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Putaran bumi makin perlahan...tempoh 24 jam sehari jadik 25 jam in future!
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penyelidik Barat mendakwa tempoh 24 jam sehari berkemungkinan menjadi 25 jam pada masa depan berikutan waktu siang yang kian panjang akibat kadar putaran bumi yang makin perlahan.
Akhbar Jerman Suddeutsche Zeitung memetik edisi terbaru Journal For The History of Astronomy melaporkan, bagi kebanyakan kita, masa siang yang panjang merujuk kepada peningkatan hari di hemisfera utara pada musim panas berbanding musim sejuk.
Namun, kalangan geosaintis mendakwa kajian menunjukkan tempoh hari siang yang panjang turut membabitkan musim lain termasuk musim bunga.
"Perkembangan itu boleh dikaitkan kepada asasnya iaitu bumi dan bulan. Sepanjang sejarah kewujudan manusia, putaran bumi kini semakin perlahan," kata penyelidik Universiti Durham, Richard Stephenson.
"Graviti dari bulan mewujudkan gelombang kekal di lautan dan di perut bumi. Ini sekali gus memperlahankan pergerakan bumi."
Pergerakan bumi menyamai aksi peluncur ais. Bagi memperlahankan gerakannya, peluncur itu perlu mendepakan tangannya.
"Begitu jugalah dengan bumi. Disebabkan itulah, daripada 24 jam had maksimum sehari ketika ini, kita sebaliknya mungkin menyaksikan pertambahan sejam kepada 25 jam sehari pada masa depan," katanya.
Stephenson yang juga ahli astronomi Britain dapat membuktikan yang putaran bumi semakin perlahan sejak 700 tahun sebelum Masihi.
Beliau mengkaji plat tanah liat dan hasil kajian sejarah yang mengandungi maklumat mengenai gerhana matahari dan bulan.
Semua maklumat itu digunakan bagi mengira laluan pemisah bumi.
Apa didapati, ketika era proto-haiwan menguasai bumi pada 530 juta tahun lalu, ada sebanyak 21 jam sehari.
Pada era zaman dinosaur 100 juta tahun lalu, jumlah itu meningkat kepada 23 jam sehari.
Bukti jelas lain boleh dilihat menerusi mendapan terumbu karang. Ini disebabkan terumbu karang menjadi petanda kalendar dan setiap tahun membentuk mendapan yang tebalnya berbeza mengikut musim.
Berdasarkan itu, saintis mengira perbezaan masa antara musim bunga dan didapati semakin perlahan sepanjang tempoh sejarah.
Kira-kira 530 juta tahun lalu, bumi berputar jauh lebih cepat berbanding hari ini dan pergerakannya dianggap lebih stabil.
Pada masa itu biarpun catatannya 24 jam sehari, tetapi bilangan hari setahun adalah 420 hari berbanding 365 hari.
Stephenson membuat rumusan itu berdasarkan maklumat ke atas beratus-ratus keterangan mengenai fenomena gerhana matahari dan bulan sejak 2,700 tahun lalu.
Mengikut maklumat Sistem Perkhidmatan Rujukan dan Putaran Bumi Antarabangsa (IERS), tarikh 13 Julai 2003 adalah hari paling pendek dalam masa 100 tahun.
Days are gradually growing longer. To the layman this means that in the northern hemisphere days are longer in summer than they are in winter. But geoscientists interpret this phrase as follows: they found that days grow longer not only in spring time.
The reason for that is the Moon, first and foremost. Its gravity creates permanent waves in oceans and in Earth's depths. Thus our planet seems to waver, the German newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung wrote.
Earth resembles a rotating figure skater. To slow rotations down, a figure skater stretches his or her arms out. That is why in the far future there will be 25 hours in a day. A British astronomer managed to prove that Earth's rotation has been slowing down since 700 B.C.
The scientist studied clay plates and other historical writings that contained information about solar and lunar eclipses. He used the information to calculate the Earth's breaking path.
