Post Last Edit by Buddhitakso at 11-1-2012 10:06
When the three basic elements - energy, matter and space interacted together, the very first dot of becoming process (integration process) begins under a balance phenomenon. When billions and trillions of dots come together, it would manifest into some sort of beings or things. Respectively, each dot contains a sort of genetic information that is unique and aggregation of dots would subsequently develop into a pool of behaviour. Such unique behaviour would be enclosed within the same being or thing until the next unbecoming process (disintegration process) begins upon a specific time of maturity.
During the disintegration process, the basic elements encompassed in the same billions and trillions of dots would liberate from each other and sustain freedom of sorts under imbalance phenomena. When more different beings when through the same disintegration processes, more different billions and trillions of dots would sustain freedom and thus assimilate among each other in the realm of existence before waiting for another new balance phenomena to rise again.
For instance, when a being is lying dead, the energy, matter and space elements would separate from each other. Both conscious and sub-conscious (energy) aggregates would depart from the body (matter). It is the same case scenario for plants, insects or any material things – but only sub-conscious aggregates exist and would depart from the body. |