nk tanya..apa rawatan klu hati kita berlemak (fatty liver) yer? |
x de sape2 ke yg sudi menjawab..
alahai.. |
makan vitamin untuk liver... tu je kot. |
adik I ada liver problem, byk bakteria and almost hepatatis B...fatty liver can cause to that hepatatis B jugak ni....(he has this issue since 2 years back...but I x tau...FYI..adik I br 25 years old man...looks healthy...x sakit...just know dia ada penyakit ni masa dia buat medical checkup for job requirement)
After we know Elken products, he took Fitoracs, Spriulina....bacteria in is body reduce from 5 million to 100K in 1 month...the 3 months once (he has it for about 2 years) medical checkup summarized him to be perfectly healthy.... can try it |
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