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Painter Of The Wind ~ Moon Geun Young/Park Shin Yang/Moon Chae Won
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Moon Geung Young Park Shin Yang Moon Chae Won
Shin Yoon Bok is a talented painter who disguises herself as a boy to search for her father抯 murderer and meets a master painter who guided her into being a great painter. Kim Hong Do is the man who teaches Yoon Bok how to paint and they develop a strong friendship of mentor and disciple.
sources taken from Dramawiki
since x ada org yg bukak thread ni so bel tlg's such a waste sbb drama ni consider menang Drama Terbaik lepasa Moon Geung Young dpt Daesang Award (Grand Prize)..
2008 SBS Awards
Moon Geun-Young 문근영
Kim Yoo-Jung 김유정
TOP 10 STAR AWARD (10대 스타상 )
Moon Geun-Young
Bae Soo-Bin 배수빈
Moon Chae-Won 문채원
Moon Geun-Young 문근영 & Moon Chae-Won 문채원
Painter of the Wind Paints Lives of Two Joseon Masters
September 10, 2008 by Hallyuwood
Filed under News
Jo seo n p a int ers K im Ho ng -do a nd Shin Yun-bo k p ro duced wo rk s o f sim p le bea ut y.
In co nt ra st t o t he rest rict io ns o f Jo seo n (1392-1910) so ciet y, t heir det a iled sk et ches a re f ree-sp irit ed a nd v iv idly p a t t erned.
A nyo ne curio us a bo ut t he wo rk s a nd liv es o f t hese t wo p a int ers ca n lo o k f o rwa rd t o "T he P a int er o f t he Wind," a n up co m ing 20-ep iso de dra m a o n SBS T V which will a ir Wednesda ys a nd T hursda ys a t 9:55 p .m . f ro m Sep t . 24.
M o o n G eun-yo ung , 21, p la ys Shin a nd P a rk Shin-ya ng , 40, p la ys her m ent o r, who la t er f a lls in lo v e wit h her.
T ho ug h in rea l lif e Shin (1758-ea rly 19t h cent ury) a nd K im (bo rn in 1745) were bo t h m en, t he hist o ric dra m a a dds a f ict it io us t wist . Shin is a yo ung la dy who se f a t her ha s died under susp icio us circum st a nces, a nd she disg uises herself a s a m a n t o so lv e t he m yst ery.
She beco m es a m em ber o f t he do hwa seo , a g o v ernm ent -ba sed ro ya l p a int ing inst it ut e. Wo m en were no t a llo wed t o p a int during t he Jo seo n Dyna st y. Wit h K im 's help , she inv est ig a t es her f a t her's dea t h.
In t he series, M o o n wea rs g a t , a t ra dit io na l cylindrica l ha t f o rm erly wo rn by m a rried g ent lem en, a nd do p o , a g ent lem a n's ro be.
T he hist o ric dra m a is ba sed o n a n ep o nym o us no v el by Lee Jung -m yung . T he bo o k a bo ut t he t wo p a int ers, p ublished la st yea r, wa s a best seller.
T he dra m a 's 40-seco nd p rev iew wa s relea sed la st F rida y, g iv ing v iewers a t a nt a liz ing g lim p se int o a set bo a st ing det a iled Jo seo n co st um es, f ine ca llig ra p hy a nd p a inst a k ing ly crea t ed p ro p s.
The s how's pr oduce r , J an g Tae -y oo, s tudie d ar ts at S e oul N ation al Un ive r s ity , which is par tly why he is takin g e x tr a car e to e n s ur e the accur acy of the pain tin g s b y S hin an d Kim de picte d in the dr ama.
He hir e d four con te mpor ar y pain te r s - Le e J on g -mok, Ahn G uk-j u, B ae J i-hae an d Koo S e -j in - to cr e ate r e pr oduction s of the J os e on mas te r pie ce s for us e in the dr ama.
The ir s is n o s mall tas k. Amon g the pain tin g s the y ar e r e pr oducin g ar e S hin 's "Por tr ait of a B e auty ," "S ce n e r y on Dan o Day " an d "Love r s un de r the Moon " an d Kim's "S s ir e um (Wr e s tlin g )," "S e odan g " an d "Was hin g Place ."
Althoug h MB C TV dr ama "Y i S an " on ce s howe d s n ippe ts of what we n t on at the dohwas e o, it is this te am's e y e for de tail that r e ally le n d The Pain te r of the Win d an air of authe n ticity .
Le e , cur r e n tly a pain tin g pr ofe s s or at E wha Woman s Un ive r s ity , is in char g e of the te am. S he took on the s ame r ole for the film "S tr oke s of Fir e " (2002), which de picte d the life of pain te r J an g S e un g -up.
"It's an hon or dr awin g copie s of the g r e at mas te r s ," Ahn s aid. "The mor e I dr aw, the mor e I'm attr acte d to S hin 's wor ks ."
The te am has b e e n wor kin g out of the ir ate lie r in S in chon , n or the r n S e oul.
As the or ig in als b e lon g to g alle r ie s an d pr ivate colle ction s all ove r the coun tr y , the y b as e d the ir wor k off de taile d pr in ts .
"S hin 's pain tin g s ar e s o de taile d an d s ub tle that it make s me thin k he was a woman ," Ahn s aid, poin tin g to a n ude pain tin g as an e x ample .
