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1st Degree Mechanical Eng, Nak Sambung Master EE, Boleh Ke?
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Salam,Hi All
Sy ni akan habis grad tahun ni dalam BEng Mechanical Engineering, insya allah... tp sebenarnya sy lepas ni berminat untuk sambung master dalam Electrical Engineering (sy berminat mendalami electronic ataupun communication---- dan i wanted to be an expert in those fields very badly since i started learning mech e, sounds weird, but what to say, maybe i found that ee was more fun).
Sy kalau boleh nak sambung master EE ni kat universiti dalam malaysia. Master by courses kalau boleh sbb sy mahu masuk lecture n dengar pembelajaran baru, tp tak nak master by research, mungkin yg boleh buat part time sambil kerja. Mungkin ada di kalangan anda yg dapat membantu decision sy ini. Don't say that i need to start from scratch, taking first degree again in EE. That's the last thing on earth i want to hear.
Please help me!!!! |
Reply #1 HowarhFristow's post
boleh jer bro! aku nih 1st degree sc biologi (pure sains). msc in material engine! |
boleh je.. but they might want you to take few supplementary courses, depends on your masters la |
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Category: Belia & Informasi