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ALL About London VI (England)

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Post time 31-3-2012 08:14 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Post Last Edit by LelaRentaka7 at 23-5-2012 00:57

Kesinambungan dari tred london tapi diperluaskan skop

thread lama for reference.:-
Merged All About london ... ll%2Babout%2Blondon

All about london part II ... ll%2Babout%2Blondon

All About london part III ... ll%2Babout%2Blondon

All about london part IV ... ll%2Babout%2Blondon

All About London V ... 7181&extra=page%3D3

alhtough i'm not a regulars here...tolong buka since tred lama dah locked dan takde org buka yg baru

transportation, murah kalau book early, online:
tourbus london credit to Ronnie - ... napguide_london.pdf
untuk yg nak drive boleh check jln kat sini

3rd party train tix bookng, boleh booikng tiket in advance

utk bajet..travelodge, easyhotel, tune hotel, hostel2 - Similar
atau try  website2 ni utk hostel, hotel, apartment

yg ni credit to kak aishahahmad
[email protected]
[email protected]

Yg ni credit to bungaros uk

General Info

Office of the High Commission
  Malaysian Students Department for the UK and EIRE
  30-34, Queensborough Terrace
  London W2 3ST

  Tel: 020 7985 1252 (MSD)
  Tel: 020 7985 1262 (Malaysia Hall)
  Fax: 020 7221 5615

Malaysia Embassy London
45-46 Belgrave Square
London SW1X 8QT.
Tel: 020 7235 8033 - Fax: 020 7235 5161
Nearest Tube: Hyde Park Corner

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 Author| Post time 31-3-2012 08:18 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by misy at 10-5-2012 08:42


nak paste some infos from previous thread

info pasal palshipping...kalau sapa yg overdose shopping..

yg ni credit to mizzsued:
Info pasal sim
info pasal international plan
info pasal roaming ... categ=HELPANDADVICE

about tours, credit to kak Boocik
http://thehairycoo.us2.list-mana ... 6c&e=5b152d9ef8

credit to shahgti
nak book National Express UK ticket boleh click kat link ni....

Getting around kat London tak susah, ade berapa option :

Underground tube - boleh beli oyster card ( my preference) atau london pass, oyster card bagus kalau bawak kids takde caj, pastu kalau kita dah spent sampai certain u=amount dlm satu hari, dpt free dah lepas tu...pendek kata kalau ade oyster card dan hafal some of the station, dah cukup nak pusing2 london , other option dari oyster card, pakai travelcard, (esp kalau short term visitor), tp kids kena charge,no deposit compare to oyster cards..kalau oyster cards kena deposit 10gbp kalau tak silap...leh dpt nalik kalau kita pulangkan kad tu, kad tu boleh dibeli kat stesen atau mana2 newstand
Public red busses mcm bus biasa, ade setengah boleh pakai oyster card bas mana route mana, leh dpt lengkap kat every bus stop, bus dia sgt efisien
Hop on Off bus - boleh beli pass utk sehari, kalau time winter sbb masa pendek , dia bagi 2hari utk satu pass.. personally i rasa yg ni ok tapi slalu stuck dlm jam, buang masa
Open top red london bus tour - yg ni boleh bundled dgn tour luar london mcm windsor stonehenge semua

nak jalan jalan naik tube senang je, sila hafal map ni


Nak cover London

utk ke tralfagar square, national gallery --> tubestation Charing Cross (Bakerloo/Northern line)
utk ke buckingham palace, horseguard (nak tgk changing guard), st james park  ---> nearest tube station  Embankment (District/circle line), Wesminster ((district/circle)
utk ke london eye, aquarium ---> Westminter station (District/circle line)
utk ke Big Ben, Parliament, Westminster Abbey,  Cabinet war room --->  Westminster station (District/circle line)
utk ke Natural History museum, royal albert hall , victoria & albert museum, kensington palace --> South kensington station(District/circle /Picadilly line)
utk shopping kat  Harvey Nichols dan seewaktu dgnnya ---> Knightsbridge station (Picadlly line)
utk shopping oxford street,primark, mothercare etc ---> Marble arch (central line)
utk Portobello market ---> Notting Hill gate station (District/circle line)
utk madame tussauds ---> Baker street station (Hammersmith/circle line)

Info, pasal tempat menraik dan tube station berdekata..Ni cilok dari mod lela

Whitehall and Westminster
Westminster Abbey
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Westminster

