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Nak tanya... psl term dlm offer letter...
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Nak tanya u all le.. aku baru dpt offer keje baru.. tp kat dlm tu ada satu clause yg aku cukup tak suka, and i doubt it very much.. terms dia berbunyi cenggini:-
"the vbs component of basic salary will be at the sole and total discretion of teh company. the vbs may eb increased, continued at the same level, reduced or withdrawn altogether at anytime."
co ni offer aku bassic salary dlm 2 bentuk: 70% fixed basic salary and 30% VBS - variable basic salary. 30% tu beso.. so bila aku tanya, dia kata ini cume utk protect co jika ada recession and perlu ada pay cut. but don't you guys think the terms above too vague/wide? they can justify anything for that... kan?
mmmm any input diucapkan dgn ribuan tima kasih.. aku dok pending nak accept disbbkan terms ni.. |
Terima Je la...
Keje bukan senang nak dapat sekarang nie |
Reply #2 the_slayers's post
tq slayer.. mmg nak accept tp terms tu makes me hesitate... kalau 30% di cutnye, much better my current job.. |
Originally posted by LostSoul at 30-4-2008 05:14 PM
Nak tanya u all le.. aku baru dpt offer keje baru.. tp kat dlm tu ada satu clause yg aku cukup tak suka, and i doubt it very much.. terms dia berbunyi cenggini:-
"the vbs component of basic sa ...
proctection for the company, in case the employee short notice of resign. |
aku rasa tak fair terms tu.. meaning the employer ada hak utk cut your vbs salary even by not giving any reason whatsoever.. unless dia ada mention the situation whereby diaorg akan exercise the right, then ok lah..
kalo ko willing to take the risk, mintak diaorg amend/review/delete that particular part.. kalo diaorg tak setuju.. then up to u to decide whther nak accept the offer ke tidak.. maybe ko boleh cek the history of that co.. kalo diaorg tak penah invoke the clause then ok la kot.. |
kompeni apa nih?
macam tak stabil je.. |
satu cadangan yg tak seberapa dr ku ini...
mcm the slayers ckp skrg ni bukan senang nak dpt dlm masa yg sama jgn smpi hak ko tergugat...
ko tanya la company tu apa cth2 keadaan yg 30% akan dikurangkan or tak bayar terus n apply apa yg Airis suggest tu....
x pun kalau ko susah sgt ko mintak ler up kan lg gaji ko tu...maksud aku ko nyer basic salary yg 70% so kira jln secured la... |
Reply #4 mrcom's post
thx mrcom. in the offer letter, after confirmed, the notice for termination is 3 months, thats longer than normal practice anyway. any other reasons why they might do this? |
Reply #5 Airis's post
tq airis.. akupun pikir camtu. i can understand let say if company is having a bad time, recession, etc, so they decided to have overall paycut. but i feel like this term pun boleh digunakan secara individual, maksud aku memotong gaji seseorg dgn membri apa2 alasan jua, btulkah?
aku tanya gak org keje kat situ. dia kata, gajinye tak pernah dipotong since dia keje kat situ, tp org lain aku tak tau.
maybe aku akan call HR, mintak dia specifykan reasons kat situ. if not then, very hard for me to accept le, suspense ooo... |
Reply #6 hetrek's post
hetrek, co ni anak syarikat engineering co - namanye ground data solutions.. pernah dgr tak? |
Reply #8 LostSoul's post
thx mrcom. in the offer letter, after confirmed, the notice for termination is 3 months, thats longer than normal practice anyway.
actually it is not longer than normal practice -
it is fairly normal to give notice of termination in 3 months -
in fact most of the big companies stated this as an agreement - |
Reply #1 LostSoul's post
accept the job only after you clear of all the terms and agreement -
and satisfy with 'em
if you are unsure - please call company's HR and ask for the clarification -
it is your right to do so - |
Originally posted by dexa at 1-5-2008 08:43 AM
actually it is not longer than normal practice -
it is fairly normal to give notice of termination in 3 months -
in fact most of the big companies stated this as an agreement -
yup. 3 mnths normal. |
3 months is too long... 2 months is reasonable... |
salam ... hai kak losol
sesuatu yg dicurigai berlaku di sini
. surat notis berhenti 3 bulan .. minta mereka ubah kepada 1 bulan
bj pernah kena dulu ... notis 3 bulan memang menyebelahi sykt bukan pekerja
bj beri 1.5 bulan notis .. 1.5 lagi tu bayar 1.5 bulan gaji ... memang menyusahkan pekerja
. kemungkinan gaji 30% dipotong jika ekonomi sykt bermasalah
minta mereka tambah syarat ... 'kenaikan gaji minimum 10% setiap tahun'
kalau tak setuju ... minta gugurkan syarat mereka.
kak losol kena utamakan hak pekerja dulu ...
Malaysia semakin maju
harap sikap mereka lebih profesional dan telus di kedua dua belah pihak.
harap membantu |
jika syarat notis berhenti 3 bulan dianggap BIASA ... ini memberi kelebihan kepada sykt.
mereka semakin membuat untung
bila tidak diperlukan , mereka boleh pula beri notis 24 jam ? adil ke ?
[ Last edited by budakjawa at 3-5-2008 11:07 AM ] |
maksud bj jika notis 3 bulan ini adalah biasa ... hak pekerja juga semakin terabai
semua sykt lain akan mengikut syarat yg sama .
lepas ni nanti ... syarat untuk disahkan jawatan adalah 6 BULAN ?
[ Last edited by budakjawa at 3-5-2008 11:08 AM ] |
pada aku notice of termination 3 months is wayyy tooo long.. kalau dibuatnya you are in a situation where you really cannot tahan dah keja kat situ.. merana beb nak tunggu habis 3 bulan tu.. and dibuatnya management jenis yg carik pasal, mcm2 dia boleh buat within the 3 months.. lagipun.. kalau org nak offer ko keja pun, diaorg pikir gak notis ko tu lama sgt.. unless they dont mind waiting..
co. aku ni ok jek, 1 month je pun.. reasonable dah tu.. |
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