amirin, berkata disleksia adalah disebabkan perbezaan otak memproses tulisan dan pertuturan.
Beliau berkata, tiada statistik mengenai disleksia di Malaysia namun dianggarkan antara empat hingga lapan peratus kanak-kanak pada usia persekolahan berhadapan dengan disleksia manakala kanak-kanak lelaki lebih cenderung berhadapan dengan masalah itu berbanding kanak-kanak perempuan.
"Kanak-kanak disleksia bukan kanak-kanak lembam atau bodoh, mereka cuma kurang kemampuan dari segi pembelajaran. Namun, itu tidak bermakna mereka akan gagal dalam hidup. Mereka masih boleh belajar dan diajar dengan formula tertentu," katanya.
Bagi membela nasib kanak-kanak disleksia, Persatuan Disleksia Malaysia memiliki tiga pusat pembelajaran khas untuk golongan ini. Bertempat di Ampang, Subang dan Titiwangsa, pusat ini melatih kanak-kanak selama tiga bulan atau paling lama enam bulan sebelum mereka kembali semula ke alam persekolahan.
"Disleksia adalah masalah seumur hidup. Ia bukanlah masalah jika mereka diberi peluang untuk belajar. Ada kanak-kanak disleksia yang berjaya hingga ke peringkat universiti," katanya.
Dari sudut perubatan, disleksia dikaitkan dengan faktor genetik, namun tahap masalah pembelajaran bagi setiap kanak-kanak itu tidak sama. Ada penyelidik percaya komplikasi ketika hamil atau ketika melahirkan bayi menyebabkan sedikit kerosakan pada otak.
Umumnya, kanak-kanak ini berhadapan dengan kesukaran belajar membaca dan mengeja. Otak mereka juga kurang berupaya menterjemah imej yang diterima daripada mata atau bunyi yang didengar telinga kepada bahasa yang difahami apabila dituturkan.
Biasanya kanak-kanak disleksia boleh mengeja dengan betul tetapi kedudukan perkataan itu tunggang terbalik atau tertinggal huruf vokal. Misalnya perkataan tiap-tiap ditulis sebagai tipa-tipa. Apabila guru menyebut 13, kanak-kanak disleksia akan menulis 31. Jika guru meminta mereka mengeja perkataan diam mereka menulis d i y a m, kalau disebut di - am, barulah ditulis diam.
Sariah berkata, disleksia kerap dikesan pada umur persekolahan. Selalunya ibu bapa dan kanak-kanak itu sendiri kecewa kerana gagal belajar membaca dan menulis dengan baik sehingga membawa kepada masalah kemurungan dan rendah diri.
Kegagalan itu menyebabkan mereka mula bermasalah bukan saja di sekolah tetapi di rumah. Apatah lagi jika ibu bapa atau guru tidak menyedari kanak-kanak terbabit sebenarnya berhadapan dengan disleksia.
Selain itu, ada kanak-kanak disleksia yang terjejas dari segi visual, misalnya gagal menulis huruf, nombor dan simbol dalam susunan yang betul. Dari segi pendengaran, mungkin ada yang sukar membezakan huruf atau kumpulan huruf manakala ada juga yang tidak boleh memegang atau mengawal pensil di genggaman menyebabkan mereka sukar menulis dengan betul.
Disleksia boleh terjadi pada peringkat yang sangat lemah (mild), sederhana atau teruk. Namun, perlu diketahui tiada ubat untuk menyembuhkan disleksia melainkan kesabaran dalam mengajar mereka, memberi mereka sokongan dan bantuan sedaya upaya.
Ciri-ciri kanak-kanak disleksia:
Kanak-kanak pra sekolah
- Lambat bercakap
- Sukar membunyikan perkataan atau rima
- Bermasalah dalam menulis nama sendiri
- Sukar mempelajari perbezaan bentuk atau warna
- Kurang upaya bercerita semula mengenai sesuatu kejadian
Kanak-kanak yang bersekolah- Gagal membuat kerja sekolah, membaca, menulis dan mengira
- Tidak suka membaca buku atau mengelak untuk membaca dengan kuat dalam kelas
- Cenderung menulis terbalik, misalnya 15 menjadi 51, perkataan tiap-tiap menjadi tipa-tipa
- Kurang koordinasi misalnya sukar memakai tali kasut
- Keliru dengan konsep masa, semalam, hari ini, esok
- Sukar memahami, mengingati atau mematuhi arahan
- Cenderung hilang peralatan sekolah.
Jenis disleksia:- Disleksia trauma - jarang ditemui dan selalunya terjadi kerana trauma pada bahagian otak yang mengawal keupayaan membaca dan menulis.
- Disleksia permulaan - pesakit disleksia jenis ini sukar membaca, mengeja atau menulis. Diwarisi secara genetik dan lebih kerap ditemui pada kanak-kanak lelaki.
- Disleksia sekunder - dipercayai berpunca pembentukan hormon ketika dalam kandungan
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