Edited by Lumirous at 29-11-2022 05:27 PM
If I am not good to myself, how can I expect anyone else to be good to me?
By Maya Angelou
We were taught to be loving since we were young. We were told that we should love our family, our friends, the people around us, and all the living things around us. But we were seldom taught to first love ourselves. Before a person has the ability to love someone, she first has to learn how to love herself. Self-love  is one of the most important and powerful things we can do for ourselves, and yet it is the hardest love to find. It is crucial for a woman to learn to love herself first. And to love yourself is to take good care of yourself, physically and mentally. You can always start by taking good care of your health. To that end, we are organising a Women's Health Pop-Up event this December at APW, Bangsar. We are hoping that with our effort, we can raise the awareness of the importance of taking care of women's health. We have invited many brands which specialise in women's health products to join us at the event. You are welcome to join us at the event as we have prepared special gifts, goodie bags, and promotions for you!
LUMIROUS Women's Health Pop-Up Event
Date: 11 Dec 2022 (Sunday)
Time: 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Venue: APW, Bangsar See you there! 