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Asus X552LD Nvidia Geforce 820M Graphic
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Aslkm & hai semua,
Nak mtk tlg ngn korang sket...
Aku baru beli laptop Asus X552LD..laptop nie ade graphic card nvidia geforce 820m. Bila aku check dkt device manager, driver utk graphic nie memang dh di install tp nape xde mcm application utk aku punya graphic nie ek? mcm utk aku setting graphic tu ke..
sbb mcm kt pc aku yg kt umh ni ade graphic card nvidia jgk..then dia ada applicationla utk setting graphic pc aku tu..kt pc aku tu bile aku right clik, option nvidia utk kita setting pape utk graphic tp kt laptop aku bile aku check takde plak..
so kt mane aku dpt cari application nvidia nie kt laptop aku nie..
mohon bantu.. ;) |
terima kasih..dh dpt dh...kena install driver graphic intel dlu bru blh instal driver yg peliknya tgk dkt device manager garphic intel dh install dh..cbe update driver graphic intall tu tp dia ckp driver tu yg dh latest dh..
lps tu aku guna Slim Drivers..dpt detect driver graphic Intel nie ada update yg baru. lps tu ak install update tu n then terus dpt install graphic nvidia..
thanks bearboss |
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check latest version lorr... they fixed the bug already
How to Fix Nvidia Geforce – Unable To Connect To Nvidia:1. Press the Windows Key + R 2. Now press the N
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