Houses of Parliament
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Westminster

Banqueting House
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Charing Cross/Westminster

Horse Guards
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Charing Cross

Tate Britain
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Pimlico, Vauxhall, Westminster

St James's and Piccadilly
St. James's Palace
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Green Park

Buckingham Palace
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Victoria/Green Park

St. James's Park
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: St James's Park/Green Park, Westminster

Trafalgar Square and Soho
National Gallery
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Charing Cross, Leicester Square, Embankment

National Portrait Gallery
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Charing Cross, Leicester Square, Embankment

Trafalgar Square
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Charing Cross

Leicester Square
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Leicester Square

Covent Garden and the Strand
Covent Garden
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Covent Garden

Somerset House
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Temple, Covent Garden, Charing Cross, Embankment

Fleet Street
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Temple

Dr. Johnson's House
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Blackfriars, Chancery lane

Temple Church
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Temple (Closed Sun), Blackfriars

Inns of Court
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Temple, Blackfriars

The City of London
Bank of England Museum
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Bank

Old Bailey/Guildhall
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: St Paul's, Moorgate, Bank, Mansion House

Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Monument

Tower of London
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Tower Hill

Museum of London
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station:Barbican, St Paul's, Moorgate

Bloomsbury and Fitzrovia
British Museum
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Holborn, Tottenham Court Road, Russell Square, Goodge Street

Charles Dickens Museum
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Russell Square, Holborn

South Kensington and Knightsbridge
Kensington Palace  and Gardens
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Queensway, High Street Kensington, Notting hill Gate

Natural History Museum
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: South Kensington

Science Museum
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: South Kensington

Victoria and Albert Museum
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: South Kensington

Nearest Tube / London Underground Station:Sloane Square

Carlyle's House
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Sloane Square

Southwark and Bankside
Southwark Cathedral
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Southwark

Globe Theatre
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station London Bridge,Mansion House, Blackfriars, Southwark, Cannon Street

Tate Modern
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Blackfriars, Southwark

Clink Prison Museum
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: London Bridge

Borough Market
Nearest Tube / London Underground Station: Borough/London Bridge

Royal Observatory
Transport: Cutty Sark (Docklands Light Railway)/ River Services from London Piers

National Maritime Museum
Transport: Cutty Sark (Docklands Light Railway)/ River Services from London Piers

Queen's House
Transport: Cutty Sark (Docklands Light Railway)/ River Services from London Piers Last edited by misy on 25-7-2013 11:57 AM


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Post time 1-4-2012 12:57 AM | Show all posts
Reply 1# misy

hi misy..
jangan lupa syarat2 nak buka thread baru yer..dan tolong edit title to ALL ABOUT ENGLAND...

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2012 12:51 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by misy at 10-5-2012 09:01

Reply 3# LelaRentaka7


Kalau da satu hari je kat london...

Ini suggestion daripada mod lela...

1stly, apa yg kak aishah suggest tu ambil HOHO bus.. so you will SEE most of the MUST SEE.. jadi the whole day you can hop off at one place then hop on thye bus again to another destination sampai lah ke petang sbb it will take up the whole day kalau you nak turun dan ambil gambar atau nak explore satu2 tempat tu.. but it will be TnG sbb taking photos ni tanpa disedari akan makan masa juga..

2ndly.. you jln2 sendiri..
saya suggest you make your way to westminter and spent some time there..
situ ada big ben, westminsterbridge, houses of parliament, london eye, embankment etc..
then make your way to trafalgar squre ikut pall mall...
sampai trafalgar sq you boleh masok National Gallery
then make your way to covent garden (take photos, free live concerts (tgklah hari apa you sampai) window shopping atau just visit the markets)
then off to leicester sq..ambil gambar lagi.. kalau you nak tgk matinee you boleh beli tickets kat TKTS di leicester sq ni..
then singgah ke chinatown..
then make your way to piccadilly circus and just wander around there..
lepas tu dr picadilly circus you make yr way to regent street and walk along it till the end where you will reach oxford circus..
bila sampai oxford circus ni maknanya you dah sampai oxford street..
so cuci2 mata atau shopping2 kat sini..

I think ni ok kot kalau you nak cover yg MUST SEE versi yg ni..
banyak jugak lah you boleh cover..

dengan cara ni you dah cover the historical part, the cultural part and the shopping part..

