windows sy korup. so sy buat hard disk sy sbgi external..
tp masalah nya apabila sy hendak akses my document.. access denied...
mcm fail penting sy kat situ.. cm na nk solve prob ni??
otai2 kt sini mntk tolong...
Reply #1 katana83's post
abg2..akak2.. adik2... x de sape yg tau ke??? urgent |
Start > Run, taip: %allusersprofile% > OK.
1. Klik kanan folder Documents dan pilih Properties.
2. Klik tab 'Sharing', dan
i. 'unchecked' 揝hare This Folder on network |
kes camni biasanya leh setel dgn cara guna file recovery software.
sebab file recovery ni buleh ceroboh area yg protected walaupun private document.
cuba drive resque, getdataback atau active file recovery.
sejak bila jadi camni nih? leh story siket? |
Reply #1 katana83's post
pakai livecd linux utk recover balik data2 tu
donlot maner2 live cd macam ubuntu ker knoppix ker pastu run dari cdrom
susah2 antar jer kat aku aku recover kan |
Reply #1 katana83's post
this usually due to different type of permission the original hd had compare to the new one, even though you have admin permission on your new hd.
try this:
1. right click on your hd/folder and select properties
2. click on security tab
3. click on advanced button
4. once a new window opens up, click on owner tab
5. under change owner to:, select administrators groups (make sure you're part of admin group).
6. check replace owner on subcontainers and objects box
7. click ok all the way
if you hd has lots of data, it may take a while. once completes, you should be able to access your hd. update here if you're successful or not.
[ Last edited by oobi at 28-4-2008 11:58 AM ] |
Reply #6 farishaziqi's post
tu la.. aku dh guna cd live.. tp laptop lak yg buat hall.. bblank aje... |
Reply #9 katana83's post
nie lebih kepada masalah laptop ko
try pakai pc atau laptop lain recover kat pc yg ok skit |
Reply #6 farishaziqi's post
kaedah mount hdd local dlm live cd linux (ubuntu) :
Boot up the live CD then right click on your desktop and create a folder.
Then mount the drive to that folder via terminal;
- sudo mount /dev/hda1 /home/username/Desktop/folder/ -t vfat -o iocharset=utf8,umask=000
Copy the Code
where hda1 is whatever the fat partition is and username is your username and folder is the name of the folder.
more to read : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=174051 |
Reply #8 katana83's post
rasanya ni problem compaq v3000 series, aku awal-awal guna laptop aku, dah kena kes blank screen tp tak la sampai rosak hdd dan data. kena la hantar repair ke HP, sebulan jugak (sb hantar ikut kedai tpt beli). balik tu dah okay...
la ni, warranty pun dah abis... mula balik gejala-gejala masalah ni
tak leh nak restart, baik dari linux atau dari windows
as a precaution, aku tak restart dah (lebih tepat, aku shutdown dan start balik lepas beberapa saat)
klu direct restart mula la sangkut, blank... button audio tu jadi oren, same with you?
sori aku tak bagi solution, just sharing my problem... and you're not alone... |
Reply #14 katana83's post
haha... dah agak! ni mmg penyakit compaq!
klu aku kat tmpt ko, hantar balik ke service centre.
tp aku tak tau la service centre kat man,sb kedai yg hantarkan... reason kenapa penyakit ni jadik pun tak tau, tak di maklumkan...
utk kes takleh restart aku skg... aku biar dulu, nak hantar S.C. HP warranty dah abis,
cuma aku tak restart la... shutdown, cabut power cable, biar dlm 5 saat, on balik... leceh sebab guna 2 OS tp so far no prob
[ Last edited by RedMage at 29-4-2008 02:27 PM ] |
Reply #13 katana83's post
Originally posted by RedMage at 29-4-2008 01:49 PM 
haha... dah agak! ni mmg penyakit compaq!
klu aku kat tmpt ko, hantar balik ke service centre.
tp aku tak tau la service centre kat man,sb kedai yg hantarkan... reason kenapa penyakit ni jadi ...
gerento dh habes...
windows ko x korup ke? |
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