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Bomb threat riddle part 4 [Selesai]
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Dah lama tak buat riddle..first riddle nih aku buat agak susah, jadi dah ubah sket bagi senang. idak yang original punya memang kalau aku nk jawab sendiri pon aku tak tau...hahahaha..okeh, nih riddlenya:
I will be there for not that long. My heart will only start beating for 1/12 of my entire time being there before it start to beat.
The malaysia wfgt's member is the best place i should be as it be inaugurated for public start to see. The month and day of it inaugurate is good to be but the year should be the latest for me. The experience to revolve is quite pleasent to some but not for me. Since i will be there when the first feast start for them to enjoy it thoroughly. And i will be enjoying the feast later after the second feast as my heart start beating. then the red thing become the scenery.
jawab, jangan tak jawab..hehehe Last edited by Eva_yy_Ellin on 27-9-2013 01:33 PM
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errr x pnah main.. so ape soalan nye?
or the better question is how to play? |
Spiral posted on 24-9-2013 09:46 AM 
errr x pnah main.. so ape soalan nye?
or the better question is how to play?
owh...kena cari tempat, tarikh dan masa untuk bom tu meletup. =)
contoh kat riddle sebelum2 nih:
bomb threat part 1
bomb threat part 2
bomb threat part 3
Selamat menjawab. 
FMKiller posted on 24-9-2013 10:20 AM 
owh...kena cari tempat, tarikh dan masa untuk bom tu meletup. =)
contoh kat riddle sebelum2 nih ... terdabel plak
Spiral posted on 24-9-2013 10:22 AM 
ohhh ok tenqiu
i'll try
good luck..sbelom bom tu meletop..hehehe. 
1st try 
Tempat: KL Tower
Date: 1 Oktober 2013
Time: 8.30 am
Tempat : KL TOWER
Date : 21 January 2013
Masa : 7.00 pm Last edited by AisPrince on 24-9-2013 10:55 AM
Spiral posted on 24-9-2013 10:47 AM 
1st try
Tempat: KL Tower
hampir tepat. 
bagus2..tapi ada yang salah, sila cuba lagi.
AisPrince posted on 24-9-2013 10:47 AM 
Tempat : KL TOWER
Date : 21 January 2013
Masa : 7.00 pm
cubaan yang bagus, tapi tak tepat.
sila cuba lagi. 
Tempat: KL Tower
Date: 1 Oktober 2013
Time: 8.30 pm |
Spiral posted on 24-9-2013 11:17 AM 
Tempat: KL Tower
Date: 1 Oktober 2013
Time: 8.30 pm
Tak tepat jugak...ok2, skema jawapan dia mcm nih:
Lokasi : KLCC
Tempat: Skybridge
Tarikh : 23 May 2013
Masa : 3:44PM
haaa...sila la jawab lagi. 
Lokasi : Menara Kl
Tempat : Restoran Seri Angkasa
Tarikh : 1 Oktober 2013
Masa : 9.30 pm |
Lokasi : Menara KL
Tempat : Restoran berputar
Tarikh : 1 Oktober 2013
Masa : tak tahu.....huhu...first feast second feast.......??........ |
Lokasi : Menara KL
Tempat : Restoran berputar
Tarikh : 1 Oktober 2013
Masa : 1.12am
restoran berputar sbb this sentence ada the word revolve...
The experience to revolve is quite pleasent to some but not for me. |
The malaysia wfgt's member is the best place i should be
Malaysia World Federation of great tower = Kl Tower- when the first "FEAST "start for them to enjoy it thoroughly
Copy the Code Restoran Berputar
Last edited by AisPrince on 24-9-2013 02:43 PM
nak teka jugak la..hehe
Lokasi : Menara KL
Tempat : Restoran berputar
Tarikh : 1 Oktober 2013
Masa : 2.00 pm |
k_rul posted on 24-9-2013 11:31 PM 
nak teka jugak la..hehe
Lokasi : Menara KL
bole..mai la teka..
tapi jawapan tu salah..hehehe. yang timing tu, camna leh dapat pkol 2pm lak?
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