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Kisah Mummy Inca (10pics)

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Post time 14-3-2014 10:10 PM | Show all posts |Read mode
Inca mummies of sacrificed children and women

Peneliti situs arkeologi di kompleks Chotuna Chornancap, bagian Utara Peru, menemukan peninggalan peradaban suku Inca berupa puluhan tubuh manusia yang dikorbankan 600 tahun lampau. Sebagian sisa-sisa tubuh tersebut menunjukkan leher korban dianiaya dengan senjata tajam sebelum dikorbankan. Demikian dikatakan kepala peneliti, Carlos Webster, baru-baru ini.

Kendati penemuan sejenis sudah sering diungkap, peneliti mengatakan bahwa penemuan 33 tubuh manusia dalam satu tempat ini adalah luar biasa. Kebanyakan tubuh-tubuh itu berjenis kelamin wanita muda berusia sekitar 15 tahun. Salah satunya diketahui sedang hamil empat bulan saat dikorbankan, tambah Webster.

Keadaan tubuh-tubuh mumi tersebut dalam kondisi baik karena telah diawetkan. Mereka ditemukan di daerah kering sedalam tujuh kaki dari permukaan tanah.(ANS/Reuters)LIPUAN6.COM

Inca mummies of sacrificed children and women
Инки широко практиковали человеческие жертвоприношения. Inky widely practiced human sacrifice. Чаще всего в жертву приносили пленников, захваченных во время войн и набегов. Most often sacrificed prisoners captured during wars and raids. Однако особо доверенными посланниками к богам-предкам могли стать лишь специально отобранные, красивые дети — лишенные физических недостатков и не достигшие половой зрелости. However, trusted messengers to the gods, ancestors could only be specially selected, beautiful children - lacking physical defects and have not reached puberty. При этом детей душили, разбивали им черепа дубинками, хоронили заживо. While children strangled, smashed their skulls with clubs, buried alive.

Сенсационная находка несколько лет назад позволила ученым ответить на множество вопросов, связанных с ритуальными жертвоприношениями инков. Sensational discovery a few years ago has enabled scientists to answer the many questions associated with ritual sacrifices of the Incas. Тогда на вершинах Анд были обнаружены три прекрасно сохранившихся мумифицированных детских тела. Then, on the tops of the Andes were found three well-preserved mummified bodies of children. Этих детей принесли в жертву более 500 лет назад, но их мумии прекрасно сохранились. These children were sacrificed more than 500 years ago, but they are perfectly preserved mummy. А совсем недавно ученые сделали заключение, что мумия женщины, долгое время хранившаяся в немецком музее, также принадлежит инкам. More recently, scientists have concluded that the mummy of a woman for a long time stored in a German museum, also belongs to the Incas. И у нее также были признаки насильственной смерти. And she also had signs of a violent death.

Три детских мумии были обнаружены на вершине вулкана Льюльяйльяко, расположенного на границе Аргентины и Чили. Three child mummies were found on top of the volcano Lyulyaylyako, located on the border between Argentina and Chile. Вершина вулкана находится на высоте 6 739 м над уровнем моря, а температура здесь достаточно низкая, чтобы тела сохранились, превратившись в мумии. Top of the volcano is situated at an altitude of 6739 m above sea level, and the temperature is low enough to the body preserved and turned into a mummy. Как считают ученые, этих детей принесли в жертву вулкану около 500 лет назад. Scientists believe these children sacrificed volcano about 500 years ago. На фото: Тот самый вулкан Льюльяйльяко, на вершине которого были обнаружены мумии детей. In the photo: The same Lyulyaylyako volcano on top of which were discovered mummies of children.

