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Why Islam is not for me
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A lot of you non christians stated that we did not do research on other beliefs before we embrace Christianity. Thus, to answer them once and for all, let me tell you guys why i still kept my faith as a Christian all these while.
1. My God did not said that you can have only 4 wives and then allowed certain prophet with special privilege to go and marry 9-11 wives with a lot of concubines. In our belief, when u go against God's laws that is called sin.
2. My God appeared to Adam and Eve in the form of the flesh. If not Adam and Eve would not see Him because God is a Spirit. You guys on the other hand stated that God dont lower Himself down to His creation.
3. My God stated everyone is a sinner, yet you guys strictly hold to your belief that your prophet is without sin. You further stated everyone will go to hell first to redeem his/her sins, so how bout your prophet?
4. You argued day in day out on Taurat and Injil, yet u dont have them. So, how do you follow something that u dont have?
5. Your belief stated your book is the last book, yet no where in the whole bible stated so. Even Jesus Himself stated on the cross, that, "It is finished".
6. Your belief say cannot drink alcohol on earth because it's prohibited, yet in heaven you will have a river of it. And this command came during your prophet time and not during Moses and Jesus' time. God changed??
to be continued...
Regards |
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Reply 1# kompia23
you guys deny the deity of Jesus (menyankal ketuhanan Yesus) |
Do you wish to open your heart sincerely to discuss or perhaps assume that whatever you claimed is the truth?
If that is your so called verdict, discussion is a waste of time. |
nice and enlightening, thanks sharing  |
1. My God did not said that you can have only 4 wives and then allowed certain prophet with special privilege to go and marry 9-11 wives with a lot of concubines. In our belief, when u go against God's laws that is called sin.
2. My God appeared to Adam and Eve in the form of the flesh. If not Adam and Eve would not see Him because God is a Spirit. You guys on the other hand stated that God dont lower Himself down to His creation.
3. My God stated everyone is a sinner, yet you guys strictly hold to your belief that your prophet is without sin. You further stated everyone will go to hell first to redeem his/her sins, so how bout your prophet?
4. You argued day in day out on Taurat and Injil, yet u dont have them. So, how do you follow something that u dont have?
5. Your belief stated your book is the last book, yet no where in the whole bible stated so. Even Jesus Himself stated on the cross, that, "It is finished".
6. Your belief say cannot drink alcohol on earth because it's prohibited, yet in heaven you will have a river of it. And this command came during your prophet time and not during Moses and Jesus' time. God changed??
Aku pun terangkan takat yg mampu je secara ringkas.
Beristerikan 4..?
Setau aku dalam bible pun takde sebut yang lelaki kristian tak boleh kahwin lebih dari 1.
(di dalam bentuh perintah/arahan) 
Special privilege:
Kristian tiada masalah utk mempercayai tuhan 'menjelma' jadi manusia tapi pada masa yang sama mereka ada masalah utk mempercayai bahawa nabi-nabi ada some kind of special privilege yg di beri tuhan pada mereka kat dunia ni. 
Itulah salah satu perbezaaan yang nyata di antara kita(kristian-islam) walaupun kristian itu lebih dekat dengan islam berbanding yang satu lagi tu.
Nabi kami(Muhammad) itu adalah nabi kamu.
Nabi-nabi kami yg lain(termasuk Isa) itu juga adalah nabi-nabi kamu.
Aku ulang lagi buat kali kedua:
Kristian tiada masalah utk mempercayai tuhan 'menjelma' jadi manusia tapi pada masa yang sama mereka ada masalah utk mempercayai bahawa nabi-nabi ada some kind of special privilege yg di beri tuhan pada mereka kat dunia ni. 
Sebab Al-Quran dah merangumi semuanya.
Persoalan yang timbul samada kami(muslim) nak guna apa....itu tak timbul.
Tanyalah pada diri sendiri "Discovery Channel kata serangga ada 6 kaki tapi dalam Bible kata 4." 
Betul. Bible memang takde sebut pun akan kemunculan kitab(selain Bible) yang penghabisan, tapi Bible ada sebut bahawa akan ada kitab yang datang selepas Jesus di angkat ke atas.
Even Jesus Himself stated on the cross, that, "It is finished".
Ooo begitu....maksudnya ajaran Jesus dah lengkap sebelum beliau di salib.
Tapi Book of Revelations nak di kira macamana pula tu...? 
