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L : Change The World (3 April 2008 in cinema)
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Rumah ni dah bukak belum?
kalo dah ada encik/puan/cik Mod tolong 'merge'kan erk?

Ken'ichi Matsuyama ... L
Erika Toda ... Misa Amane
Renji Ishibashi .. Shin Kagami
Youki Kudoh
Mayuko Fukuda
Megumi Sato ... Hatsune Misawa
Shunji Fujimura
Shingo Tsurum ... Kimihiko Nikaido
Masanobu Takashima
Yuta Kanai ... Tamotsu Yoshizawa
Sei Hiraizumi ... Koichi Matsudo
Kiyotaka Nanbara
Bokuzo Masana ... Asao Konishi

Tsugumi 詁a
Takeshi Obata
Director:Hideo Nakata
"The human whose name is written in the Death Note shall die"
AGod of Death dropped a notebook which had the power to kill people.Light Yagami (Tatsuya Fujiwara) found the notebook and tried to becomeKira, God of a new crime-free world be executing criminals with thenotebook.. L (Kenichi Matsuyama), a genius detective confronted Kirawho was his toughest enemy ever. At last, L managed to close the caseof Kira but had to pay a painful price.
After making the hardestdecision ever, another serious case confronts L. There are only 23 daysleft and without his best partner Watari (Shunji Fujimura), L has tosolve the case all by himself for the very first time.
A boy anda girl hold the keys to solving this case and L had to get into adesperate situation to protect these kids. L has solved many casespreviously through monitors and using his brain power as he has neverappeared in public as L.. This is the first and last case that he hasto deal with people in person.
A person who obtains the mosthorrible weapon "Death God" created by human says the same thing asKira... "I am going to change the world"
What will happen to L?Is anything in the world going to be changed? The turbulent 23 dayseven L cannot predict awaits him. The most exciting and movingcountdown has now begun!
synopss from encorefilms
Related Article
Nakata takes charge of "Death Note" spinoff
TOKYO-- Hideo Nakata will helm "L," a spinoff from the megahit "Death Note"pic pair, producer Nippon Television Network (NTV) announced Wednesday.
Nakata,the horrormeister whose credits include "The Ring 2" and the upcoming"Kaidan" and "The Ring 3," signed on to the project after three yearsin Hollywood.
Nakata said he wanted to make more movies in Japanand that he was taken with the perf of Kenichi Matsuyama in the "DeathNote" pics and wanted to work with the actor.
Matsuyama playsthe sweets-loving "genius" detective who matches wits and wills with apower-besotted college student able to kill anyone he pleases simply bywriting the person's name in a mysterious notebook.
"L" willfocus on the detective's story before the events of the two "DeathNote" pics, which grossed a total of |
waa, i will going to watch this... |
Reply #2 ariean's post
harap sebest cam DN2..
i love the L character.. hampir2 sama dengan anime n manga.. cara duduk n cara makan.. cara pegang hp..
nearly the same...
and.. the director in the same of the director The Ring 2 and 3...
we wait and ses this april.. |
yosh meh serbu panggung tgk L!  |
eh, 3 April kan, bukan 23 April? |
ada sneak preview kat cinema bermula jumaat midnite 28 Mac hingga ahad 30 mac..
opening 3 april.. |
Reply #6 laislabonita's post
ha'ah.. 3 April.. salah type plak!! sorry2!!!
sat aku betulkan tajuk umah!! |
Rasanya ni bukan cerita seram. Cuma nak cerita pasal L dan hidup dia. Kalau tak tengok Death Note, mesti confuse tengok gelagat L tu!
Tak sabar nak tengok, penangan 'L' tu memang hebat, eccentric tapi bergeliga  |
Reply #8 ahmad_dhani91's post
ni mmg sah tak tau anime, mang ngan muvie DN nih!!
ni bukan kisah seramler.. ni kisah L yg dalam masa 23 hari lepas kematian Kira/Light.. dia ada satu kes pasa budak tuh tuk diselesaikan.. sbb penangan L ni best n menjadik.. so, dorg wat satu filem ttg L..
kalo nengok gaya dia selesaikan kes, wat pemerhatian sesumer memang best ler.. sambil makan coklat, gegula sesumer tuh otak laju jer pikir selesaikan kes..
tapi x taulah plak filem ni camner kan? sbb kalo masa ada Kira/Light leh nampak gaya dorg lawa kepandaian masing2.. tapi kali ni.. L kena selamatkan bebudak tuh..
kena mengena ngan shinigami pun bukan seram..lawok aderler... lelagik si Ryuuk tuh!!
cadangan aku.. ko tengok jer drama nih kalo ko suker tengok seorang penyiasat muda yg pelik tapi pandai!! lepas ko nengok.. kompom ko nak beli coklat n makan.. sbb lepas aku tengok DN2.. terus singgah 7 eleven beli cadbury.. L lah nih wat aku rasa nak makan coklat!! |
Reply #9 Maru's post
yup memang hebat!! keninchi matsuyama memang best..
walupun dia dalam drama 1 Littre of Tears jahat.. tapi biler dia jadik L.. aku suker... |
some game to all of you.. tapi arahan tulisan jepun..
tapi x per.. try jer.. best per..
ada 3 stage..
stage 1st bukak bilik penyiasatan L then cari kunci tuk cari budak tuh..
2nd stage gi cari brg2 budak tuh..
3rd stage.. ntah aku x ingat buat aper.. sbb aku x paham sgt pun aper arahannyer.. tapi stage clean ler..
sumer gi link bawah nih k? |
tak sabar nak tengok !!!!!!!!!!! |
Jarang Filem Jepun kuar kat Malaysia setahun sekali atau 2 tahun sekali :9 |
Reply #14 HangPC2's post
tahun lepas ada la gak kuar Death Note b Sinking of Japan... |
Reply #14 HangPC2's post
eh, x jugak, actuali bnyk film2 jepun keluar kat malaysia skrg ni.. cumanye yg bnyk tu yg ala2 film seram picisan kut..
aku igt lagi, dulu2 selalunye yg tayang kat wayang adalah cite omputih, melayu, cina, tamil, hindustan.. susah nak ada film bahasa lain.. pastu bile stat Dark Water tayang, pastu dah beransur2 film seram jepun korea masuk ke wayang eg The Phone, Ju On etc.. pastu film2 tsb limited utk genre seram je.. lepas tu barulah ada film genre drama, romantik komedi, etc.. dan skrg film2 jepun korea dah ada market kat malaysia.. |
Reply #1 JUSTcircle's post
JC..aku tak tau plak bakal ada movie nih...arigatou ne..pasal ko bukak thread ni n menyebabkan aku tau...huhuhu...pasti masuk dalam list 'a must see movie' lepas Kurosagi...  |
Reply #16 laislabonita's post
yup!! byk filem seram jer yg masuk malaysia.. ni Death Note ni pun masuk sbb dorg ingatkan seram kot!! last2!! sambutan ok gak even bukan kisah seram..
So, rugi ler kalo x masukkan sekali filem L nih!! sbb L ngan Kira.. dah tentu2 aku sokong Kira..
minna-sa!! dah try main game selamatkan budak tuh yg aku dah tepek link tuh? |
Reply #17 forum_aje's post
ko tau Muvi ni ada sbb aku bukak ke.. ko nampak umah ni x sangka aku bukak?
yup.. ni must seen list nih!! even masa ni aku dah nak final.. aku kan spend gak satu hari tuk tengok muvi nih!!
mesti!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kenichi matsuyama.. matte ne!! |
aku nak tengok ! aku nak tengok
excited gle ni!!!! |
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