Legion is an upcoming apocalypticfantasy film directed by Scott Stewart, from a screenplay written by Peter Schink and Scott Stewart, and starring an ensemble cast headed by Paul Bettany.
After God loses faith in humanity, the archangelMichael (Paul Bettany), who has become a fallen angel, is the only one standing between mankind and Armageddon. This time using angels to execute the Last Judgment, God's wrath descends on Earth to exterminate the world's population. In a desperate, last-chance gambit, Michael leads a group of strangers to a small New Mexico diner to protect a young waitress who may be pregnant with Christ in his second coming.
teringat pulak I kat citer constantine & citer gabriel
Constantine is another one of those movies that you either love or hate..hahha tapi sebab Keanu reeves yang lakonkan, I think I just love it
Then Grabriel lak - about archangels and their nemeses warring in human form and grappling with their newfound human frailties.