Perlukah perkara yang diharamkan di dunia mestilah juga diharamkan di syurga....? 
Aku pasti......semua soklan diatas bukannya datang dari buah fikiran asli sdr. Kompia.
Tapi, ada juga beberapa bentuk soklan di atas kalau di hurai panjang skit,
nanti mat saleh kata apa tu....."you just chopped yourself."  |
manyak bagus la ini discussion.....lagi2...i'm waiting... |
Post Last Edit by kompia23 at 25-5-2010 11:02
Reply 5# airfilterkotor
Beristerikan 4..?
1. Setau aku dalam bible pun takde sebut yang lelaki kristian tak boleh kahwin lebih dari 1. (di dalam bentuh perintah/arahan) 
Baca balik apa yg saya tulis tu. Saya katakan kepercayaan saudara bukan kepercayaan org Kristian. Kepercayaan org Kristian ialah amalan terbaik adalah berkahwin satu je. Lebih-lebih lagi, bila seseorg itu katakan boleh kahwin 4 tapi sendiri kalau lebih dari 4. Itu namanya penipu. Contoh saya katakan kpd saudara, saudara cuma boleh ambil 5 buah epal, siapa ambil lebih akan dihukum bunuh. Ini Perintah dari Pemerintah Paling Berkuasa. Kerana itu, semua org ambil 5 epal. Tetapi saya sebagai penyampai berita pula ambil 9 buah epal. Semua org nampak dan meragui perbuatan saya. Saya katakan kerana saya ini "special". Rasanya apa yg akan Pemerintah Paling Berkuasa itu akan buat? Saudara fikirkan sendiri.
Special privilege:
Kristian tiada masalah utk mempercayai tuhan 'menjelma' jadi manusia tapi pada masa yang sama mereka ada masalah utk mempercayai bahawa nabi-nabi ada some kind of special privilege yg di beri tuhan pada mereka kat dunia ni.
Bagi kami. Nabi-nabi takdepun apa apa keistimewaan kerana mereka juga sama seperti saya dan saudara, manusia biasa. Mereka jadi istimewa kerana mereka menyembah Tuhan yang istimewa. Kalau saudara tahu ttg sejarah kekristianan. Saudara patut tahu, kebanyakan nabi ini hidup tak berkahwin, mengabadikan hidup mereka sepenuhnya utk pekerjaan Tuhan dan byk mereka mati dibunuh oleh pemerintah manusia masa tu. Jadi, apa keistimewaan yg saudara katakan ni?
2.Itulah salah satu perbezaaan yang nyata di antara kita(kristian-islam) walaupun kristian itu lebih dekat dengan islam berbanding yang satu lagi tu.
Terlampau nyata sehingga boleh nampak siapa yg benar dan siapa tidak. Tuhan muncul di depan Adam dan Hawa kan? Itu juga dipercayai oleh saudara. Dalam bentuk apa Tuhan bertemu dgn mereka? Mungkin saudara patut jelaskan ini.
3.Nabi kami(Muhammad) itu adalah nabi kamu.Nabi-nabi kami yg lain(termasuk Isa) itu juga adalah nabi-nabi kamu.
Nabi m bukan nabi saya dan bagi semua umat Kristian. Kami sampai hari ini pun masih ada nabi kerana ia adalah salah satu pangkat yg diberi kepada umat Kristian yg setia kepadaNya; rasul, nabi, penginjil, pastor dan guru. Dan semua mereka ini adalah manusia biasa yg juga berdosa tetapi digunakan oleh Tuhan yg mengasihi. Manusia berdosa tetapi Tuhan tidak.
4.Sebab Al-Quran dah merangumi semuanya. Persoalan yang timbul samada kami(muslim) nak guna apa....itu tak timbul.
Tanyalah pada diri sendiri "Discovery Channel kata serangga ada 6 kaki tapi dalam Bible kata 4."
Yalah tu... Kesilapan perterjemahan jgn disangka kesilapan dlm firman. Lagi satu, buku saudara tu pun takde penyokong. Takdepun disebut walaupun sekali dlm alkitab. Macam mana nak percaya. Yo saudara, sebenarnya semua serangga berkaki empat (ada empat kaki), kan semua serangga ada enam kaki (empat kaki cuma lebih dua kaki lagi)... he he.. 