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2012 01:21 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by misy at 3-4-2012 10:45


to those who are looking for the tranportatio alternative Heathrow to city

1.Heathrow Express Train     GBP19.00           Every 15 minutes, 15/20 minute journey.

2.Heathrow Connect Train    GBP9.10        Every 30/60 minutes, 25/30 minute journey.

3.National Express Bus         GBP 5.00        Highly variable times, 45-50 minute journey

4.London Underground       GBP 2.90- GBP5.30        Every 5 minutes, 40/60 minute journey.

5.Black London cab              GBP45- GBP70        30/60 minute journey.

6.Private Car                      GBP60- GBP75        30/60 minute journey.

7.Private Bus ( 8 to 16 seats)   GBP105- GBP160          30/60 minute journey.

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2012 01:23 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by misy at 1-4-2012 13:25

yg ni pun credit to otai shagti

bulan september suhu London lebih kurang 12 to 18 celcius. see data below (base on 8 years average data in celcius).
nak tau perbandingan tahap sejuknya fyi suhu di genting highland (siang 20 celcius, mlm 15 celcius)
suhu kat Kuala Lumpur (siang 32 c & mlm 24 c)
so boleh la agak2 nak pakai baju tebal mana....


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Post time 1-4-2012 02:56 PM | Show all posts

nak paste some infos from previous thread

info pasal palshipping...kalau sapa yg ove ...
misy Post at 31-3-2012 20:18

Aww.. Tak sangka plak dapat mention kat sini hehehe.. Thanks a lot misy

It was my pleasure to share info yg kita tau. Really miss London right now, rasa nak gi lagi. Tp sekarang Mizz akan menempel ke rumah Sydney n Melbourne plak kot.. Sbb grand plan ths year is Down Under..

Kepada mereke2 yg nak gi UK, have fun!! Send my love to UK huhuhu..

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 Author| Post time 1-4-2012 03:04 PM | Show all posts
Reply 7# Mizzsued

    u ade mention, ni tgh menkhatam tred2 london hehe
kalau ade yg best2 lagi meh la share lagi...

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Post time 2-4-2012 02:03 AM | Show all posts
Reply 4# misy

syarat dah ditetapkan oleh semua moderator2 bod travel..
you need to comply dear..
sbb tu otai2 tak gelojoh nak bukak thread sbb depa nak kumpul info dulu supaya mengelakkan forumer dok bertanya soalan yg sama padahal baru jer di jawab di posting2 belakang..

Mod bdk2 dah beri peringatan sebelom thread di tutup..
rasanya the message was crystal clear...
takper you buat pelan2..
gambar2 tak di kira info..
itu input dr travellers..

yg penting
attraction hubs yg walking distance

ecetra ecetra ecetra... gud luck

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Post time 2-4-2012 03:07 PM | Show all posts
Reply  misy

syarat dah ditetapkan oleh semua moderator2 bod travel..
you need to comply dear..
LelaRentaka7 Post at 2-4-2012 02:03

hello dek, kamu sudah aman ka belum ?
hahaha ..

cer citer sket kat thread nih, station apa from heathrow, yang tak yah tukar2 line ..
plus, area tu, happening2 sket, leh cuci mata, rendek2 ecetra  ..
bukan apa, thinking nak tukar accomm lah, cam rasa leceh tukar2 train kat bayswater tuh ..

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Post time 2-4-2012 03:17 PM | Show all posts
Post Last Edit by aishahahmad at 2-4-2012 15:19
Reply  Mizzsued

    u ade mention, ni tgh menkhatam tred2 london hehe
kalau ade yg best2 lagi ...
misy Post at 1-4-2012 15:04

misy, some info pasal apartment .. pm akak email address, so i can str8away antar apartment2 yang derang ni dah email kat akak ..

[email protected]

[email protected]

ada lagi pasal apartment nih, tapi tak jumpa pulak dalam email ..

ada sorang kakak mesian ni  stay kat london, ada bilik GBP100, complete kitchen etc untuk sewa ..
tak ingat area mana ..
bas stop betul2 depan umah dia ..

cer nengok gak kelana convoy nyer website ..
ada apartment kak umi ..
yang ni, u gotta call kak umi herself  ..
email yilek ..