Also read: Earth's axis displacement to lead to mammoth global changes
When prehistoric proto-animals inhabited Earth 530 million years ago, there were 21 hours in a day. For dinosaurs who lived 100 million years ago days alternated each other every 23 hours.
This can be clearly seen by marly sediments of corals. Corals seem to mark the calendar and annually form new sediments the thickness of which varies depending on the season.
By means of that scientists calculated the timescale between springs. This period has been slowing down throughout history. About 530 million years ago Earth rotated on its axis faster than it does today, but it rotated about the sun at a steady speed. At that time the year had the same amount of hours as it has today, but there were 420 days in it. According to trustworthy sources, throughout the history of mankind Earth's rotation has been reducing its speed, Richard Stephenson from Durham University, UK, says for the Journal for the History of Astronomy.
Stephenson based his conclusions on descriptions of hundreds of solar and lunar eclipses during the last 2,700 years. Clay plates of pre-Christian Babylon substantiate the slowdown in the Earth's rotation best of all, Stephenson wrote. Babylonian scientists used cuneiform characters to record the exact place and time of celestial events.
Moreover, Stephenson studied documents of the Chinese and European origin. Once in about 300 years people can observe the total solar eclipse from anywhere. When the Moon takes place between the Sun and the Earth, total darkness occurs for several minutes.
As often as not, they noted the exact day and time of the beginning and the end of a solar eclipse. This information was enough for the astronomer to determine the exact position of the Sun as it was thousands of years ago. Tables for re-calculating dates of the Babylonian calendar came in handy.
Astronomers used the data about the position of the Sun in historical writings to restore the picture of the planet's slowdown.
Since the trajectory of the Earth's rotation about the Sun is not connected with the Earth's rotation on its axis, astronomers calculated the independent timescale -- the so-called Terrestrial Time (TT). Slowdown in the Earth's rotation is seen if we compare the Terrestrial Time with the Universal Time (UT).
UT is the general time based on the rotation of the Earth and is determined by the Sun position with regard to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) (Greenwich is a British city). It is necessary to set this time backward, for every several years between the end of one year and the beginning of the other there is one spare second.
Richard Stephenson used historic writings to determine the correlation between the two times. The difference between UT and TT depends on how long ago an eclipse took place. Thus, over a millennium a day grows longer by two thousandths of a second. The measurements made by satellites prove the slowdown. It turns out that in the prime of Babel a day was shorter by four hundredths of a second.
Nevertheless, Stephenson managed to determine this tiny abnormality due to the mistake in UT. Since 700 BC about a million days have passed that were shorter than today, thus we would have to set the clock by seven hours.
The last years made an exception. During this time the day almost did not grow longer; the Earth rotated almost at a steady speed. The shift of masses in the earth might speed up the Earth's rotation and make up for the slowdown caused by the Moon. The terrible earthquake in Southern Asia and the tsunami afterwards quickened the Earth's rotation in late 2004, which shortened the day by about eight millionths of a second.
According to the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS), July 13 2003 was the shortest day within the last 100 years. This day was shorter than an average 24-hour day by 1.5 thousandths of a second.
sos:Most of the info was based on german and uk research Richard Stephenson Durham University, UK, in Journal for the History of Astronomy. In germany newspaper Suddeutsche Zeitung. |
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Dah sah kiamat kian dekat. |
wow.. bikin takut.. HAHAHAHA.. cepat2 la insaf@tobat |
betoi ke nie?
LongKai Post at 10-1-2012 12:49 
so haku Googlekn tentang ne,jumpa tentang tamadun Mesir yang came up dengan idea 12 jam siang dan 12 jam 24 jam sehari ne.diikutkan standard SI...1 saat tu ialah tempoh yang diambil oleh satu atom caesium 133 berayun sbanyak
9 192,631,770 ayunan.kiter sedia maklum bahawa 1 putaran lengkap bumi pda paksinye mengambil masa 24 jam..nilah sehari yang kiter seme alami sekarang ne.
sos:Why is a day divided into 24 hours?
