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All About Siti's English Album [Latest: Preview 'I'll Wait Forever' - PG54]
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All About Siti's English Album [Latest: FIL VC Behind Scene - PG42]
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terpaksa login sbb RP 3..
tengkiuuuuu dausssssssss {:1_147:} |
Reply 2# cinta_ungu
saje letak R.P.
biar kita budak forum je berkongsi... 
aku nak dgr "Stand Up" plak
camnelah lagu tu agaknye~ |
tq daus psl tepek kt sini...
pas dgr dgr cam familiar sgt lagu ni...xtau kt nerr... |
tq korang sume..
lagu ni not bad..
rasanya takkan ada org yg akan ckp tak sedap.. cuma tak wow sgt
tapi dah dgr banyak2 kali ni makin suke laks |
td dgr kt hotfm mcm lgu britney pun ade sket2
bravo ct |
dgr lagu ni pun dah rasa macam ada bau2 international gitew
agaknye tercapa kot impian kita nak tgk ct tembus pasaran antarabangsa  |
malay accent siti tetap ada kan.... |
ala2 lagu mariah carey jer... |
lagu2 mmg sukar untuk tidak dibayangi lagu2 lain langsung.. lagi2 lagu omputeh |
Terasa cam lagu leona lewis... bleeding love
hehe.. |
terpaksa login sbb RP 3..
tengkiuuuuu dausssssssss
cinta_ungu Post at 2-4-2011 12:34 
i'm backkkkkk.gigeh login sbb letak RA3.. |
first listen mcm very 1990s R&B  |
Post Last Edit by apang at 2-4-2011 16:40
Nobody Else
I remember from the first time I saw you
You were staring to my eyes and I caught you
The body fighting_________ I kinda like it
Something said inside my heart not to fight it
It had me shaking
Now I cant stop thinking about it call me crazy
And if u only knew all the ways that I'd love you
You would want nobody else to take it from me
Coz everytime I find my way it's always __________
Someone comes into my life and takes love of me
Over and over again it's the same thing
I try and try but my body want nobody else
So tell me
You feel the same
Coz I don’t want this love to ever go away
You're the only one that makes me feel this way
You complete me |
intro mcm nk sm gan lagu
vince mengape harus cinta |
terbaekk from ct |
fuhhh...melody lagu sedap... r n b yg tak terlalu modern..kena dengan suara ct...
boleh lah ct goreng2 masa LIVE...... |
tq apang 
btw yg blanks to maybe...
The body fighting_________ I kinda like it
aku rasa
The body like this I kinda like it
Coz everytime I find my way it's always __________
its always pending? |
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