HUANSHAN - Beberapa imej bandar dilihat muncul di langit pada awal bulan inidi bandar ini, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.
Kemunculan 'bandar hantu' di langit itu berlaku selepas hujan lebat dansuasana lembap berlaku di sepanjang Sungai Xin'an di bandar ini.
Imej pelbagai bentuk bangunan dan pokok itu menyebabkan beberapa pakarkebingungan kerana imej bandar yang diperlihatkan itu bukan refleksi imej yangterdapat di bandar ini.
Adalah dipercayai bahawa imej itu mungkin satu ilusi penglihatan yangberlaku akibat cuaca lembap. - Agensi
Diambil dari Kosmo Online. Terima kasih Kosmo
Apa pendapat anda pula?
ada penjelasan saintifik. benda ni macam mirage, waktu time panas. Tapi kes ni pada waktu sejuk. nanti i check journal science macam mana.. ntah, die amik gambar kat tasik tak. huhu
Fenomena menarik ini muncul pada Khamis 16 Jun, 2011 pada waktu senja di bahagian Tunxi daripada Sungai Xin'an di Huangshan City, Wilayah timur China Anhui, apabila hujan lebat yang berterusan baru berhenti.
Kabus yang nipis di atas sungai itu menghasilkan imej yang menakjubkan seperti gunung, bangunan dan pokok, yang seolah-olah terapung di sungai.
Fenomena ini bermula pada kira-kira 17:00 pm masa tempatan, menarik lebih ramai orang yang berhenti untuk melihatnya.
"Ia benar-benar menakjubkan. Ia kelihatan seperti adegan dalam filem, dalam cerita dongeng pari-pari, "kata tempatan.
Huangshan city mirage, all down to bad translation.
Posted by Auki Henry on Sunday, June 26, 2011 / Labels: Huangshan Mirage Myth
Huangshan city mirage in a nutshell, just a winning combination of bad chinese translation and sensationalist reporting.
Huangshan City in Anhui Province, China was one city out of a number affected by the 2011 flooding in 12 or 13 provinces. By the 14th June 2011 the water had exceeded warning levels in reservoirs and inundated the city.
Googlemap image with key identifying landmarks
within frames in the 'Mirage' video.
( See: Frame1, Frame2, Frame 2a, Frame3 )
Incredibly, video footage of the floods, as they claimed low lying areas of the city were broadcast and sensationalised by western media who misreported an all too literal translation of the interpretation describing the amazing wet and misty weather framing the scenery.
Perhaps ironically it is the 'Chinese Whispers' phenomenon at play here but the story became one of insanely amazing mirages, the clarity of which has never been seen before. It was circulated via news websites presumably in the same hurried fashion that does away with any cross checking of facts and the youtube videos went viral, along with the emergence of the inevitable conspiracy and prophecy theories of hologram technology, the second coming and otherworldy portals.
In fact the truth is somewhat a little more mundane than the fiction, the 'floating' buildings suspended in mist above the river as described by the majority of news sites are actually nothing more than the buildings which are already currently in existence as seen THROUGH the fog, the 'floating' trees are explained by nothing more mysterious than the river having swollen and flooded low lying ground.
For easy identification the coloured key and identifiable landmarks are marked for you with the corresponding slides from the video.
Internet hype and misinformation sure does spread quickly in this day and age!
Video Frame 1 with yellow key identifiable landmarks
Video Frame 2 with green key identifiable landmarks
Magnified top view from google maps of the same green areas
Video Frame 3 with blue key identifiable landmarks
he3...mcm2 ajek enci KOSMO ni nk jual crita
tpi mmg ada penjelasan saintipik pasal jelmaan bangunan2 yg sama tibe2 muncul di dua tempat yg berlainan..aku ada terbca sebelum ni..scara asas nyer disebabkn pembiasan spectrum cahaya..bangunan yg kedua yg trhasil dari pembiasan cahaya boleh berada beratus kilometer jauh dri bangunan asal