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Pertandingan Tangkap & Bunuh Ikan Snakehead Dapat $200 (4 photos+ 1 video)

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Post time 7-4-2012 01:28 PM | Show all posts |Read mode

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, MARYLAND - Satu kontes perburuan digelar di Maryland. Ada imbalan untuk siapa pun yang bisa menangkap ikan pembunuh yang tengah menginvasi kawasan tersebut. Istimewanya, ikan ini bisa bertahan cukup lama di daratan.

Departemen Sumber Daya Alam (SDA) Maryland, Amerika Serikat, menghelat sayembara tahunan dengan hadiah 200 dolar AS bagi mereka yang mampu membunuh satu ekor ikan menakutkan ini. Spesies ini telah dilarang di AS karena dianggap ancaman bagi spesies lain.

Snakeheads julukan ikan itu bisa tumbuh hingga lebih satu meter dan bisa bertahan di luar air hinggga tiga hari. Pola hidupnya, setelah menghancurkan populasi asli di sebuah sungai, mereka tinggal melompat-lompat ke daratan dan mencari sumber air lain.

Mereka memangsa apa saja, mulai ikan, katak, hingga burung dan mamalia kecil. Departemen SDA Maryland mengatakan mereka tidak ingin membinasakan total populasi Snakehead. Namun paling tidak kontes bisa membantu mengendalikan populasi ikan bertampang mengerikan.

Ikan yang berasal dari Asia dan Afrika ini dianggap jamuan bercitarasa tinggi dalam kuliner Vietnam. Bila kebetulan anda di sana dan tertarik terhadap kontes itu, coba tengok dalam video bagaimana membunuh si ikan buas bergigi runcing itu.

Maryland offering $200 gift cards for dead snakehead fish

By Eric Pfeiffer

Getting paid to fish sounds like a dream come true to some. But does it have the same appeal if you're going up against a "fish from hell" that can travel on land and sink its teeth into a steel-toed boot?

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources Inland Fisheries (DNR) is hoping so and is offering $200 gift cards through Bass Pro Shops to residents who capture and kill a snakehead, an invasive species from Africa that is upsetting the natural order of the local ecosystem.

"We do not want snakeheads in our waters," DNR Director Don Cosden tells "This initiative is a way to remind anglers that it is important to catch and remove this invasive species of fish."

The snakehead was first seen in Maryland back in 2002, after an 18-inch adult was caught in a local pond. But the powerful fish, which has no natural predators in the region, is also a determined survivalist (they can survive for up to four days on land) and has since migrated to the nearby Potomac River and its tributaries.

It's illegal to sell snakeheads in most U.S. states. But as I reported several years ago, federal agents have uncovered illegal snakehead selling operations in several states, including New York, Texas, Florida and Missouri.

"We don't expect that anglers will eradicate the snakehead population," DNR Tidal Bass program manager Joe Love told Fox. "We do believe this promotion and inspiration of anglers can help control the snakehead population. The information we gain from the Angler's Log reports are also helpful in assessing the abundance, spread and impact of these feisty fish."

To qualify for one of the $200 gift cards and an assortment of other prizes, all you have to do is upload a photo of yourself with a dead snakehead to the DNR's Angler's Log site. The only complicated part is actually capturing and killing one of the "fish from hell."

One photo uploaded on Thursday by recreational angler Berry shows him with seven dead snakehead. He says he had to shoot them with a gun. Berry wrote that the snakehead have been noticeably devastating the local bass population. "The snakehead are simply taking over the spawning grounds," he wrote.



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Post time 7-4-2012 02:23 PM | Show all posts
eee...takutnya tgk gigi dia..dh la kulit pun cam ular sawa je...

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Post time 7-4-2012 05:14 PM | Show all posts
Ini namanya ikan toman.... Mmg jadik spesies pemangsa yg mengancam ecosystems kt amarika sana.
Org seludup bwk masuk US pastu terus membiak dlm sungai...
Penah masuk natgeo pasal kes ni...

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Post time 7-4-2012 06:18 PM | Show all posts
saper pakar tangkap ikan toman dimsia bolehlah fikir2kan nak melancong sambil melencong ke usa maryland tu..tenguk mamat dlm gambar tu dapat 4 ekor $200 x 4=$800 x pulak dgn duit kita leh dapat sekurang2nya rm2400 kalau dok sebulan kayo sekejap....

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Post time 7-4-2012 06:53 PM | Show all posts
Uols... snakehead ni spesis ikan haruan... ikan toman pun ketagori ikan snakehead ni jugak...
ikan ni ketagori ikan pemangsa...

teringat peribahasa kat negara iols yang berbunyik "Seperti haruan memakan anak sundirik..." ... memang begitulah perangai ikan sneakehead nie

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Post time 7-4-2012 07:35 PM | Show all posts
bila tengok gambar pertama, gerun tengok gigi..tapi, bila tengok badan ikan keseluruhan..ikan toman rupanya...

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Post time 7-4-2012 08:09 PM | Show all posts
gelii..knp kulit mcm ular sawa

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Post time 7-4-2012 10:45 PM | Show all posts
yey ikan toman bermaharajalela...yup toman amerika dibawa oleh imigran China secara haram...dah la ikan ni spesis tahan lasak,susah mau mati,siap leh berjalam atas tanah klu time kemarau pasai mau cri kolam bru hu3..toman mmg kategori ikn ganaz same as pirana,cuma dia x mmburu reramai mcm pinana...abis di lanyak ikan tempatan diorg hu3

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Post time 7-4-2012 11:07 PM | Show all posts
ikan nni sesuai d buat sup kalau lepas pembedahan  ke..or lepas beranak..jgn buang sisik org selalu buat patin ikan haruan tu..

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Post time 8-4-2012 02:13 PM | Show all posts
ikan pemangsa lah ye..pernah nampak orang tangkap masa pergi tasik kenyir..tapi tak taulah pulak nama ikan tu ikan ikan lain..bab ikan selain ikan buat masak-masak memang fail

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Post time 9-4-2012 03:35 PM | Show all posts
gelinye aku tgk sisik ikan tuuu
mcm kulit ular

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