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LCD Engineer-test and interview-Sony
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Salam sume......
Kawan2...tolong saya...saya dapat panggilan telefon petang tadi dalam pukul 3.30 petang daripada Sony (EMCS) M'sia Sdn Bhd.
HR yang telefon tu cakap saya kene datang interview hari selasa ni di Sony Bangi. Dalam email yang dihantar, saya dapat offer jawatan sebagai LCD Engineer. Ape tu LCD Engineer?????
Saya da abes study minggu lepas dalam Degree in Manufacturing dari UKM, and diorang kol untuk interview. Saya da google tntang LCD Engineer ni. Tapi saya still xpaham...
ade sape2 yang keje kt sony x?or ade sape2 leh bg tips x?
saya xpaham nih....ape test2 ni ekk??
There will be 3 tests to be conducted whichare:
DiagrammaticTest – 20 Minutes
VerbalEvaluation - 30 minutes
DataInterpretation – 30 minutes
ni test ape ekk???
harap sesape leh tolong ekk....tolong2... |
Ko study bab LCD TV...cara2 pembuatannya...
Apa beza dgn plasma dan OLED...
Belajar dan amik tau sket pasal circuit diagram...mana power block circuit,yg mana audio circuit,video circuit dsbnya...mesti interviewer akan tanya simple amplifier circuit dan suruh ko explain...LCD tu mcmmana cara pembuatannya...
Apa yg dimaksudkan dgn 50HZ,100HZ,High definition dsbnya...
HDMI,S-Video,Component,RCA output...pls study...
Lagi satu ko mesti terror autocad ataupun solid works...
dan yg paling penting jgn gabra walaupun jawapan ko tu ko confident...
Good Luck... |
aiseh..nk keje sony ke bro? bukan apa tp kalo xsilap org lg nk elakkn keje sony psl sony mmg goyang lately..last few months dah buang, paper arini sony declares loss, 1st annual loss in 14 years and more loss are expected in coming quarter..
papepon, good luck! |
Balas #4 wkx5406\ catat
Sony offer VSS lately terminate org lama dan amik yg fresh utk cover balik...tu cut cost namanya...jgn takut ngan SOny...still boleh survive lagi... |
Balas #3 MeLaMaL\ catat
LCD tak semestinya utk TV sahaja...ia juga digunakan utk kamera video,digital camera,PSP dan mcm2lagi product basic LCD tu kena ada...:victory: |
hope will help...
i used to work in sony, but left few month a go since got better offer..
dont be too worry for the interview..
test is quite simple, u will have:
1. english test (some sort like answer the question from the comprehensive paragraph)
2. math test (interpret data from graph, etc)
3. iq test ( think so la..since i sit mine like 2 years ago)
basically sony always welcome fresh gaduate, so the most important thing is just be yourself.
and they might ask about your final project if u r fresh.
from my personal opinion, good place to start your career bcoz there is always a platform in there which allow u to brush
up your presentation skills since there is always improvent activities everyweek. (or what we called kaizen)
hopefully it will help..and gud luck |
Balas #5 danedzya\ catat
huhu..hopefully sony will help me gain more experience in real industry world...thanx... |
Balas #6 danedzya\ catat
basic LCD?sy google n wiki jek...n jumpela beberape note yg bole siyes rsnye xpnah plak blaja LCD...n xpnah plak apply ntuk LCD...apply ntuk design adela...huhu.. |
Balas #7 picadilly\ catat
oh...really?hopefully i can solve every single question given..huhu...coz I've search all over internet and found out that the iq test n math test will not give me enough it rite?
the most part that i scare is the interview English is bad...waaaaa....
for the post, I don't think I've apply any LCD Engineer position before...Only a design Engineer..
my final project is all about designing a am i going to tell them that I'm really interested if they offer the design engineer instead of LCD engineer?can i ask them so?
LCD is not a part of my subject in manufacturing engineering..waaaaa.... |
cmne nk kasi lepas interview nih....
ade sape2 leh bg tips x....
Jangan gabra....itu jer...utk post engineer biasanya manager dan senior engineer akan interview...harap2 takde japanese manager yg nak join skali....
Harap2 yg interview tu melayu...tak pandai ko nak goreng dlm BI,ko goreng cakap melayu jer..... |
Balas #12 danedzya\ catat
bape ekk nk letak expected salary??huhuhu...lagi satu soklan...why do u wanna work with us?n why shud we hire u instead of other people? |
Expected salary skang nie utk fresh grad adalah RM2200/=...tapi ada yg buat style camnie...masa sebelum confirm dia akan bagi RM1.5k..dah confirm nanti baru dia up balik ke RM2.2K tu...jimat duit company dlm masa 6 bulan tu...siot jer... |
Balas #15 danedzya\ catat
u r helping so much mate...u keje sony ekk???huhuh.... |
Balas #16 MeLaMaL\ catat
Tak jauh dari Sony.... |
Balas #18 hantu_poyos\ catat
ntuk fresh grad cmne nk msuk gov bro?depa mst nk pon lame lak nk tggu...huhu...skang ni aku ikut jek...klu dpt kt sony ni mmg sgt2 syukurla...doa2kn aku..huhuh~!! |
Reply #19 MeLaMaL's post
tkpe, for a fresh grad, pegi je interview mana-mana company.
kalau dpt try to stay at least a year to get the experience.
lepas tuh definitely senang nak apply tempat lain.
but dont stay for too long nanti jadik macam aku nih..nak keluar dah payah
btw, aku bukan kijer kompeni jepun gak ler.. |
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Category: Belia & Informasi