5. Betul. Bible memang takde sebut pun akan kemunculan kitab(selain Bible) yang penghabisan, tapi Bible ada sebut bahawa akan ada kitab yang datang selepas Jesus di angkat ke atas.
Adeh.... mana ada Dia cakap camtu. Mungkin saudara boleh terangkan lebih lanjut. Jgn beritahu saya ianya adalah ttg kitab kehidupan dan kitab catatan harian perbuatan manusia yg ada kat syurga tu. 
Ooo begitu....maksudnya ajaran Jesus dah lengkap sebelum beliau di salib. Tapi Book of Revelations nak di kira macamana pula tu...?
Yg saya katakan adalah Yesus telah menghabiskan pekerjaanNya di dunia ini dan PengajaranNya adalah yg mutlak. Ingat tak saya pernah beritahu saudara, yg buku yg akan dtg pun akan ttg Yesus dan Kerajan Tuhan dan bukan tentang yg lain. Buku Revelation pun ttg Yesus yg diilhamkan oleh Roh Kudus. Takkan itu sudah saudara lupa??
Yoh 16;13-14; 13 Tetapi apabila Ia datang, yaitu Roh Kebenaran, Ia akan memimpin kamu ke dalam seluruh kebenaran; sebab Ia tidak akan berkata-kata dari diri-Nya sendiri, tetapi segala sesuatu yang didengar-Nya itulah yang akan dikatakan-Nya dan Ia akan memberitakan kepadamu hal-hal yang akan datang. 14 Ia akan memuliakan Aku, sebab Ia akan memberitakan kepadamu apa yang diterimanya dari pada-Ku.
6. Perlukah perkara yang diharamkan di dunia mestilah juga diharamkan di syurga....?
Pelik, yg saya tahu saudara sentiasa fikir semua yg diperintahkan Tuhan tak boleh diubah. Tertiba pulak boleh ubah? Takpelah saudara.... mungkin saudara boleh jawab pula persoalan tentang pemberian gadis sunti yg cantik sgt sebagai upah org yg membunuh org lain dan terbunuh kerana menegakkan kepercayaan mereka tu. Camna pula dgn yg perempuan yg berkorban tu? Dapat lelaki tampan segak yg masih sunti ke? 
Sekian. |
Reply 7# zulyusoff
Yo bro,
I never said that Christian cannot marry more than one. There are a lot of cases shown in the early times of Old Testaments that they married more than one. But Christians are taught to have one wife/husband only if they wanted to be a good deacon to the church (believers).
What i'm saying is that I don't have a God who say that you can have 4 wives, but his prophet can go on and married more than 4. To me that is called sin if that is the Law of God.
Regards |
Post Last Edit by kompia23 at 25-5-2010 14:17
Reply 9# zulyusoff
Now, is that a new commandment from God?? Before, God has never prohibit drinking of alcohol, but only stated that you cannot be a drunkard. Now you say that God changed the terms to totally no to drinking to alcohol. I thought u guys always believe God never change.
Did the God you believed changed his mind??
If so, why not also about eating of prohibited foods.? Have you ever have a thought on that?
Frankly speaking, only until existence of your prophet, alcohol has never been banned. Even the earlier prophets drank wine. The truth is this law was passed only to Arabs, not the Christians and Jews at that time. Do you think that don't sound fishy to you. God's chosen people, don't know about this new commandment but the Arabs knew?
Regards. |
nabi (......)bukan nabi sy..x perlu nak dengar cakap dia..sebab Firman Tuhan dah melangkapi keseluruhan hidup sy
;)kalau nak pergi syurga yang ada bidadari cantik2 n parawan serta sungai arak ada best jew didengar...kompia u nak tak?tapi mcm mana pula ngan bini aku yek..die nak kawin ngan siapa??mungkin ada dewa2 teruna kot..
yukkk bestnyer...bahagianya rasa...kalau pergi kat SEBELAH tue x best la pulak kan sebab mereka di beri minum air kosong je...dan tiap hari asik2 menyanyi2 lagu pujian..x seronok la mcm la yang ada gadis sunti.. |
Post Last Edit by kompia23 at 26-5-2010 13:52
kalau nak pergi syurga yang ada bidadari cantik2 n parawan serta sungai arak ada best jew didengar...kompia u nak tak?tapi mcm mana pula ngan bini aku yek..die nak kawin ngan siapa??mungkin ada dewa2 teruna kot..
