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Pembangunan perumahan di Kem Sg Besi, ATM pon boleh membeli rumah

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Post time 9-7-2012 07:04 AM | Show all posts |Read mode
Air base to move for green zone
By Adrian David

THE government has served notice for the relocation of the Royal Malaysian Air Force base in Sungai Besi.
RMAF chief Gen Datuk Seri Rodzali Daud yesterday confirmed that the air base had been informed of the decision to relocate the base to an area within the Klang Valley.

The force understood the government's intention to commercially develop the federal capital's only airport as part of its urbanisation plans, he said.

Rodzali's announcement shed some light on the future of the country's first airport, popularly known as RMAF Sempang among aviators.

It brings to a close decades of haggling over the 162ha base, which is expected to make way for a multi-million "green commercial zone".

It is understood that the project will be jointly developed by a foreign conglomerate and a government-linked company.

It is also learned that other occupants of the base, like the Armed Forces Recreation Club that houses a nine-hole golf course, the Royal Selangor Flying Club and the Police Air Wing, have been informed.

"The golf club can be retained, with an expansion to 18 holes, as part of the green zone," Rodzali told the New Straits Times.

He also said that Dengkil, which is near the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Sepang, had been identified as one of the areas for the relocation exercise which could take up to three years in view of its "complexity".

The NST understands that ground works are already being conducted at Dengkil as part of initial preparations for the move.

Rodzali, however, noted that the relocation would not result in "placing all the eggs in one basket".

"Some of the assets and facilities at Sempang will be diverted to existing bases, just like how the navy has done with its establishment.

"This way, we can further develop other bases in the country. It serves as an opportunity for us to move on and expand our existing resources."

Rodzali also said Subang had been earmarked to be the country's main air base, given the present scale of development there, while the air force commando base in Bukit Jugra in Banting, would be further developed as an air defence centre.

Subang is home to the RMAF's VVIP jets and helicopters, Hercules C-130s, maritime patrol squadrons and a national disaster air relief centre.

It is also a commercial aviation hub with the birth of the Subang Skypark for air charter and scheduled flights, as well as aerospace component manufacturing, servicing and maintenance plants.

Rodzali admitted that the relocation exercise, which could cost billions, had to be meticulously planned in view of the large assets and infrastructure of the Kuala Lumpur base which houses the RMAF's logistics headquarters and air division. Among the assets there are the bunkered-air defence operations centre, an Army artillery unit, a logistics depot, an equestrian club, the Royal Selangor Flying Club, a shooting range, the Royal Malaysian Police Air Wing, the RMAF's Sikorsky S-61N Nuri and VVIP helicopter squadrons, the RMAF Museum, the Armed Forces Recreation Club with a nine-hole golf course, the Institute of Aviation Medicine and newly-built bungalow quarters for senior officers.

The Sungai Besi base itself is surrounded by commercial factories, a new upmarket housing scheme in Taman Seputih, the Kuen Cheng Girls' primary and secondary schools, the Alice Smith International School, a Pernama outlet, Istana Negara, the Jalan Bellamy's enclave of government quarters for senior personnel and a Chinese cemetery where Kapitan Cina Yap Ah Loy was buried.

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 Author| Post time 9-7-2012 07:04 AM | Show all posts
Tentera layak mohon rumah di tapak TUDM

07:11:57 AM Oleh Faiza Zainudin Cetak Emel Kawan
Bayaran pembelian boleh diteruskan generasi kedua

PUTRAJAYA: Anggota tentera turut diberi keutamaan memiliki rumah di tapak pangkalan Tentera Udara Diraja Malaysia (TUDM) Sungai Besi yang sedang dibangunkan sebagai projek Bandar Malaysia. Menteri Pertahanan, Datuk Seri Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, berkata 10,000 unit rumah akan dibina di tapak seluas 196.6 hektar oleh 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB) yang dilantik kerajaan untuk membangunkan kawasan itu.
“Maklumat itu (projek terperinci pembangunan Bandar Malaysia) ada pada Jabatan Perdana Menteri (JPM). Apabila kita sudah serah (pangkalan), bukan bidang kuasa kementerian ini.

