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salam n nak share mintak opinion forumner sumer la...
aku ni fresh grad..tgh dok carik keje...
aku ader apply kat bank2 nak mintk keje le kan..he3..
at last ptg tadi HR Public Bank called aku soh attend interview kat HQ KL...
so pd yg tau psl job ni, pd sesapa yg tau cmne type this job like..psl position ni tak kisah la kwn2 ke, huby or korg sendirik yg tau psl job ni..
harap2 share le pandangan korg...
nak tau psl..
1. gaji n bonus PB cmner
2. work conditon cmner
3. n apa2 yg korg rase leh share dgn sumer la...
p/s: aku just send resume via emel, alhamdulillah selected utk interview....
opinion korg very much appreciate by me...thankkzz k....
mod kalu dh ader topic ni sori ekkk |
Balas #2 norzyy\ catat
thanzk u...
waaa sound scary but i believe i can do better... insyaAllah...
what tough experince u pnh lalui ekk..?... |
Ko tak buat UT lagi ker bro? wen ko join bank, ko tak kan dpt buat UT PM lagi becoz of Bafia Act.
Anyway, kalau ko decide nak join PB, it will be a good decision as well to learn new experience.
kerja sales di bank nie mmg tough. Ko akan di tempatkan di mana2 branch, approach bank custormer yg datg dan consult diorang..yg toughnya ialah every year, budget (sales target) ko akan kena increase sbb management nak lihat "growth"..however, dgn pengalaman ko buat UT, this part ko should well adverse already.
good luck to u bro.. |
welcome 2 public bank bro!!!.....tough working environment!! need to compete each other and branch staff..believe me, u need to physically and mentally prepared. |
4# amirul_nazri
wel, sknag mg buat lg UT bang..sejak abih study ni je la biz yg aku wat..
sj je hntr resumeat PB, miggu lps dorg kol soh interview.
upline ade gak gtau klau joi B mmg tak leh jualUT dah...
ni yg den fresh grad parent, famili n sanak sedara sumer dok tanya bila nak keje tetapnya.?bla3..
smpi ls nak mjwb kaedahnya..
so aku nak g interview nih..
untung sabut timbul, untung batu tggelam..... |
5# bubbly84
bro ko keje bank PB ker..?
citer la sikit kat aku cmne wei...
tak leh pos sini ko PM aku yer..
info very much appreciated.... |
aku credit analyst under loan department..keje biasa ler stressful
yg lebih stressful SME,, kna achieve target, dalam keafdaan ekonomi skng nie
competition mmg stiff |
8# bubbly84
thankz bro..
aku pun tgh brainwash diri sendrik.misti kuat smgt , fizikla n mental..
interview slalu tanye pe wei..? |
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Category: Belia & Informasi