Saya rasa Tuhan saya akan cemburu dan tidak berkenang dgn saya jikalau saya buat apa yg disuruhnya kerana "upahnya yg lumayan" tu. Para Kristian termasuk saya diajar utk melayani Tuhan kerana kami mengasihi Tuhan dan bukan kerana upah yg disediakan. Kami berterima kasih atas pengorbanan Yesus Kristus utk dosa kami. Segala yg kami lakukan tidak dpt menebus apa yg dilakukan oleh Tuhan utk kami.
Saya ini kalau boleh masuk syurga sudah sgt memadai. Kerana kat syurga, segalanya baik. Tak payah ada "parti seks" atau "pesta pora minum arak".
Sekian. |
7. My God never say that you should not get near dog or touch dog, because i was taught that God placed man above all animals and be master over them.
8. My God did not ask for me to pray or bow down towards an man made object, but only to Him because He is a jealous God.
9. My God says you should not pray for or to the dead.
10. My God don't ask you to give greeting to spirit.
11. My God did not said you have to cross a tiny thread as bridge carrying your good and bad deeds on a balance and try to cross over the lake of fire which is miles across. My God just say those who obeys Him and accepted His Son, Jesus Christ will inherit eternal life in heaven. No need to go to hell first.
12. My God asked for tithing (one tenth of your fruits) monthly and not just pay zakat once a year.
13. My God knows every language in the world including those in heaven. He don't favor one language or only listen to one language.
14. My God never instructed to kill those who has believed and then became disbeliever. He gives freedom of choosing.
Regards |
everyone a sinner? agak-agaknya bertimbun-timbunlah dosa Jesus ye? Boleh tak senaraikannya di sini? |
Aku tak nak komen tapi ada orang lain komen macam ni....( aku cut & paste ajer...)
EXODUS 21:17: and again in LEVITICUS 21:9 “And he who curses his father or his mother shall surely be put to death.”
If God actually wanted us to kill every child who in the throws of growing up, cursed or talked back to his or her parent then the population of our world would be significantly smaller than it is today, and that is not God’s answer to our current overpopulation problem.
EXODUS 21:20-21: “And if a man beats his servant or his maidservant with a rod…(and he or she)…remains alive a day or two, he shall not be punished; for he (or she) is his property.
Does anyone actually believe that employees have ever been personal property in God’s eyes and that killing one is ok because they are nothing more than a piece of property?
EXODUS 22:19 and also in LEVITICUS 20:15-16 “Whoever lies with a beast shall surely be put to death.”
If every farm boy who had had a calf, a goat or a sheep as his first girlfriend, was put to death, then we probably wouldn’t have enough farmers left to feed the hungry. God never said that.
EXODUS 31:15 “Whoever does ANY work on the Sabbath day, he shall surely be put to death.”
How could anyone who knows the love of God believe that God would have anyone who did any honest work on Sunday, killed?
LEVITICUS 20:10 “The adulterer and the adulteress, shall surely be put to death”.
Surely, if throughout history every adulterer and adulteress who had ever lived had been put to death it would have depopulated much of the planet. That is not to say that adultery is not a sin before God, but He has never been so bloodthirsty that He demanded death for the average sinner.
LEVITICUS 20:13 “If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman…they shall surely be put to death.”
God never said that He would have His children killed who happened to have been born with a God-given genetic heritage which made them prefer members of their same sex as partners. If this were true we would not have been blessed with the world’s greatest works of art dedicated to God and His Glory.
LEVITICUS 20:27 “A man or a woman who is a medium…shall surely be put to death.”
God has blessed many men and woman with remarkable spiritual and prophetic skills with which to divine the future and help people. Why in the world would He have those people whom he has blessed as seers, killed?
LEVITICUS 24:16 “And whoever blasphemes the name of the Lord shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him.”
Wow, if everyone on earth who, in a momentary fit of anger, used a blasphemous word, was put to death by their congregation, our churches would be mostly empty. Surely this is not the law of a loving and forgiving God!!!
LEVITICUS 25:45-46 “Moreover you may buy the children of strangers…and they shall become your property. And you may take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them as a possession; they shall be your permanent slaves.”
God never said this!!!
LEVITICUS 26:29 “You shall eat the flesh of your sons, and you shall eat the flesh of your daughters”
If these aren’t the words of the devil then nothing is!!!
