I think its not the way to answer a question.. Pls stay connected with the title and educate others...as v r sharing n learning. Thank u.
Prabu Siva/ Lord Shiva is the Parabrahma swaroopam in Male form -Parabrahma swaroopam means the whole universe under His control. He is epicted to meditate always thus peace will be upon on Earth and His eyes are Moon n Sun..says that both of His eyes always calm, thus it wont be so heaty on our Earth and will be balanced the temperature. I hope this is should be fine to understand about Him basically... Anything else? Last edited by kirhmuru on 26-5-2013 03:58 AM
The Sanskrit word ‘Lingam’ means symbol. Thus the literal meaning of Shiva Lingam is the symbol of Shiva. The Supreme Shiva doesn’t have a form and every form is his form. The Shiva Lingam represents him, the Supreme Shiva¸ who is formless. The way when we see a smoke, we infer the presence of fire, the moment we see Shiva Lingam we immediately visualize the existence of the Supreme Shiva.
It has been a common myth that Shiva Lingam represents male genital organs. This is not only misleading but also baseless. Such misinterpretations are done in later Vedic period and popularized much later, when Indian literatures actually came into hands of foreign scholars. It was difficult to interpret the language and a word may have different meaning depending on the context. Some of the easy interpretation may be misleading. And such misinterpretation may actually be welcome, if you want to find the defects in somebody else’s faith. This misunderstanding can be one of the most glaring examples of such a situation.
Misinterpretations of actual Sanskrit literature led to this false belief. Shiva Lingam is a differentiating mark; it is certainly not a sex mark.
Meaning: The foremost Lingam which is devoid of colour, taste, hearing, touch etc is spoken of as Prakriti or nature. The nature itself is a Lingam (or symbol) of Shiva. When we see nature, we infer the presence of its creator – Shiva. Shiva Lingam is the mark of Shiva the creator, Shiva the sustainer and Shiva the destructor.
Another authentic reference comes from Skanda Purana where lingam is clearly indicated as the supreme Shiva from where the whole universe is created and where it finally submerge.
Meaning : The endless sky (that great void which contains the entire universe) is the Linga, the Earth is its base. At the end of time the entire universe and all the Gods finally emerge in the Linga itself.”
mickhasevi posted on 20-11-2013 11:56 PM
Tuhan Lelaki...ok
dan apa hierakinya?
Lu ni ada pernah pergi sekolah kah? Tahu baca kah? Asyik tanya soalan bodoh je.
Baca apa yg ditulis di Post #7 mengenai Shiva (dan Shiva Lingam). Tanya soalan yg berkaitan shj. FAHAM?
Lord Shiva ialah wakil Brahman di alam semesta. Sebelum kita cerita fasal Tuhan, deva (divine angelic beings), etc hierarki... You mesti faham. The religion of the Hindus is rich with philosophies dan mempunyai ciri pandangan alam semesta. Pelbagai aliran agama melihat Prabhu Shiva dengan pelbagai pendekatan. Golongan Natha Yogi melihat Lord Shiva sebagai Adi Nath. Hal ini lebih berbentuk rohaniah... Disebabkan Modern Malay melalui zmn klasik berunsur arab, oleh itu saya mengguna istilah arab kerana dikhuatiri orang Malaysia tidak faham if we use Sanskrit and Prakrit languages (Hindi, Nepali, Bengali, Punjabi, Oriya... etc)
Baginda Prabhu Shiv bersabda.... "Nath (Tuan) beta ini adalah Nath Tribuana (tiga rantau alam). Roh beta ini adalah roh yang berada dalam semua makhluk kejadian. Tuhan beta ini adalah Tuhan segala makhluk. Menerusi rahmat Nya, biar semua makhluk pun beroleh keamanan. Menerusi rahmat Nya, biar semua makhluk mendapat nikmat. Beta tunduk tabik di paduka teratai Nya mewakili semua makhluk...."
Di North India, in our region... Terdapat 9 orang Guru Yogi Nath yang menerima ajaran (lineage) terus menerusi Prabhu Shiva...
apabila org melihat Prabhu Shiva itu dgn istilah seperti ishvar, maheshvar, prabhudev, etc... Mereka sedang bercakap fasal ciri rohaniah Prabhu Shiva. Roh makhluk2 semua ini, walaupun berada dalam Ruangan & Masa & Rupa pun tetapi asalnya dari Brahman... Deva, asura, manusia, haiwan, yg ghaib, yg boleh dilihat semua dlm alam ini mempunyai roh... mesti dibezakan "dulu" roh dan jasad... ini nanti mesti dibaca dalam kitab agama oleh guru2 yg mengikut agama Prabhu Shiva dan beriman dengannya. Bukan buku agama lain yg tidak beriman dgn Prabhu Shiv, guru2, sant, maharaj, bhagvant etc...
"Nath (Tuan) beta ini adalah Nath Tribuana (tiga rantau alam). Roh beta ini adalah roh yang berada dalam semua makhluk kejadian. Tuhan beta ini adalah Tuhan segala makhluk. Menerusi rahmat Nya, biar semua makhluk pun beroleh keamanan. Menerusi rahmat Nya, biar semua makhluk mendapat nikmat. Beta tunduk tabik di paduka teratai Nya mewakili semua makhluk...."