Redbelt is an upcoming action movie written and directed by David Mamet. As of July 2007, the film is in production, with many of the action sequences being filmed at the Pyramid in Long Beach. The film will be released in the USA on May 2, 2008.
The film concerns Mike Terry (Chiwetel Ejiofor), a Jujutsu practitioner and self-defense instructor who imparts upon his students the skills to survive on the street, rather than prevail in sports combat. A series of circumstances brings Terry in contact with popular movie hero Chet Frank (Tim Allen) and a legion of Hollywood movers and shakers. Terry soon finds himself the victim of a con and, combined with a destitute financial situation, is pressed to enter the ring for pride and profit.
Mamet, himself a jujutsu practitioner and UFC aficionado, has described Redbelt as a samurai film in the tradition of Kurosawa 1. He has employed the resources of several members of the MMA community in the making of the film; Randy Couture and Enson Inoue have acting roles in the film, as does Jean Jacques Machado's brother John Machado who also planned some of the fight choreography.
David Mamet is himself is an accomplished jiu-jitus practitioner and has earned the rank of purple belt under the tutelage of Renato Magno who also served as the film's jiu-jitsu consultant.
the making of 'Redbelt':
p/s: aku pernah baca buku David Mamet 'On Directing Film' yg dia ajar film student mcmana nak tulis skrip & filmmaking.. so, aku tak sabar nak tgk filem dia sendiri adakah 'cakap serupa bikin'???