LEVITICUS 27:5 “Your valuation of a (human) male shall be twenty shekels, and for a female ten shekels.”
God created both male and female to be equals. He never said that women were only worth half as much as men.
NUMBERS 15:32-36 “…they found a man gathering sticks on the Sabbath day…Then the Lord said to Moses, ‘The man must surely be put to death”…So as the Lord commanded Moses, all the congregation brought him outside the camp and stoned him with stones, and he died.”
God would have said “Thou shall not kill”.
NUMBERS 31:15-18 “And Moses said to them: ‘Have you kept all the women alive?…Now therefore kill every male among the little ones; and kill every woman who has known a man intimately. But keep alive for yourselves all the young girls…’
This is ‘genocide’ and ‘ethnic cleansing’ at its worst—certainly not a loving and forgiving God.
God has ordained ETHICIUS with the difficult mission of expunging from the mostly Holy Bible, any passage which reflects a cruel, abusive, bigoted, unjust, unforgiving, or mean-spirited god, rather than the TRUE BEAUTY AND LOVE OF THE ONE AND ONLY CREATOR OF OUR INFINITE UNIVERSE AND THE LOVE OF HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.
Wallah hu'alam |
George H. Russell
Universal Ethician Church
1401 19th Street
Huntsville, TX 77340
936-295-5767 Telephone
936-294-0233 Fax
The Western World has perpetrated many myths about MUSLIM PARADISE, some of which are false, bigoted, and have helped to create dangerous tensions between Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Terrorist groups, hypocritically proclaiming to be followers of Muhammad, have also used fabricated descriptions of MUSLIM PARADISE to deceive their most gullible followers. These misguided followers have been duped into committing suicide in order to murder innocent people, by being made to believe that, as followers of Islam, they will be eligible for an eternal orgy.
The most common myth is the one associated with suicide bombers and terrorists who, if killed in a Holy War, will be swept up to a MUSLIM PARADISE. Once there, the terrorists would have a never ending supply of virgins to pleasure those who sacrificed their lives in order to kill Christians and Jews. Nothing could be further from the truth.
If any of the myth-makers and myth-perpetrators had bothered to read the Holy Koran, they would have come away with a realistic view of ISLAMIC PARADISE. Tragically, there are abusers of Islam who promote the myths from within and those who hate Muslims who promote the myths from without in order to polarize a gullible public.
Let us quote some of the Suras from the Koran that describe MUSLIM PARADISE:
“Men are tempted by the lure of women…These are the enjoyments of this life…Far better is to return to God.”
“Say: ‘Shall I tell you of better things than these, with which the righteous shall be rewarded by their Lord? Gardens watered by running streams, where they shall dwell for ever: spouses of perfect chastity and grace from God.’” (Sura 3:14-15)
“As for those that fear their Lord, theirs shall be gardens watered by running streams in which they will abide for ever, and a goodly welcome from God.” (Sura 3:198)
“He that obeys God and His apostle shall dwell for ever in gardens watered by running streams. That is the supreme triumph.” (Sura 4:13)
“As for those that have faith and do good works, We shall admit them to gardens watered by running streams, where, wedded to chaste spouses, they shall abide for ever. To a cool shade We shall admit them.” (Sura 4:57)
“But the believers who do good works, both men and women, shall enter Paradise. They shall not suffer the least injustice.” (Sura 4:124)
“God has promised the men and women who believe in Him gardens watered by running streams, in which they shall abide for ever: goodly mansions in the gardens of Eden: and, what is more, they shall have grace in God’s sight. That is the supreme triumph.” (Sura 9:72)
“As for those that believe and do good works, God will guide them through their faith. Rivers will run at their feet in the Gardens of Delight. Their prayer will be: “Glory be to You, Lord!’ and their greeting: ‘Peace!’ ‘Praise be to God, Lord of Creation.’” (Sura 10:9)
“As for those that have faith and do good works and humble themselves before their Lord, they are the heirs of Paradise, and there they shall abide for ever.” (Sura 11:23)
“…those who keep faith with God…shall have the recompense of Paradise. They shall enter the gardens of Eden together with the righteous among their fathers, their spouses, and their descendants. From every gate the angels will come in to them, saying: “Peace be to you for all that you have steadfastly endured. Blessed is the recompense of Paradise.’” (Sura 13:24)
“The wrongdoers shall be sternly punished. As for those that have faith and do good works, they shall be admitted to gardens watered by running streams, in which, by their Lord’s leave, they shall abide for ever, Their greeting shall be: ‘Peace!’” (Sura 14:23)
“But the righteous shall dwell among gardens and fountains; in peace and safety they shall enter them. We shall removed all hatred from their hearts, and they shall take their ease on couches face to face…” (Sura 15:49)
“Blessed is the abode of the righteous. They shall enter the gardens of Eden, where rivers will roll at their feet:…the angels…saying: “Peace be on you. Come in to Paradise, the reward of your labours.’” (Sura 16:31)
Other descriptions of MUSLIM PARADISE may be found in the following Suras:
18:36; 19:61; 22:23; 25:76; 32:19; 35:35; 36:55; 37:38; 38:50; 40:8; 40:40; 42:22; 43:70; 44:50; 46:14; 48:5; 51:18; 52:17; 54:54; 55:50; 56:15; 76:10; 78:31; 83:25; and 98:7
Simply stated, MUSLIM PARADISE is reserved for those who love God, do good works, give aid to orphans, widows and the poor, make peace with their neighbors, respect the teachings of Jesus, Moses, Noah, and Abraham, and do not start wars or kill the innocent.
