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Vicks - Bahaya Untuk Kanak2 Bawah 2 Tahun..
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apesal aku tak nampak ape2 Nei? |

[ Last edited by princebrunei at 24-3-2009 09:45 ] |
Originally posted by LaLing69 at 24-3-2009 09:36 AM 
apesal aku tak nampak ape2 Nei?
X kan x nampak kot..  |
aku pung x nampak laaa  |
huhuhu... mgkn kecik2 dulu aku pakai vicks tu sbb aku tak nampak ape2  |
Hati-Hati Terhadap Produk Vicks "Inhaler"
Gua suka banget mencium aroma Vicks Inhaler atau semacamnya ...tapi tahukan anda efek samping yang di timbul-kan sangat bahaya apabila keseringan sedot ...terlebih jauhkan dari anak kecil, nih saya baru dapat infonya ..bahwa ada anak kecil waktu itu umur 5 taun ...sampai 12 taun an kebiasaan meng-hirup aroma vicks inhaler/ sejenisnya .. dari kecil dia udah hobby gitu an ......sejak beranjak dewasa tiba2 anak tersebut "kejang-kejang" dah langsung meninggal secara mendadak, setelah di otopsi, di temukan kandungan "menthol" yg berlebihan di otak anak tersebut, dan dokter bilang sangat di sayangkan mati mendadak , kalo di ketahui lebih dini masih bisa di selamatkan dengan jalan operasi, so guys gua cuman mau sharing ati ati terhadap produk gini an ..guna in seperlunya aja jangan kecanduan lohhh
Sumber : |
aku nampak je |
Baru nampak...  |
aku pon slalu apply vicks kat anak aku but not this kind of vicks..aku pakai yg 21st century strawberry flavor..yg vaporub ni is too strong utk budak2. |
Ni ha kotaknya..
Vicks VapoRub

Siapa antara kita tak kenal dengan vicks vaporub. Produk ni dahlama dan selalu kita gunakan bila selsema ataupun batuk dan disapukanpada dada atau pun kat belakang badan ye tak.
Tetapi ada antara kita tak sedar bahaya akibat dan kesan burukjika digunakan pada kanak-kanak berumur dibawah 2 tahun.... |
betul ke ni??...ada doktor kata ok guna vick ni..... |
Jan. 13, 2009 — Misuse of Vicks VapoRub may have landed an 18-month-old girl in the hospital, Wake Forest University researchers suggest.
The previously healthy girl had an upper respiratory infection, for which her grandparents treated her with a dab of Vicks VapoRub under the nose. In about half an hour, the child began to struggle for breath, and she was taken to the emergency room.
Bruce K. Rubin, MD, professor of pediatrics at Wake Forest’s Brenner Children’s Hospital, suggests the grandparents’ misuse of Vicks VapoRub may very well have caused the girl’s respiratory distress. |
Laporan Penuh..
Vicks VapoRub danger - May hurt kids
Jan 13th, 2009 by Lilian
Two years ago, I have posted some photos of the warning found on the boxes of Vicks, Mopiko and Zambuk to alert the members of my online parenting forum. I went to the pharmacy to steal a shot of those warnings as I do not buy or like to use these ointment on my children.
A paediatrician in our local hospital is infamous for throwing his patients ointments into the dustbin when he goes on his rounds. He doesn’t allow parents to rub all those magic, snake oil on kids because the vapour may cause convulsion.
Now, another news just appeared on WebMD about the dangers of miuse of Vicks VapoRub on kids. It seems that a grandparent has dabbed the Vicks VapoRub under the child’s nose. Our older generations are used to do that. So, moms and dads, do educate your babysitters, parents and other caregivers about this. Do not supply them with such ointments.
I know it is very hard to see our child having difficulties breathing but this is better treated by the clinics or hospital. If your child has severe breathing difficulties, doctors will know what to do.
Jan. 13, 2009 — Misuse of Vicks VapoRub may have landed an 18-month-old girl in the hospital, Wake Forest University researchers suggest.
The previously healthy girl had an upper respiratory infection, for which her grandparents treated her with a dab of Vicks VapoRub under the nose. In about half an hour, the child began to struggle for breath, and she was taken to the emergency room.
Bruce K. Rubin, MD, professor of pediatrics at Wake Forest’s Brenner Children’s Hospital, suggests the grandparents’ misuse of Vicks VapoRub may very well have caused the girl’s respiratory distress. |
bahaye gak rupenye vicks ni |
Reply #19 nanie's post
Untuk bayi bawah 2 tahun je kot..  |
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