Eclectic Method is the name of an audio-visual remix act, originally formed in London in 2001 by Jonny Wilson. Geoff Gamlen and Ian Edgar.
Inspired almost entirely by Jonny's early experiences with Sony Vegas editing software, Eclectic Method's audio-visual style quickly developed into a live performance featuring video turntables (Pioneer DVJ-1000) - mixing videos, often acapellas, as integral parts of their astounding audio mashups. As a live act, they have travelled around the world playing hundreds of gigs in Asia, North America, South America, Europe and the Middle East.
After the early period in which EM's output was considered “bootleg” and “unofficial" video remixes Eclectic Method were inevitably called upon by artists including Fatboy Slim & U2 and by film, video, and television companies such as New Line Cinema and Palm Pictures all eager to exploit this revolutionary and innovative style of working. As Brian Eno said on first seeing EM "Something like this was bound to happen".
As often happens with long projects there have been some partings of the ways and so it is now Jonny Wilson, solo artist, who moves from strength to strength beneath the EM banner.
Eclectic Method (Johnny Wilson) opened the Dance Forest stage at the Virgin Mobile FreeFest in Columbia, Maryland on September 10, 2011.
2013 saw EM at Comicon representing the BBC with a Dr Who mix, and working with Snoop Lion.