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adakah sesuai ambil pil cegah hamil utk rawat PCOS?
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ada pill nama dianette.. ni sbenearnya utk control periods, dan diguna if you ada PCOS.. dianette ni ada 5alpha reductase inhibitor, so blocks androgenic hormones... apa apa pun, dianette ni is not licensed as a contraceptive pill.. cuma patients selalu silap paham.
contoh contraceptive pills are microgynon, yaz, tasmine, yasminelle |
trm kasih sharing infor Dr.Hng |
ipes2 posted on 20-9-2014 06:12 AM
ada pill nama dianette.. ni sbenearnya utk control periods, dan diguna if you ada PCOS.. dianette ni ...
yup, saya pernah diberikan oleh dr. gynea Diane35 utk tempoh 3 cycle. period mmg ontime 28-30 hari. sy ada PCOS. lepas stop mkn diane35 terus period ting tong blk huhuu..
1 perkara lagi pil diane ni, dlm tempoh sy mkn, jerawat/kasar di belakang badan berkurangan & hilang... now it's back....
zuliana29 posted on 22-9-2014 09:43 AM
yup, saya pernah diberikan oleh dr. gynea Diane35 utk tempoh 3 cycle. period mmg ontime 28-30 hari ...
it means that Zuliana ni ada PCOS la; PCOS ni bila testosterone tu agak lebih sikit bagi org perempuan nyer levels; also, the LH: FSH ratio awak ni >2:1 or maybe 3:1 even. Continue la makan ubat dianette tu; kalau tak nanti, jadi subfertile ie kurang fertile. |
ipes2 posted on 22-9-2014 03:55 PM
it means that Zuliana ni ada PCOS la; PCOS ni bila testosterone tu agak lebih sikit bagi org perem ...
haah, mmg PCOS... tgh consult dgn Gynea jgk.. now tgh rehat sbb 2x try nk wat iui tp saya kena OHSS pulak. so tangguh iui lagi.. huhu... last period sy normal, period lepas raya. bln puasa tu sy wat atkin diet.. x mkn nasik/mknn carbo & minuman manis. Akhirnya berjaya period regular.
ni cik period x dtg lg.. maybe lepas raye ni dh xjage mkn minum huhuuuu... berat bdn pon ssh nk turun.. pernah jgk bersukan 3x smgu pergi gym... xde penurunan berat.. tp body d fit sikit. BMI normal 150cm/50kg..
ada tips yg u boleh syor utk sy amalkan bg PCOS?
zuliana29 posted on 22-9-2014 04:24 PM
haah, mmg PCOS... tgh consult dgn Gynea jgk.. now tgh rehat sbb 2x try nk wat iui tp saya kena OHS ...
kalau diagnosis tu dah di confirm (BUKAN dengan ultrasound tau..if kita ultrasound org perempuan, kita akan tengok banyak yg ada cyst kat ovaries dia..ini adalah cysts yg mengandungi ovum ie telur), maka biasanya saya prescribe Metformin 500mg BD then increase to 1000mg BD. side effects is diarrhoea.. tapi jap jer.. also side effects lain ialah turun berat badan, so, awak yg 50kg ni tak boleh dah turun berat badan ni. 50kg for a 150cm asian female is OK. |
ipes2 posted on 22-9-2014 04:33 PM
kalau diagnosis tu dah di confirm (BUKAN dengan ultrasound tau..if kita ultrasound org perempuan, ...
Metformin pon doc pernah bg 1 cycle (50/500mg dh lupe).. bile mkn pil hormon ni mmg period kunjung tiba la jgk.. bila stop medicine, period pon ting tong.. haish..
Now thg tgu Period dtg so boleh continue rawatan dgn mkn clomid on day 2-5 & puregon injection then kalau ok boleh proceed iui...
zuliana29 posted on 22-9-2014 04:48 PM
Metformin pon doc pernah bg 1 cycle (50/500mg dh lupe).. bile mkn pil hormon ni mmg period kunju ...
OK, good luck, insyaAllah ada rezeki u, adalah baby nanti; apa apa pun, PCOS elok lah di treat; sebab it can cause insulin resistance, ie lama lama boleh dapat diabetes atau senang nak dapat diabetes banding dgn org lain; kebetulan metformin tu mmg diguna utk melawan diabetes pon, kebetulan jugak efektif utk PCOS |
ipes2 posted on 22-9-2014 05:14 PM
OK, good luck, insyaAllah ada rezeki u, adalah baby nanti; apa apa pun, PCOS elok lah di treat; se ...
u usually prescribe metformin together with diane35 ke?
red_mist posted on 22-9-2014 05:18 PM
u usually prescribe metformin together with diane35 ke?
I'm not familiar dgn diane35 tu; I gather it is close to dianette, I will need to check. Yes, metformin and dianette can be prescribed together, no real problem behind that. But, if you prescribe them, then you will have to follow them up lah. |
red_mist posted on 22-9-2014 05:32 PM
tq dear..
now on diane 35
read somwhere on the effectiveness of metformin in PCOS treatment..
oh i am very sure there is no contraindications for any OCP or antiandrogen meds with metformin; metformin ni really common and widely used. I'd so go for it sebab it can reduce insulin resistance, reduce acne, helps with weight to those who needs it etc. Yep your doc should consider that for you together with diane35. |
ipes2 posted on 22-9-2014 05:51 PM
oh i am very sure there is no contraindications for any OCP or antiandrogen meds with metformin; m ...
"helps with weight to those who needs it"
i like that statement very much
red_mist posted on 22-9-2014 06:53 PM
"helps with weight to those who needs it"
i like that statement very much
ha ha ..i pon jaga klinik obesity, so tahu lah pasal weight issues; we are public, not a private clinic, so org yg dtg takyah baya apa apa |
ipes2 posted on 22-9-2014 05:51 PM
oh i am very sure there is no contraindications for any OCP or antiandrogen meds with metformin; m ... much is the dosage?
TQ doc..
ipes2 posted on 22-9-2014 06:57 PM
ha ha ..i pon jaga klinik obesity, so tahu lah pasal weight issues; we are public, not a private c ...
nnt boleh consult u on that..
maybe need to pm..cannot spam this thread
red_mist posted on 22-9-2014 07:05 PM
nnt boleh consult u on that..
maybe need to pm..cannot spam this thread
ha ha no probs.. |
red_mist posted on 22-9-2014 07:02 PM much is the dosage?
TQ doc..
metformin for PCOS is 500mg twice a day ie BD initailly..if tolerating, increase to 1000mg BD; eh kene a doctor prescribe tau..kene follow up gak..karang kurus sgt tak elok..or diarrhoea etc
ipes2 posted on 22-9-2014 07:11 PM
metformin for PCOS is 500mg twice a day ie BD initailly..if tolerating, increase to 1000mg BD; eh ...
roger doc..
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