"S hin 's n ude pain tin g s have de tails that on ly wome n would n otice ."
S till de e ply ab s or b e d in his pain tin g s , Ahn s aid, "If he was n 't [a woman ], S hin mus t have e ithe r b e e n g ay or a man who kn e w wome n ve r y we ll."
S o far , Le e , Ahn , B ae an d Koo have r e pr oduce d 80 pain tin g s for the upcomin g dr ama, in cludin g s ke tche s an d patte r n s dr awn on a tr adition al foldin g s cr e e n an d pictur e b ooks .
E ve n the s malle s t pain tin g has b e e n han d-dr awn r athe r than r e pr in te d.
The four pain te r s als o s tood in as doub le s for ce r tain s ce n e s , althoug h "the e n tir e cas t an d s taff r e ce ive d a le ctur e on pain tin g us in g a b r us h an d in k," accor din g to B ae .
"I hope the dr ama will he lp man y Kor e an s un de r s tan d the wor ld of tr adition al pain tin g s ," B ae s aid.
B y Kan g Hy e -r an an d Le e E un -j oo
Pictur e s : J oon g An g Daily , N ave r
S our ce : Joong Ang Dai l y
[ Last edited by isabel at 2-1-2009 03:45 PM ] |
errr...mamat baju itam sume tuh..bkn ke ada ber lakon jumong. lupa lak nama dia
ensem nyaaaaaaaaaaa hehe
kena carik le gini citer nih |
hehe... akhirnye bel yg bukak thread nih...
abih ar kite moyan sini nnti... |
Reply #5 Kittie's post
nampaknya cuma kita yg berdua meroyan sbb kita ni aje kot yg minat citer ni...
and kittie perasaan x dlm byk2 citer segeuk ni bel rasa dlm citer ni ler watak yg bawak watak raja ni hensem tolak Song Il Gook ler... ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif)
[ Last edited by isabel at 2-1-2009 03:07 PM ] |
ckp2 psl dia dia our the most hensem and popular king...
King Jung Jo
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Reply #7 isabel's post
haha... klu tayang kat tv, baru ramai kot yg layan... lgpun citer nih lain dr yg lain... tp kite ske tgk dorang lukis2 tuh...
tul, tul... yg bawak watak raja citer nih hensem, tp sore time marah, bergegar dunia gak... |
Reply #8 isabel's post
kite ske tgk mase dorang lukis potret die... profile die... very the hansamu... |
Reply #9 Kittie's post
a'ah ler klu dia marah mcm lagi ler tambah hensem...
mata dia klu marah tajam gitu...mcm terasa nak tembus jantung ini...
lukisan2 tu mmg cantik2 semuanya...x sia2 ler MYG ambik kelas lukisan sampai berbulan2 lamanya...
but Kittie...
masa award tu Park Shin Yang x dtg bukan...sbb x nampak pun dia kat red carpet |
Reply #12 Kittie's post
bel ada baca gak news psl PSY ni...
tapi x tau ler pulak sampai kena banned terus x leh hadir ke award show mcm ni sbb tu kan terpulang kat tv stesen sama ada nak panggil ke x...
tapi bagi bel lak bagus ler dia kena banned mcm ni...sbb mcm angkuh sgt x nak bertolak mesti periuk nasi dia akan tertutup sementara... |
Reply #13 isabel's post
mayb stesen tv nk jage relation ngan persatuan drama... lgpun org dlm persatuan tuh, org dorang gak... ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Reply #14 Kittie's post
mesti dia tgh menyesal skrg ni...
dia ni dah ler suka tgk klu berlakon..leh katakan byk drama yg dia buat kebyknya meletup dan menang byk awards...
so we gonna miss him ler dia dlm drama...entah dia leh muncul dlm movie ke x...
skrg ni bel pun nak try menkaji lukisan2 zaman chosun ni....
deman music classic dah kembah skrg tgh deman lukisan lak pulak...![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
Reply #15 isabel's post
tuhla, syg... talented tp... takpe, tgk jer in the future. sib baik isu nih timbul time POTW dh setel.
sonok gak bajar sal lukis2 nih even lg complicated dr muzik, kdg2 tak paham pun ade, kena rewind blk part dorang kasi penerangan tuh... ![](static/image/smiley/default/titter.gif) |
♥ ♪♪ ~~Congratulations !!!~~ ♪ ♪ ♥
Moon Geun-Young
Best Leading Actress
45th Annual Baeksang Arts Awards
:pompom: :pompom: :pompom:
:victory: You go girl !!! :victory: |
Reply #17 Kittie's post
yeah kittie...
bel pun happy giler bila tau dia menang Best Leading Actress ni dan gitu gak gan Kim Myung Min..
so happy for both of them la..
diorg berdua mmg sgt...sgt layak utk menang |
salam... thanks guys bukak thread nih.. best tul cite neh... half way tgk drama nih.. x abis lagik.. tp mmg best... lagu2 nye pun best... esp Jo sung mo dgn lagu tema drama tuh... Song of the wind... anyway tima kasih sume...![](static/image/smiley/default/loveliness.gif) |
waa...aku pon dh halfway..dh lm dgr org ckp cite nih best..tetambah dpt bnyk aku tk bape minat sgt PSY tuh..ehehe..tuh yg lmbt br nk siyes best la |
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