Мумия 15-летней девочки, которую принесли в жертву около 15 лет назад. 15-year-old mummy of a girl who was sacrificed about 15 years ago. Ученые почти уверены, что девочка задохнулась. Scientists are almost certain that the girl gasped. Тела трех детей, принесенных в жертву пять сотен лет назад, прекрасно сохранились. The bodies of three children sacrificed five hundred years ago, perfectly preserved. Их волосы, кожа и ДНК могут ответить на множество вопросов ученых. Their hair, skin and DNA can answer many questions scientists. Судебные патологоанатомы смогли определить как именно умерли эти дети. Forensic pathologists were able to determine exactly how these children died.

Мумию 6-летней девочки также нашли на вершине аргентинского вулкана Льюльяйльяко. Mummy of 6-year-old girls are also found at the top of the Argentine volcano Lyulyaylyako. На ее теле нашли следы удара молнии, так что она, скорее всего, умерла от этого. Her body found traces of lightning, so that it is likely to die from it.

Все три мумии, включая эту – 7-летнего мальчика – хранятся в Музее высокогорной археологии в Салте, Аргентина. All three mummies, including this one - 7-year-old boy - are stored in the Museum of Archaeology in mountainous Salta, Argentina.

Рентген мозга 6-летней девочки показал, что в нее попала молния. X-ray of the brain 6-year-old girl showed that she was hit by lightning. Здесь показаны ее орбиты с глазами, зрительными нервами (стрелки) и зрительными мышцами. This shows its orbit with the eyes, optic nerves (arrows) and visual muscles.

Рентген мозга 15-летней девочки показывает, что между белым и серым веществом мозга есть разделение. X-ray of the brain 15-year-old girl shows that between white and gray matter of the brain there is a separation. Стрелки указывают на воздух, окружающих мозг. The arrows indicate the air surrounding the brain.

А этот рентген показал, что мозг 5-летнего мальчика сохранился в идеальном состоянии. And that X-rays showed that the brain 5-year-old boy remained in perfect condition.

Ученые также сделали вывод, что готовящимся к принесению в жертву детям, в частности, 15-летней девочке, регулярно давали наркотики и алкоголь, чтобы они были более покорными. Scientists have also concluded that preparing for the sacrifice of children, in particular, the 15-year-old girl who regularly given drugs and alcohol to be more submissive.

В своей статье от 29 июля 2013 года в журнале «Труды Национальной академии наук» ученые заключили, что дети регулярно употребляли листья коки и алкоголь. In his article of July 29, 2013 in the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences," the scientists concluded that children regularly consumed alcohol and coca leaves. 15-летней девочке вводили больше всего наркотиков в ее последний год жизни, а пик употребления листьев коки пришелся на последние полгода ее жизни. 15-year-old girl was administered most drugs in her last year of life, and peak consumption of coca leaves fell on the last six months of her life.

Ученые также обнаружили кусок прессованной коки между зубами девочки, что наводит на мысль, что она жевала его, чтобы успокоиться, перед самой смертью. They also found a piece of pressed coca between teeth girls that suggests that she chewed it to calm down, before his death.

Не так давно стало известно, что таинственная мумия, более столетия находившаяся в коллекции немецкого музея, может оказаться женщиной племени инков, которая погибла от нескольких ударов по голове, вероятно, во время ритуального убийства. Not so long ago it was reported that a mysterious mummy is more than a century in the collection of the German museum, it may be a woman of the tribe of the Incas, who died from multiple blows to the head, probably during the ritual murder.

На голове у мумии были резинки из шерсти альпаки и ламы. At the head of the mummy were gum alpaca and llama. Это могло говорить о том, что мумия родом из Южной Америки. It could say that the mummy from South America.

На ее черепе также были характерные «вормиевы» кости, которые есть только у южноамериканских народов, но не у европейских. Her skull was also characteristic "vormievy" bones that only South American nations, but not in Europe.

С одной стороны лицо мумии выглядело вполне нормальным, но внутри ее черепные кости были разбиты. On the one hand the mummy face looked quite normal, but inside her skull bones were broken.

