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Top 10 things that guys say--and what they really mean
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LADIES - Please take NOTE
1. He Says: "We should hang out sometime."
He Means: "I'm afraid you'll say 'no' if I ask you out."
2. He Says: "I'll call you later."
He Means: "I may or may not call you at some point between now and three months from now."
3. He Says: "My ex is crazy."
He Means: "I screwed her over, and she got upset."
4. He Says: "That guy seems like a good friend of yours."
He Means: "Was there ever a thing between you?"
5. He Says: "It's a long story."
He Means: "It's a story that makes me look bad."
6. He Says: "That's a new look."
He Means: "You look weird."
7. He Says: "Why are you being so emotional?"
He Means: "Why are you acting like a psycho?"
8. He Says: "That's not what I meant."
He Means: "That's totally what I meant, but now that I see you're mad, I wish I hadn't said it out loud."
9. He Says: "It's fine."
He Means: "It's not actually fine, but I'm in no mood to discuss it."
10. He Says: "Can we talk about this later?"
He Means: "I never want to talk about this again."
err.. cam tak lawak plak.. huhu.. jgn marah haa.. |
ahahahahaha....btol sgt tu...pompuan pon ade jgak gtu... |
mrbotak posted on 12-6-2013 11:24 AM 
err.. cam tak lawak plak.. huhu.. jgn marah haa..
Tak marah pun....
Maybe tak lawak bagi kaum lelaki
Tapi bagi I, kaum hawa ni.....lawak a cynical way
Ade gak pompuan yg ckp mcm tu  |
hehe..ade yg betol, ade yg tak...terpulang dekat individu jugak..  |
no comment  |
2. He Says: "I'll call you later."
He Means: "I may or may not call you at some point between now and three months from now."
it's always happen to me before..huhuuu
8. He Says: "That's not what I meant."
He Means: "That's totally what I meant, but now that I see you're mad, I wish I hadn't said it out loud."
9. He Says: "It's fine."
He Means: "It's not actually fine, but I'm in no mood to discuss it."
10. He Says: "Can we talk about this later?"
He Means: "I never want to talk about this again."
ahahah..mmg pun
2la yg aku maksudkan |
So true |
ada satu artikel pasal lelaki yang lebih lawak dari ni. aku pernah terbaca. semua benda yang lelaki cakap sebenarnya nak seks je sebegitu lebih kurang. contoh macam "let's hang out tonight" maksudnya 'i wanna have sex with you tonight", dan "i think you are pretty" maksudnya "i gave you a compliment, so we should have sex in a return". |
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