MUSLIM HELL is reserved for, among others, TERRORISTS and HYPOCRITES. Therefore, according to Islamic Scripture as written in The Holy Koran, Hell waits for both Terrorists and the Hypocrites who have abused God and the teachings of Muhammad for their own political ends.
From the spiritual capital of European Ethicianism in Gioviano, Italy |
kalau guna BI sy tak tahu...hehehe..sebab itulah Alkitab kristian di terjemahkan bahasa malaysia sebab semua orang2 malaysia faham..kalau guna bahasa ibunda sy(Dusun@kadazan)orang kampung seblah x paham pulak..sebab sabah nie berlainan bahasa..dusun dengan kadazan pun berlainan bahasa..begitu juga murut rungus dan lain2 lagi...lagipun dalam 1 perkampungan ada 3 atau lebih suku yang berlainan dialek dan x berfahaman..jd oleh yang demikian supaya semua paham antara 1 dengan yang lain kami guna bahasa malaysia..begitu la juga dengan Alkitab kristian.. |
samaada anda hendak percaya atau tidak terserah lah. kerna nabi muhammad itu memberitahu bahawa ia adalah utusan tuhan yg terakhir.jika anda ingkar apa yg diseru nyya, maka anda akan menyebabkan tuhan akan murka . jika tidak ikut selepas anda mati, anda akan tidak selamat selamanyya. syurga yg anda selalu angan2 kan itu, tuhan tidak akan izin anda masuki selamanya.sebaliknya akan dipaksa dan diseret keneraka nya.
if anda hendak ingkar dan tak percaya takpe. tetapi bagaimana anda hendak mepertikaikan kandungan al quran yg dibawa nya. ia sesuai dari zaman manusia tiada teknologi ..naik kuda hingga zaman manusia ada teknologi tinggi kini. Dari segi Sastra, matematika, astronomi, sains, tata negara, muamalat, ekonomi, Kode-kode angka, jumlah surah, jumlah ayat, jumlah kalimat, jumlah huruf, segala ilmu, segala abad, sejak penciptaan alam semesta, masa lalu, masa kini, masa depan, sehingga masa kiamat & kehidupan setelah kiamat sekalipun.
manusia gembala kambing spt muhammad ini mampu menghasil kan kitab yg hebat kandungannya. macam mana tu kalau tidak allah yg memberikan semua itu.
kamu tetap yakin pd agama kristian kerna anda memang da lahirkan sbgai kristian. kalau kamu ditakdirkan dlm keluarga yg menyembah kayu sbgai tuhan, anda pun akan tetap akan mempertahankan kepercayaan itu. sebab itu tuhan kurniakan akal agar kita boleh berfikir.samaada islam, kristian, budha dll kena guna akal yg sudah dibekalkan tuhan .
adakah ajaran itu seiring dgn logic semasa. terbukti al quran sesuai saamada zaman kuno dan juga zaman teknologi moden kini. semua persoalan semua cabang lapangan seiring. itu semua tidak ujud dlm kitab2 agama lain. |
Reply 21# arssdili
samaada anda hendak percaya atau tidak terserah lah. kerna nabi muhammad itu memberitahu bahawa ia adalah utusan tuhan yg terakhir.jika anda ingkar apa yg diseru nyya, maka anda akan menyebabkan tuhan akan murka . jika tidak ikut selepas anda mati, anda akan tidak selamat selamanyya. syurga yg anda selalu angan2 kan itu, tuhan tidak akan izin anda masuki selamanya.sebaliknya akan dipaksa dan diseret keneraka nya.