Twenty-four seems like an arbitrary number to choose for hours in a day. Consider that somebody along the way had to decide how long an hour was, and how many could squeeze into one day. So just where did the number come from?
It appears the Egyptians are the architects of our daily scheduling. In ancient times, their numbering system was based on 12, just as ours is based on 10. It is believed they learned to count using the joints of their fingers (three on each finger) making 12 the natural sized group. Frankly, that’s no more strange than how we now base everything on 10 because we have ten fingers/thumbs.
Any way you count it, the Egyptians loved their twelves, so they opted to decree there were twelve parts to the day, and twelve parts to the night. For a long time, these twelve parts would stretch and grow throughout the year as sunlight varies with the seasons. It was the Greek mathematician, Hipparchus, who first set about trying to standardize the time periods, but this was not widely practiced until the 4th century.
The word hour began as hore or hora, but the H has fallen silent since early Roman times.
idea mengenai akan berlakunya 25 jam sehari ne kerana 1 putaran lengkap bumi pada paksinya akan mengambil masa 25 jam.
kenapa terlebeh pulakkk?
sebb bumi berputar lebeh perlahan (ambil lebeh masa) ntuk lengkapkan 1 putaran pada paksinye.
sbab masa tadi kan daaa standardize.
kenapa bumi bleh berputar lebh perlahan pada paksinye? bumi dah makin tua ke??
lama daaaa bumi idop..nak buat putaran pon sosah.okayy laa ne adlah kepahamm haku tarap spm yg bley kongsikn kat sini,
1. mngkin kerana graviti matahari yg 'mengikat' bumi semakin bertambah dayanye. graviti matahari yang bertambah akan 'slowdown'kan ckit kelajuan putaran bumi pda paksiny.
2. mungkin kerana orbit bumi mengelilingi matahari makin membeso. orbit lebeh beso, jarak dari matahari makin bertambah, bumi tada daya graviti dari matahari ntuk me'maintain'kan kelajuan putaran bumi pada paksinya.W.A{:4_189:} |
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arwah nenek aku ckap dlu2 time aku budak2 dia kata pusingan bumi makin lama makin cepat.. itu tanda2 nak kiamat.. 
pastu nenek aku ckp nti bumi nie akan terbalik pusingan paksi nya perlahan2.. maka jadilah matahari naik kat barat.. masa tu pintu tobat dah tertutup pada sapa2 yg nak bertobat
conclusion nyer.. bertobat lah dari skrg
amik masa jugak tu utk bumi nak bertukar arah.. ermmmm  |
boleh caye ke ni???
tumpang lalu....
tq |
no wonder myvi clock always running slow~ |
Persediaan ke arah tu penting |
ok la tu.. lame sket hidop.. boleh ke mcm tu? |
Wallahualam... hanya tuhan yang tahu bila akan kiamat...
tapi yang lebih dekat dengan kita ialah KEMATIAN...
kehidupan yang sebenr bermula selepas kematian..
itulah kehidupan yang abadi...
dunia hnyalah tempat persinggahan sementara... |
25 jam.... hmm apa buat extra 1 jam tu? |
aku ingat dulu jadi makin cepat upenye makin lambat kan.... huhu |
gmbr 1st tue mcm tau je kat mane --->aku pun tertanya2 mner die amik yg lebih 1 jam tue...last2 aku sendiri yg pening..
Titik kt mane di permukaan bumi
yg kitaran siang-malamnya tu tepat 24 jam?
Berapa ralatnya? |
masa juga merupakan ujian dr Allah utk hambaNya.. |
Tiada kitaran lengkap siang-malam yg tepat 24 jam
Bkn putaran bumi yg makin perlahan
tp ukuran masa kitaran lengkap yg ralatnya sebesar ukur-lilit bumi... |
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