Как видите, передняя часть ее черепа полностью размозжена. As you can see, the front of her skull smashed completely.

Снимки также показали признаки уплотненной стенки сердца и раздутый кишечник. Pictures also showed signs of a compacted wall of the heart and bloated gut. Скорее всего, это было вызвано болезнью Шагаса. Most likely, it was caused by Chagas disease.

Рентгеновские снимки тела инкской мумии. X-rays of the body of the Inca mummies.

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Last edited by abgsedapmalam on 14-3-2014 10:17 PM



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Post time 14-3-2014 11:16 PM | Show all posts
boleh edit tak menarik tp mne nk baca? cmpur2 cmni

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Post time 15-3-2014 02:36 AM | Show all posts
hahhha bahasa campoq

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Post time 15-3-2014 04:15 PM | Show all posts
На голове у мумии были резинки из шерсти альпаки и ламы. Это могло говорить о том, что мумия родом из Южной Америки.  

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Post time 17-3-2014 10:05 AM | Show all posts

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Post time 17-3-2014 10:22 AM | Show all posts
Inca mummies of sacrificed children and women
Inca widely practiced human sacrifice. Inky widely practiced human sacrifice. Most often sacrificed prisoners captured during wars and raids. Most often sacrificed prisoners captured during wars and raids. However, trusted messengers to the gods, ancestors could only be specially selected, beautiful children - lacking physical defects and have not reached puberty. However, trusted messengers to the gods, ancestors could only be specially selected, beautiful children - lacking physical defects and have not reached puberty. While children strangled, smashed their skulls with clubs, buried alive. While children strangled, smashed their skulls with clubs, buried alive. sensational discovery a few years ago has enabled scientists to answer the many questions associated with ritual sacrifices of the Incas. Sensational discovery a few years ago has enabled scientists to answer the many questions associated with ritual sacrifices of the Incas. Then, on the tops of the Andes were found three well-preserved mummified bodies of children. Then, on the tops of the Andes were found three well-preserved mummified bodies of children. These children were sacrificed more than 500 years ago, but they are perfectly preserved mummy. These children were sacrificed more than 500 years ago, but they are perfectly preserved mummy. More recently, scientists have concluded that the mummy of a woman for a long time stored in a German museum, also belongs to the Incas. More recently, scientists have concluded that the mummy of a woman for a long time stored in a German museum, also belongs to the Incas. And she also had signs of a violent death. And she also had signs of a violent death. Three child mummies were found on top of the volcano Lyulyaylyako, located on the border between Argentina and Chile. Three child mummies were found on top of the volcano Lyulyaylyako, located on the border between Argentina and Chile. Top of the volcano is situated at an altitude of 6739 m above sea level, and the temperature is low enough to the body preserved and turned into a mummy. Top of the volcano is situated at an altitude of 6739 m above sea level, and the temperature is low enough to the body preserved and turned into a mummy. Scientists believe these children sacrificed volcano about 500 years ago. Scientists believe these children sacrificed volcano about 500 years ago. In the photo: . In the photo: The same Lyulyaylyako volcano on top of which were discovered mummies of children. Mummy 15-year-old girl who was sacrificed about 15 years ago. 15-year-old mummy of a girl who was sacrificed about 15 years ago. Scientists are almost certain that the girl gasped. Scientists are almost certain that the girl gasped. The bodies of three children sacrificed five hundred years ago, perfectly preserved. The bodies of three children sacrificed five hundred years ago, perfectly preserved. Their hair, skin and DNA can answer many questions scientists. Their hair, skin and DNA can answer many questions scientists. Forensic pathologists were able to determine exactly how these children died. Forensic pathologists were able to determine exactly how these children died. mummy 6-year-old girl also found at the top of the Argentine volcano Lyulyaylyako. Mummy of 6-year-old girls are also found at the top of the Argentine volcano Lyulyaylyako. Her body found traces of lightning, so that it is likely to