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Tak Boleh Install Window XP & OS yg lain

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Post time 3-11-2009 05:04 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Aku ada satu mobo ni, msi 6577 ver 4.1 , originally taken from HP . So sekarang nak install window XP, tak dapat pulak. Asyik restart je selepas PC diagnosing tu (just before to select which hard drive to be installed with window) . Asalnya komputer i datang dengan recovery CD, (sekarang recovery CD pun dah hilang), dan HD yg asal (ada restore window option) pun dah corrupt. Ada cadangan tak utk menyelesaikan masalah ni?? perlu tak flash bios yg completely tak perlu CD window restore?

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Post time 3-11-2009 05:35 PM | Show all posts
betol ke masa nak install je die restart? ko biar die kat bios aje.. tgk restart ke idak.. mana tau processor panas ke

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Post time 3-11-2009 05:38 PM | Show all posts
kabel harddisk tu elok ke tak?
try ganti kabel tu dulu.

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2009 07:24 PM | Show all posts
betol ke masa nak install je die restart? ko biar die kat bios aje.. tgk restart ke idak.. mana tau processor panas ke
kapakterbang Post at 3-11-2009 17:35

masa kat bios ok je.. .. hard disk semua detect, biar lama pun tak restart. Dia restart bila nak install window xp, even aku nak cuba install window ME pun shut off terus, mean bila aku taip E:/ setup.exe dkt command prompt tu.. blur lerr, macam tak boleh nak ada OS langsung...

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 Author| Post time 3-11-2009 07:27 PM | Show all posts
kabel harddisk tu elok ke tak?
try ganti kabel tu dulu.
bzzts Post at 3-11-2009 17:38

rasanya elok sbb hard disk is detectable. siap aku fdisk + format lagi...apa pun aku akan cuba ko punya suggestion tu, kalau ok aku update . TQ

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Post time 3-11-2009 11:55 PM | Show all posts
mula2 ko tulis gitu aku mula terpikir..
ada ke lappy/komputer yang tak bagi linux diinstall dalam tu?

@all ada kes tak yang melibatkan desktop seperti mana yang berlaku kepada laptop yang mana xp tak boleh dipasang didalam komputer? hanya vista dah selepasnya?

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2009 10:16 AM | Show all posts
mula2 ko tulis gitu aku mula terpikir..
ada ke lappy/komputer yang tak bagi linux diinstall dalam tu?

@all ada kes tak yang melibatkan desktop seperti mana yang berlaku kepada laptop yang mana  ...
kmkd Post at 3-11-2009 23:55

aku try fedora ... tapi tak lepas gak le..., cable hd dah tukar..tension gilerr, aku ke bengong atau mobo ni yg bengong??

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2009 10:54 AM | Show all posts
ok nampaknya aku jumpa satu penyelesaian yg lebih kurang sama dgn masalah aku kat satu forum ni...just to share, balik nanti aku cuba...kalau berjaya aku inform

"I came across the same problem of the computer freezing or halting
while trying to install Windows XP and received the message "Setup is
starting Windows." You know it's frozen because pressing alt+ctrl+del
doesn't respond. After much searching I found out, at least in my
case, that the Windows installation program was not able to identify
the computer system/BIOS as ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power
Interface), a standard for hardware recognition, even if your
motherboard/BIOS is indeed ACPI. So this is what you can try:

1) Boot from the Windows Installation CD (boot order may be needed to
be changed in BIOS, and you may have to press a key when asked to boot
from CD during startup. I suppose you can also start the installation
program from the harddrive).
2) Press F5 to bring up the Hardware Abstraction Layer (HAL) menu, once
the Windows installation program begins with the blue text screen. It
may ask you to press F6 or F2 but instead press F5 instead!
3) There will be various menu options but select "Advanced
Configuration and Power Interface (ACPI) PC" if indeed your BIOS
supports ACPI (most do these days.)
4) Then from here on Windows installation should progress and not
stall. To go past the "Setup is starting Windows" screen it only took
me a few seconds but no more than 1 minute, even though Microsoft says
it may take up to 30minutes."

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Post time 4-11-2009 03:49 PM | Show all posts
aku baru kena kes lebih kurang sama...
iaitu aku try install win7, tapi stuck lepas "Windows loading..."

rupa2nya IDE prefetch kat sata/RAID config dlm bios kena enable....
yg aku pelik, takkan le win7 punya installer tak sapot sata? tapi bila baca balik, setup bios kat page "RAID configuration...blablabla..." aku diam je le...

mungkin gak dvd win7 aku ni cikai punya...

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 Author| Post time 4-11-2009 04:13 PM | Show all posts
ok..tadi aku try la tekan F5, mmg la ada setup option ..aku pilih mana2 je..he he, sbb nak cepat kan..(balik rumah masa lunch hour), jadi gak benda yg sama cuma dia delay sikit sblm nak restart tu..skrg aku ingat nak cuba tukar ram kat komputer tu ler..mungkin ram boleh jadi problem gak??takpe cuba sampai berjaya...

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