Rasanya saudara lupa sesuatu di sini. Kami cuma mengikuti perjanjiaan baru dan lama yg ada. Yang telah dibuktikan dgn pelbagai perbuatan ajaib yg bukan direkodkan tetapi berlaku pada masa sekarang. Setiap janji Tuhan yg ada, penyembuhan, pengusiran roh jahat, mukjizat masih berlaku di dlm dunia sekrg kerana Tuhan masih bersama dgn kami. Dan ini membuktikan yg FirmanNya hidup walaupun masa kini.
Nabi masih ada sekrg. Rasul pun sama. Kerana Yesus tidak pernah katakan kerasulan dan kenabian akan pupus sesudah satu masa tetapi Dia katakan misteri syurgawi akan diberikan kepada para nabi dan para rasulnya di zaman akan datang.
Kami percaya kami akan bersama Tuhan bukan kerana perbuatan baik kami tetapi kerana kasih karunia yg dicurahkan oleh Tuhan melalui Yesus yg mati di kayu salib utk kami dan menebus segala dosa kami.
Perbuatan baik tidak akan membawa saudara ke syurga. Cuma penerimaan pengorbanan Yesus sebagai juruselamat dan Tuhan akan membawa saudara ke syurga.
manusia gembala kambing spt muhammad ini mampu menghasil kan kitab yg hebat kandungannya. macam mana tu kalau tidak allah yg memberikan semua itu.
Lupakah saudara, kebykn penulis alkitab adalah org biasa seperti nelayan, petani dan sebagainya.
kamu tetap yakin pd agama kristian kerna anda memang da lahirkan sbgai kristian. kalau kamu ditakdirkan dlm keluarga yg menyembah kayu sbgai tuhan, anda pun akan tetap akan mempertahankan kepercayaan itu. sebab itu tuhan kurniakan akal agar kita boleh berfikir.samaada islam, kristian, budha dll kena guna akal yg sudah dibekalkan tuhan.
Rasanya saudara tersilap dlm anggapan saudara di atas. Saya percayai Yesus bukan kerana keturunan tetapi kerana saya sendiri meneliti dan memahami apa yg dikatakan dlm alkitab.
adakah ajaran itu seiring dgn logic semasa. terbukti al quran sesuai saamada zaman kuno dan juga zaman teknologi moden kini. semua persoalan semua cabang lapangan seiring. itu semua tidak ujud dlm kitab2 agama lain.
Logik mengikut kehendak saudara je tu. Byk yg saudara tutup mata dan biarkan. Potong tangan org mencuri.. adakan ia sesuai dgn zaman sekrg? Fikirkanlah.
Sekian. |
question ogik mengikut kehendak saudara je tu. Byk yg saudara tutup mata dan biarkan. Potong tangan org mencuri.. adakan ia sesuai dgn zaman sekrg? Fikirkanlah.
ans:potong tangan tu hukum hudud. memang betul nampak mcm tak logic. begeitu juga org2 islam sekular sekarrang ini. sebab itu pemerintah beragama islam diserata dunia tidak guna hukum itu. tetapi hukum itu memang dari quran bermakna allah yg perintahkan. allah yg cipta manusia ini maka ia tahu hukum yg sesuai utk ciptaanya.
hanya negara arab saudi yg saya difahamkan melaksanakan hukuman ini.kesan nya bilangan jenayah blh dikira dgn jari dlm setahun berbanding dinegara lain terutama usa dimana jenayah berlaku setiap saat. (sy dengar ceramah dato ismail kamus). maka disini apa tak logic nya hukum potong tangan tu
"Rasanya saudara tersilap dlm anggapan saudara di atas. Saya percayai Yesus bukan kerana keturunan tetapi kerana saya sendiri meneliti dan memahami apa yg dikatakan dlm alkitab."
ans:memang lah begitu. jika anda dilahir kan dlm kelurga yg menyembah kayu pun, anda juga akan membelek dan meneliti kitab2 mengenai agama itu. |
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