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Post time 3-4-2012 01:53 AM | Show all posts
Reply 10# aishahahmad
hello dek, kamu sudah aman ka belum ?
hahaha ..

saya ga peduli saya aman saja konsepnya

cer citer sket kat thread nih, station apa from heathrow, yang tak yah tukar2 line ..

akak..nak line tak tukar2? maksudnya dr LHR ke Central kah? kalau gitew it's Picadilly Line..kan lela dah bitaw kat posting2 yg lepas..
plus, area tu, happening2 sket, leh cuci mata, rendek2 ecetra  ..

kalau camtu akak dok kat King'sX lah..senang nak makan semua tu..nak pegi mana2 pon senang sebab King'sX boleh connect dgn banyak line.. nnt kak aishah nak pi paris kan..senang nak ke St Pancras utk ambik eurostar...

bukan apa, thinking nak tukar accomm lah, cam rasa leceh tukar2 train kat bayswater tuh ..

KingsX ada banyak B&B run by eatern european dan pekerja dorang org afghanistan..kedai kebab dan resto halal banyak..

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2012 09:00 AM | Show all posts
Reply  misy

syarat dah ditetapkan oleh semua moderator2 bod travel..
you need to comply dear..
LelaRentaka7 Post at 2012-4-2 02:03

    lela dear,
noted,I've read ape yg bdk2 tulis, tp tak paham what sorts of info nak kena summarise...btw dah faham bila tgk tred korea yg baru dibuka tu. before this I thought giving links to the previous locked thred and some infos were sufficient. patutla takde tak buka tred baru hahaha.. btw bukan gelojoh nak buka tred baru pun just to keep some informative conversation flows, since i'l be going there shortly

apologise for themisunderstanding....will take some time. i'll share whatever thingy that i knew ok

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2012 09:14 AM | Show all posts
misy, some info pasal apartment .. pm akak email address, so i can str8away antar apartment2 y ...
aishahahmad Post at 2012-4-2 15:17

    tenkiu kak aishah..very informative dan sangat2 membantu...

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Post time 3-4-2012 10:07 AM | Show all posts
Reply 13# misy

Misy... tima kasih sbb gigih buka umah baru... sy pun akan ke sana dlm masa 3 minggu lagi.. risau jugak bila umah lama dah di solex tp tak ada siapa bukak rumah baru.. sbb masih 'dahaga' info2 dari kekawan yg banyak pengalaman...  

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Post time 3-4-2012 10:08 AM | Show all posts
Reply 12# LelaRentaka7

    sy pun rasa Picadilly line is the best dari LHR ke city... sy dok kat Earls Court... tak yah tukar2 jugak rasanya...

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Post time 3-4-2012 10:27 AM | Show all posts
Reply  LelaRentaka7

    sy pun rasa Picadilly line is the best dari LHR ke city... sy dok kat  ...
twins Post at 3-4-2012 10:08

oooo ek .. ok, ok .. tak abih2 menyervei  ..

twins ngan bungaros, e-tiket tak dapat lagi kan .. ??

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Post time 3-4-2012 10:35 AM | Show all posts
Reply 17# aishahahmad

    belum lagi la Aishah.... tapi last week hari Khamis ada dapat call dari AAX..itupun selepas antar e-mel cinta kat Azran..
caller tu dah bagi la semua booking ref. no.   E-ticket cuma akan di e-mel 2 minggu sebelum tarikh penerbangan katanya...  so.. minggu depan la kot.. sbb hari ni 3/4 ... tarikh kami terbang 24/4 ...    Aishah dah dapat ker?

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 Author| Post time 3-4-2012 10:55 AM | Show all posts
Reply  misy

Misy... tima kasih sbb gigih buka umah baru... sy pun akan ke sana dlm masa 3 minggu ...
twins Post at 2012-4-3 10:07

    hi twin...wah dah dekat pun duk pollow tred pasal ldon jom sambung sini

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Post time 3-4-2012 11:01 AM | Show all posts
hi twin...wah dah dekat pun duk pollow tred pasal ldon jom sambung sini
misy Post at 3-4-2012 10:55

lagi dekat lagi rasa macam2 nak tau kan.... sbb tu bila thread lama kena solex..lepas tu momod dah warning siap2 saper nak bukak umah baru kena ikut syarat2... gelabah betul hati ni... sbb benda dah dekat.. tak der sapa bukak umah baru.... sib baik la misy bukak...

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