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Income pls
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Kawan aku minta tolong tanyakan pd sesapa yg dulu pernah keje kat Msia, tax payer then berhijrah ke oversea.
Mintak tolong jasa baik korang......explain prosedur nak beritahu/declare kat LHDN yang kita dah takde income kat Msia or ertikata sebenarnya takmo lg bayo income tax kat Msia. Kwn aku dah kat 4 thn dok oversea, sejak tu tak pernah declare pape kat LHDN...
Segala infos, mekasih in advance... |
Reply #1 BingkaUbi's post
Ada dua pendapat:
My friend pi LHDN and close the account, cakap NO INCOME. Kalau cakap keje kat oversea, still kena file the cukai and they decide how much you have to pay.
Secondly, this is my experience, for first 2 year, I still filed and mailed out my form, with no income (so still get Borang J)...I called them few time (this is in Seremban Office), to tell to close my file, they said, no need, once they see I don't file anymore, they will decide to close...tak tau ler ye ke tak...I need to follow up. |
Gue la tu yang tak pernah declare income tax sejak kerja sini, since 2004 . Last check ada outstanding kena bayar RM1.4k BUT gue ada terlebih bayar tax (dari PCB) dekat2 sama amount tu. Kontra je boleh kot.
Need to follow up gamaknya balik Aug ni. |
masa gue migrate ke sini lupa declare tax kat lhdn..balik thn 2002 tu saya kena pi my old workplace isi pink form tu (penyata pendptn) submit terus ke lhdn..dan buat surat bertulis saya dah tak bekerja lagi.wa org lhdn ckp kalau tak settle tax tu imigresen akan tahan saya kat airport..ketaq saya bila dgr.. ..takat ni tak de pernah terima apa2 borang pun dari lhdn..oh ye..dan saya takde hutang pun dgn lhdn..alhamdulillah.. |
mengikut sumber dr member2 ade yg anta surat kat lhdn bgtau keje kat luar far takde lg dgr member yg kene tindakan. .....kalau sape2 pernah kene tindakan bgtau ye |
Reply #1 BingkaUbi's post
Senang je. Just e-mail or tulis surat kat LHDN to inform yg awak dah tak ada di Msia. Mrk akan definitely hantar Form Income Tax (Form E) utk thn yg awak masih bekerja di Msia. |
Originally posted by nour2001 at 21-4-2008 01:34 PM
masa gue migrate ke sini lupa declare tax kat lhdn..balik thn 2002 tu saya kena pi my old workplace isi pink form tu (penyata pendptn) submit terus ke lhdn..dan buat surat bertulis saya dah tak b ...
Kena tahan kat airport |
Reply #8 sarahmirza's post
LHDN boleh track kat Form yg diisi oleh majikan. Tak tau samada ambik masa yg lama ttp rasanya sekarang mrk lebih efficient. Kalau dah berthn2 boleh bayar bnyk disebabkan tak declare dgn LHDN. So better korang inform LHDN kalau berpindah kerja di luar negara sebab ex-majikan korang dah declare. Lainlah kalau korang berpendapatan rendah & tak dikenakan cukai.
[ Last edited by Baiduri Othman at 23-4-2008 01:03 PM ] |
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Category: Negeri & Negara