I just watched a film called Flower in the Pocket...a really hilarious and touching film which I think is 10 times better than Jack Neo's films. And best of all, it's a buatan Malaysia (though not recognized by Malaysian government simply because it's a "Chinese"film).
Do you know a puppy is "censored" out from a scene from Flower in the Pocket just because there is azan in the background?
Doyou know the word "Malaysia" is also "censored" out when the kid asks his brother to tear out a paper from his Bahasa ******* textbook to wipe his ass?
(The funny part is that the censoring brings everyone attention to the puppy and the word "Malaysia"... when you watch it, you will know...really wickedly funny)
Do you know by the government standard a Malaysian-made movie is NOT a Malaysian movie if it doesn't have more than 70% Malay dialogue?
Yes. If you are a non-racist Malaysian, who likes genuinely funny stuff, please go and watch the film by Liew Seng Tat.You won't regret it.
(Without a Compulsory Screening Directive from FINAS, the cinema will not show the the film for long. With one, a "Government-approved Malaysian films" could force the cinema chains to show their films for 14 days, whether or not it makes money. This policy, again, is a tongkat that non-Malay filmmakers do not get)
Please support good films! It's the only way we can get rid of stupid films on screen!
jgn la fikir begitu..... pilem melayu sendiri pun org msia tak support.... inikan pula filem local chinese.... org msia susah nak tgk movie based on cerita.... sblm masuk panggung diorang tgk sape pelakon dulu
psl syarat wajib tyg tuh... rasanye ada filem melayu yg ditayang smp 2 minggu.... dulu pun ade isu nih.... lagipun tak nmpk pun promosi filem nih.....
filem Love Conquers All siap ade tygn kat astro lagi.... tak timbul msia chinese tak boleh...
at least ade la promotion dekat paper.....
psl pemotongan tue dlm filem sepet.... sebut "melayu bodoh" pun kena toot.......
bile sbut psl buku text bm tue wipe montot tu.... pendpt kite... mmg wajar.... menghina tuh....
termasuk part azan tue....... sensitif jugak.... akan jd isu politik yg panjang.............
e'eh, ayu, the girl from mukhsin are in this movie...
lbslbs, if you really want to promote this movie, you have to mention ayu from mukhsin in your thread title.. people love her... i bet, more ppl will open this thread and eventually watch the movie... i, after watch her on the trailer say to must self, this movie is a compulsary...
i suggest you changed this thread title to "Flower in the Pocket-filem baru dr AYU(bdk kepoh Mukhsin)"
Originally posted by lbslbs at 21-12-2007 12:18 PM
Hi yes, GSC international screen.... unfortunately... and how ironic.... A Malaysian-made film ended up on international screen.....
what more can i say? Malaysia Boleh!...tapi Malaysia Chines ...
korang tgk tak the making filem ni kat astro kirana pagi td pkl 10... mcm best jer.. tgk ayu berlakon mmg superb la kat satu scene dia nangis tu... anyway, filem ni menang kat pusan international film festival, so kalau dah mcm tuh, mmg aku nak tgk sesangat.
baru tgk ari Christmas ari tu...n rasa2nya bolehlah menjawab pertanyaan/soalan sendiri...
Aku rasa format filem tu adalah digital, bukannya 35mm....maka pesal itulah hanya terhad di International Screen semata-mata...bukan sebab "Malaysian Chinese" tak boleh...tapi kerana produk Da Huang Picture menggunakan budget kecil sahaja, for sake of art semestinya, bukan berorientasikan untung sgt...nak buat 35mm ni mahal dik ooi...so dgn buat filem digital ni nak dapat pulang modal pun senang lah kot...dapat jual kat stesen2 tv luar negara or ke festival2 filem pun dah boleh pulang modal..kalo menang hadiah duit kat festival lagilah berbaloi...
Antara perkara yang agak menyentuh ialah apabila melihat Atan/Ayu berusaha untuk berkawan dan bermain bersama-sama Li Ohm dan abangnya......kita sedari bahwawa imej-imej ini membawa kpd seruan perpaduan dan integrasi kaum secara halusnya..walaupun berbeza kepercayaan dan cara hidup, penyesuaian yg sewajarnya boleh dilakukan(Digambarkan oleh watak Ayu, kanak2 perempuan muslim memakai glove & helmet ketika turut bermain sama dengan anak anjing bersama dua beradik cina itu), dengan itu barulah kepelbagaian bangsa di negara ini boleh mencapai keharmonian itu....
tadi masa beratur nak tgk cite golden compass ternampak gak poster cite nie.. looks interesting... terpikir gak nak tgk cite ini compare to golden compass but takut tak best... reading ur comment macam best aje so i will watch it