“Tetapi saya difahamkan 10,000 unit rumah akan dibina 1MDB dan keutamaan membelinya turut diberi pada anggota tentera,” katanya kepada Berita Harian, di sini, semalam.

Beliau berkata demikian mengulas tanda tanya pelbagai pihak mengenai status perpindahan pangkalan itu dan projek pembangunan yang tidak diketahui perinciannya oleh orang ramai.

Pangkalan TUDM lama yang dibina pada 1930 turut menempatkan Rejimen ke-31 Artileri Diraja (31 RAD) selain kuarters kediaman termasuk apartmen dan masjid yang baru dibina. Turut dipindahkan Pangkalan Gerakan Udara Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) di kawasan berhampiran.
Pembangunan semula bandar di Pangkalan TUDM Sungai Besi direka untuk mengukuh daya saing global Kuala Lumpur bagi menarik lebih ramai pelabur dan perniagaan antarabangsa.

Bagi merealisasikan matlamat itu, Bandar Malaysia akan menempatkan kawasan perumahan, komersial dan rekreasi, selain kawasan hijau kegunaan orang ramai beriadah.

Ditanya rumah yang bakal dibina kelak tidak mampu dibeli orang ramai termasuk tentera yang berpendapatan rendah, Ahmad Zahid berkata, kaedah pembayaran baru membabitkan generasi kedua anak tentera dijangka dilaksana bagi mengurangkan beban pembeli.

“Tempoh bayaran panjang guna kaedah baru seperti pinjaman generasi kedua akan membolehkan mereka memiliki rumah di kawasan berkenaan,” katanya.

Mengulas operasi perpindahan pangkalan berkenaan, Zahid berkata ia akan bermula selepas semua bangunan penempatan di Sendayan, Negeri Sembilan serta pusat operasi TUDM berfungsi sepenuhnya.

Beliau berkata, Markas Operasi Udara dan bangunan sokongan akan beroperasi mulai Mac 2014 manakala tapak baru penempatan dijangka beroperasi mulai Jun 2016.

“Pembinaan kuarters dijangka siap Jun 2016. Semua kawasan tanah itu (pangkalan TUDM) termasuk Pangkalan Gerakan Udara PDRM diambil 1MDB,” katanya.

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Post time 9-7-2012 07:55 AM | Show all posts
belum tentu dgn lokasi dan harganya membolehkan prebet sampai ke sarjan mampu beli.
pangkat pegawai biasa pun senak perut juga...
ada ke pemaju nak jual murah2?

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 Author| Post time 24-7-2012 08:43 PM | Show all posts
alzan posted on 9-7-2012 07:55 AM
belum tentu dgn lokasi dan harganya membolehkan prebet sampai ke sarjan mampu beli.
pangkat pegawa ...

kita tengok sejauh mana kebenaran tu, kalo mmg rezeki anggota, alhamdulillah laaa... so kalo semua berfikiran postif semua yg di barisan hadapan negara ni memang terjaga kebajikan semua...

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Post time 25-7-2012 07:50 AM | Show all posts
yipun_78 posted on 24-7-2012 08:43 PM
kita tengok sejauh mana kebenaran tu, kalo mmg rezeki anggota, alhamdulillah laaa... so kalo semua ...

nampak gayanya belum ada bunyi projek nak jalan lg.
pastu army pn lom pndh ke sendayan.
lg lambt buat lgla harganya akan naik dan terus naik.
dgn spekulasi mcmtu rasa2nya siapa yg akn dpt untung

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 Author| Post time 25-7-2012 12:37 PM | Show all posts
alzan posted on 25-7-2012 07:50 AM
nampak gayanya belum ada bunyi projek nak jalan lg.
pastu army pn lom pndh ke sendayan.
lg lam ...

reta ni ahmad albab yg punya

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