die from it. Her body found traces of lightning, so that it is likely to die from it. All three mummies, including this one - 7-year-old boy - are stored in the Museum of Archaeology in mountainous Salta, Argentina. All three mummies, including this one - 7-year-old boy - are stored in the Museum of Archaeology in mountainous Salta, Argentina. Roentgen brain 6-year-old girl showed that she was hit by lightning. X-ray of the brain 6-year-old girl showed that she was hit by lightning. This shows its orbit with the eyes, optic nerves (arrows) and visual muscles. This shows its orbit with the eyes, optic nerves (arrows) and visual muscles. Roentgen brain 15-year-old girl shows that between white and gray matter of the brain there is a separation. X-ray of the brain 15-year-old girl shows that between white and gray matter of the brain there is a separation. The arrows indicate the air surrounding the brain. The arrows indicate the air surrounding the brain. And that X-rays showed that the brain of a 5-year-old boy remained in perfect condition. And that X-rays showed that the brain 5-year-old boy remained in perfect condition. Scientists have also concluded that preparing for the sacrifice of children, in particular, the 15-year-old girl who regularly given drugs and alcohol that they were more submissive. Scientists have also concluded that preparing for the sacrifice of children, in particular, the 15-year-old girl who regularly given drugs and alcohol to be more submissive. In his article of July 29, 2013 in the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences' scientists concluded that children regularly consumed alcohol and coca leaves. In his article of July 29, 2013 in the journal "Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences," the scientists concluded that children regularly consumed alcohol and coca leaves. 15-year-old girl was administered most drugs in her last year of life, and peak consumption of coca leaves fell on the last six months of her life. 15-year-old girl was administered most drugs in her last year of life, and peak consumption of coca leaves fell on the last six months of her life. Scientists also found a piece of pressed coca between teeth girl, suggesting that she chewed it to calm down, before his death. They also found a piece of pressed coca between teeth girls that suggests that she chewed it to calm down, before his death. Not so long ago it was reported that a mysterious mummy is more than a century in the collection of the German museum, it may be a woman of the tribe of the Incas, which died from multiple blows to the head, probably during the ritual murder. Not so long ago it was reported that a mysterious mummy is more than a century in the collection of the German museum, it may be a woman of the tribe of the Incas, who died from multiple blows to the head, probably during the ritual murder . At the head of the mummy were gum from alpaca and llama. At the head of the mummy were gum alpaca and llama. It could say that the mummy from South America. It could say that the mummy from South America. Her skull was also characteristic "vormievy" bones that only South American nations, but not in Europe. Her skull was also characteristic "vormievy" bones that only South American nations, but not in Europe. On the one hand the mummy face looked quite normal, but inside her skull bones were broken. On the one hand the mummy face looked quite normal, but inside her skull bones were broken. As you can see, the front of her skull smashed completely. As you can see, the front of her skull smashed completely. Pictures also showed signs of a compacted wall of the heart and bloated gut. Pictures also showed signs of a compacted wall of the heart and bloated gut. Most likely, it was caused by Chagas disease. Most likely, it was caused by Chagas disease. Radiographs body Incan mummy. X-rays of the body of the Inca Mummies. © ©
ini yg termampu

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Post time 17-3-2014 12:09 PM | Show all posts
zuerinaBP posted on 17-3-2014 10:22 AM
Inca mummies of sacrificed children and women
Inca widely practiced human sacrifice. Inky widely p ...

Sekurang2nya, cuba posting secara berperenggan. Ini tak, nampak sangat 'wall of text."

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Post time 17-3-2014 12:27 PM | Show all posts
richard303 posted on 15-3-2014 04:15 PM
На голове у мумии были резинки из шерсти альпаки и ламы ...


paham eh? wakakakkakaa

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Post time 17-3-2014 12:27 PM | Show all posts


mcm mana la diorg hadapi saat2 terakhir tuh

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